Teeth Whitening - miracles are possible, but whether it is desirable? - How is the procedure
March 15, 2013
- Teeth Whitening - miracles are possible, but whether it is desirable?
- How is the procedure
- Discoloration
How is the procedure
Keep track of your teeth is not just fashionable, it becomes necessary. After all meet, as we know, "dress for success". It is believed that white teeth - it's beautiful, really, there is nothing that makes the man, as a white-toothed smile. Therefore, in the developed world, more and more new methods of teeth whitening.
And is it necessary to whiten your teeth?
Beautiful white teeth are not a sign of health
. For example, the Slavs traditionally teeth have a yellowish tint, and the British - gray
. Teeth whitening is not all shown, so deciding on teeth whitening, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with all contra-indications for this procedure
. Dentists often compared to whitening teeth bleaching hair
. And there, and there is a very high-quality products that help make it virtually harmless, but, nevertheless, for some people it's not harmless
. Therefore, in any case, teeth whitening is better to start with a dentist's office, even if you want to carry out the procedure at home
. The fact is that if the teeth to whiten properly, can get them pereotbelivanie, teeth become chalky and lose its luster, that is, tooth enamel will lose essential minerals (demineralization)
. After this procedure, you must carry out a course of rehabilitation treatment
Contraindications for bleaching
Teeth whitening is contraindicated for pregnant women and children. It is also contraindicated for people with allergies to various components of the bleaching liquor with untreated caries and a large number of teeth with fillings, with periodontal diseases (tissue surrounding a tooth), during the orthodontic treatment (in place of orthodontic appliances teeth whiten unevenly) with erosions and wedge defects of dental hard tissue due to increased sensitivity of the enamel.
To begin with consulting a dentist. He advises how to whiten your teeth exactly. A slight whitening can be carried out at home, but only if the procedure is carried out efficiently, when in front of her dentist will make the cleaning, polishing and fluoridation of teeth. Have these procedures will give a noticeable brightening of the teeth, and then the final color is chosen at a special scale of colors. Before the procedure, whitening dentist checks the teeth, advises to replace the seals, established a few years ago (in the old fillings are formed slits through which bleaching solution can get inside and cause burns tooth pulp).
Types of teeth whitening
All types of teeth whitening
Teeth whitening - which option is right for you?
divided into domestic (carried out at home, but for other purposes and under the supervision of a dentist) and professional or office, which are held in the office of a dentist.
After the procedure
Whitening makes teeth extremely sensitive, so it is better to clean the brush with the soft bristle brush. Toothpaste is better to use bleach to keep teeth white. You can not eat food containing bright coloring (red wine, coffee, strong tea). It will be necessary to abandon the brightly colored vegetables and fruits (carrots, beets, blueberries
Benefits and harms of blueberries: the health of the forest
, Mulberry), as tooth enamel
The enamel of the teeth: protection, this Nature
may acquire an unusual hue.
The original color of the teeth back to a few years after bleaching. If the patient follows all recommendations of the dentist to care for such teeth, the effect will be to stay much longer.
Whether any teeth can be bleached?
Not all teeth can be bleached. The reception was at the dentist will tell you definitely whether it whiten your teeth, or it is better to hold the artistic restoration of teeth
Restoration of teeth: the teeth - the card of a person
with crowns or veneers (special thin plates that are glued on top of the teeth).
Still, despite the difficulties, so I want to be beautiful and white smile is worth it to try, you only need the right approach to this issue.
Sapphire braces: beautiful bite correction - Orthodontic treatment
November 10, 2013
- Sapphire braces: beautiful bite correction
- Orthodontic treatment
Sapphire braces: orthodontic treatment
Adult patients often hesitate to correct malocclusion due to the fact that necessary long wearing braces on his teeth. However, braces can be different, including those that are not only ugly, but also decorate the person giving it peculiar charm. These braces are sapphire, they are beautiful, and easy to handle.
Orthodontic treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies
Dentoalveolar anomalies can occur in different ways: sometimes it curves, incorrectly-set teeth, sometimes - malocclusion when the upper or lower jaw and moves beyond the normal closure of the teeth. Malocclusion - is not only ugly, but also interferes with chewing, talking, and sometimes is a fertile ground for the development of other dental diseases.
To correct the malocclusion, it is necessary to turn to the dentist orthodontist. Better, of course, to do it as a child, but do not be too late, and at any age.
Fixed orthodontic apparatus - brackets, their types and indications for installation
Braces or braces - is applied to the surface of teeth braces made with high accuracy. Braces are non-removable orthodontic appliances, they are fixed to the teeth with special glue, fixed between the molar teeth using wires and allow you to completely restore the proper closing of the upper and lower dental arches.
After installation brackets give the desired direction of movement of the teeth, which depends on the wire tension. Periodically force on the teeth is changed by replacing the wire: the thicker the wire, the greater the force exerted on the teeth.
Installed braces for different malocclusions, curves teeth after early removal of milk teeth
Milk teeth - how they are formed?
Injuries. Optimal for installation brackets is considered to be primary school age, which has already erupted permanent upper incisors and molars. If you set the braces before, it can break even immature tooth enamel (the tooth enamel healthy - it is a prerequisite for the installation of braces).
A standard set of brackets consists of twenty pieces (ten - on the top, ten - on the lower teeth). In molars attached special support rings of metal. Braces may be made of metal, ceramic, plastic, sapphire, and certain other materials. There is a fully transparent braces, lingual braces (they are installed inside of the mouth and invisible).
About Sapphire braces
Sapphire braces are a system facing outward and made of artificially grown sapphire crystals. Sapphire braces are very transparent, durable, have an aesthetic appearance. They are more suitable for people with light-colored teeth, if the teeth are not too bright, they become more visible. Most braces sapphires used orthodontic arch aesthetic coating, ideal for ceramic and sapphire brackets.
Advantages of sapphire brackets:
- they are invisible in the mouth because of their refractive index is close to the coefficient of refraction of saliva;
- easy to care for them; they do not stain, they are not accumulated plaque;
- they do not cause unpleasant sensations in the mouth (including foreign body sensation) without violating it;
- they are beautiful: unobtrusive, but create a sense of hidden flicker in the mouth;
- mounted in the mouth sapphire brackets reliable other species.
Disadvantages sapphire brackets:
- they are relatively brittle, does not like sharp loads;
- restoration of normal occlusion after installation sapphire braces is slower than in other types of braces due to significant friction between the slot bracket
Braces: Proper installation - a pledge of a beautiful smile
and an arc.
After installing the brackets
Bracket-mounted system is mainly for a period of eighteen months with the change of the arc once every three months. After installation, the first time the patient feels some discomfort (impaired speech, increased salivation) to no later than two weeks later it all goes braces do not cause practically no inconvenience.
When wearing braces need to follow certain rules. Teeth should be brushed at least two minutes, trying to reach all the spots where the brackets are located. Leftover food can cause dental caries, which can affect the entire system of treatment of malocclusion
Malocclusion: fix is never too late
. It is not necessary to use a very hard (to chew nuts) and are very viscous (sticky various chewy candies) food: solid food can disrupt the attachment bracket to the tooth surface and viscous - stick to tooth enamel
The enamel of the teeth: protection, this Nature
in remote places and cause tooth decay.
Sapphire braces - is not only convenient, but beautiful.
Galina Romanenko