If any violations of used dental surgery: beauty through surgery

December 16, 2012

 Under no violations of used dental surgery
 Surgical dentistry helps to solve a number of problems with teeth, thus allowing a person to look much more attractive. Also, it can help to correct some nasty facial deformities that can poison the lives of any.

 If any violations of used dental surgery: beauty through surgery

"Stuck" wisdom tooth

As is known, the wisdom tooth Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer  Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer
   - The last one occurring in human teeth growing behind the molars. In some cases, forming a wisdom tooth is too large for it to have enough space, and the "stuck" by not being present on the surface of the gums. Such a "jammed" a wisdom tooth can cause edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
 , Inflammation, pain, and infection of the gums around the wisdom tooth. Additionally, the tooth may cause permanent damage to the teeth adjacent. In some cases also formed cysts or tumors which destroy part of the jaw. To prevent such severe complications, dentists recommend that patients remove the "stuck" wisdom teeth.

In some cases, the same thing happens with the other teeth; for treatment, generally also assigned deletion, although the possibility is preferred conservative treatments.

 If any violations of used dental surgery: beauty through surgery

Tooth loss

For the treatment of the consequences of tooth loss due to accident or infection dental surgery typically uses implantation - today it is a popular alternative to prosthetics. During implantation in the jaw tooth roots implanted substitutes that will stabilize the artificial teeth. Candidates for such an operation should be sufficient bone density, they should not be overly susceptible to infectious diseases.

 If any violations of used dental surgery: beauty through surgery

Problems with the jaw

  • Uneven growth of the jaw. In some people, the upper and / or lower jaws do not develop properly, which may cause problems with speech, food, swallowing and breathing. Some of the associated problems, such as improper positioning of the teeth, can be adjusted by means of brackets Braces: Proper installation - a pledge of a beautiful smile  Braces: Proper installation - a pledge of a beautiful smile
   and other orthodontic appliances, but for more serious problems require dental surgery. With operations jaw may become more proportionate and functional, so that will be significantly improved quality of life.
  • The fit of dentures. For those who have to wear dentures for the first time, can be pre-surgery to correct various irregularities of the jaw to the wearing of the prosthesis was the most convenient. Surgery may be required, and those who wear dentures for a long time. The supporting bone is destroyed with time, because of which the prosthesis is gradually ceasing to approach the patient - in such cases comes to the rescue as dental surgery.
  • Diseases of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). TMJ - a small joint located where the joined skull and lower jaw, is a common cause of headaches and pains in different areas of the face. In most cases, this type of violation are successfully treated with a combination of oral medications, physical therapy and orthodontic devices. However, in some cases, for example if the diagnosis reveals a specific problem with a joint, surgical intervention is required.

 If any violations of used dental surgery: beauty through surgery

Other disorders for which treatment can be used dental surgery

Since the surgical dentistry deals disorders associated not only with the bone, but also with the soft tissues of the mouth, it can be used in the treatment of the following conditions:

  • Injuries face - in particular, the restoration of damaged jaw;
  • Biopsy - if necessary, the dentist can perform a biopsy of oral tissues and send to the laboratory for analysis;
  • Cleft lip and cleft palate. Typically, the treatment of these disorders involve specialists on maxillofacial surgery, but sometimes also require professionals in the field of surgical stomatology Oral surgery: the removal or retention?  Oral surgery: the removal or retention?
   - Both disorders related to, including, and abnormal development of the jaws.

Article Tags:
  • types of dentistry

Treatment of periodontal disease: thinning is not Hollywood smile!

September 7, 2008

 periodontal disease
 There are several methods for treating periodontal disease, which are used depending on the severity of the disease. The main goal of treatment of periodontal disease treatment is formed between the teeth and gums of the space from bacteria and prevent further development of the disease. Treatment conducted by a doctor, but it will not be successful if the patient will not properly care for their teeth.

 Treatment of periodontal disease: thinning is not Hollywood smile!

Non-surgical treatments

In the early stages of periodontal disease can be treated by minimally invasive procedures, including:

  • Professional teeth cleaning, in which the surface of the teeth and remove plaque bacteria. It may be done by means of special tools or ultrasonic devices.
  • Alignment of the roots of teeth. This procedure prevents the further formation of tartar.
  • Antibiotics. The use of antibiotics for the treatment of periodontal disease remains controversial. Your dentist may recommend a local reception or oral antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection. The most commonly used antibiotics for topical application, e.g., mouthwashes or gels containing antibiotic substances.

 Treatment of periodontal disease: thinning is not Hollywood smile!

Surgical treatments

If periodontal disease is not treatable by conservative methods can be used surgical methods.

As a rule, the treatment of periodontal disease used so-called patchwork operations, which are carried out under local anesthesia. During the operation, the doctor makes small incisions in the gums, so that part of the fabric can be moved to the side and expose the roots for more efficient cleaning and leveling. Since periodontal disease often leads to destruction of the bone tissue during surgery procedure can be carried out to strengthen the bone under the gum. The entire operation usually takes one to three hours.

With the destruction of the gums resulting from periodontal disease may require replacement of the damaged tissue. This is usually used a small piece of tissue of the palate.

If the result of the disease has been destroyed bone tissue in the tooth root, various techniques are used to restore bone. For example, a dentist can put artificial biocompatible tissue between the remaining bone and tooth; This allows bones gradually recover. Sometimes, a special gel that is applied to the root of the patient's tooth. The composition of the gel also includes those proteins that are found in tooth enamel; they actively stimulate growth of healthy bone tissue.

 Treatment of periodontal disease: thinning is not Hollywood smile!

Symptoms of periodontal disease

Determine at the presence of periodontal disease may be on the following grounds:

  • displacement of the gingival tissue from a tooth surface
  • exposure of the neck and root of the tooth
  • atrophy of the gums
  • reduce the stability of the tooth

Periodontal disease can manifest itself in comparison with other non-carious lesions of dental tissues such as:

  • enamel erosion
  • wear of the teeth
  • cystoid defect

 Treatment of periodontal disease: thinning is not Hollywood smile!


By common cause of periodontal disease include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • endocrine, metabolic disorders; teeth grinding and others.

Experts say that periodontal disease - a disease of the whole organism. Therefore, stop the destruction of the gums and can only restore the complex treatment, affecting all body systems. Usually it is their dysfunction leads to periodontal disease. To restore the operation of these systems often need to carry out restorative therapy. It includes vitamin therapy, herbal medicine Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects  Phytotherapy and menopause - without the side effects
 , Autohemotherapy, laser and so on.

 Treatment of periodontal disease: thinning is not Hollywood smile!

Treatment of periodontitis

Local treatment of periodontal disease include dental health, helps reduce inflammation. The oral cavity is treated aseptic and antiseptic. After reducing signs of inflammation is removed overgrown granulation tissue. It is a direct cause of the destruction of the periodontal tissues. Removal of granulation contributes to the process of scarring of wounds gums.

When periodontitis to improve blood flow to massage the gums. If the patient complains of tooth sensitivity Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain  Tooth Sensitivity - sudden pain
 Aching and itching, is the treatment of these symptoms.

Periodontal disease can be treated in a clinical setting, but some relieve his symptoms folk remedies. To deny the "granny" methods are not worth it: they can be quite effective. However, most often it is better to consult a professional.

If you have not yet reached the periodontist, you can try to mitigate the disease on their own. Thus, bleeding gums can be removed with the help of avens City, Geranium sanguineum, derbenika ivolistogo (moss-grass), sand sedge, cinquefoil pryamolistnoy (erect).
  Some herbal remedies along with astringent hemostatic effect of the content of tannin, catechins and other binders. They have anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effect.

The infusion of rhizomes Potentilla pryamolistnoy on a cotton swab How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   is applied to the gum 4-5 times per day. It reduces bleeding gums broth rinse rhizomes erect cinquefoil. Avens city as an infusion has anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling, normalizes vascular permeability.

Eugenol and essential oils contained in the roots of plants, eliminate bad breath. Mountain arnica (Arnica montana tincture applications at 70% alcohol - 1: 10) is used to reduce bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
  Lycopodium clavatum (Boxthorn) stops bleeding gums.

In general, as well as other diseases, periodontal disease is easier to prevent than to treat. For its prevention is of great importance oral hygiene and timely checkups by a specialist.

Anastasia Krainer

Article Tags:
  • periodontal disease
