Wisdom teeth: vestigial organ

June 2nd, 2011

 wisdom teeth
 Wisdom teeth - is the third and final set of molars that most people appear in late adolescence or soon after 20 years. Healthy and properly positioned wisdom teeth can be a valuable complement to the dentition, but more often they take the wrong position and require removal.

Wisdom teeth can cause problems if improperly grow - horizontal, inclined toward the second molars (molars) or from or inclined toward the cheek or tongue .  Wrong position of the wisdom teeth can cause crowding or damage to adjacent teeth, as well as damage to the jaw bone or nerves .  Wisdom teeth are growing in the direction of the second molars, making them more vulnerable to decay because of the accumulating between plaque and food debris .  Furthermore, wisdom teeth may remain entirely in the soft tissues and / or jawbone, or only partially through the gum prorezyvatsja .  Teeth that are partially or completely submerged in a soft tissue and / or jaw bone, called "Impacted" .  Do not fully erupted wisdom teeth are a kind of conduit for penetration of bacteria in periodontal tissue, which leads to infection, symptoms are pain, swelling, limited mobility of the jaws, and general malaise .  In addition, partially erupted teeth are more prone to tooth decay and gum disease, as their remoteness and difficult awkward position of cleaning with a toothbrush Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing  Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing
   and thread.

 Wisdom teeth: vestigial organ

How do I know if I have wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth can cause problems if improperly grow - horizontal, inclined toward the second molars (molars) or from or inclined toward the cheek or tongue. Ask your dentist how you positioned wisdom teeth. Periodically, the doctor can guide you on the X-ray image on the basis of which he concluded that there was wisdom teeth and their position. Your dentist may refer you to consult a dental surgeon.

Dental therapist or surgeon may recommend to remove wisdom teeth before they cause any problems. This avoids the more complicated and painful surgery for removal of wisdom teeth in the future. Removing easier to bear at a young age, when the roots of the wisdom teeth have not yet fully formed, and the surrounding bone tissue is less dense. In older people, the process of healing and recovery after surgery may be delayed.

 Wisdom teeth: vestigial organ

How to remove wisdom teeth?

The complexity of the surgery to remove wisdom teeth depends on their position. Based on preliminary examination, the dentist will tell you what to expect in your case. A fully erupted wisdom tooth can be removed just as easily as any other. But if the wisdom tooth is covered under the gum and bone tissue to remove the doctor will make an incision in the gum and remove part of the bone that are over this tooth. In such cases, often the tooth is removed in small pieces, not entirely. This is necessary in order to remove as minimal amount of bone.

 Wisdom teeth: vestigial organ

What happens during the removal of wisdom teeth?

Before removing the teeth and surrounding tissue anesthetized with a local anesthetic is usually the same drug, and that when filling cavity. In addition to local anesthesia may be needed sedatives to reduce the fear of the procedure. Sedatives as used nitrous oxide (known as "laughing gas"), as well as anti-anxiety drugs for oral administration (e.g., Valium) or for intravenous administration. After application of nitrous oxide patient can drive yourself home by car. When using oral or intravenous sedatives to a patient need attendant, who will be able to take him home after the surgery.

 Wisdom teeth: vestigial organ

How is healing after surgery to remove wisdom teeth?

The duration of the healing period depends on how difficult it was to remove the tooth (relatively simple removal of a fully erupted tooth or extraction of impacted tooth parts of the jaw bone).

 Wisdom teeth: vestigial organ

The structure of the wisdom teeth

Altogether four human wisdom tooth and one right from the left end of the upper and lower dentitions.

The upper wisdom teeth or third molars (molars) are very variable in shape and size. But they are usually less than other upper molars and lower the lower wisdom teeth. The most common form of the chewing surface of the teeth - trehbugorkovaya (two tubercles are located closer to the cheek, and one - closer to the language). But there are four tubercle. The number of roots of this tooth, one or two, but there is also one (fused, fused roots are usually located close to the cheek). The cavity of the tooth is wide, there are three Root canal (regardless of how many roots).

The lower wisdom teeth (third molars lower) as the top, very variable in size and shape. They are smaller than the rest of the lower molars, but larger than the upper wisdom teeth. Their chewing surface is four tubercle (two buccal and two lingual), at least five or three. The roots are short, sometimes fused together, often have folded form. Hollow crown irregular three root canal.

 Wisdom teeth: vestigial organ

As wisdom teeth erupt

All have their own teeth, a fixed time of eruption (in 18-25 years, and sometimes 13, and 30), and especially the eruption. Almost always eruption of wisdom teeth is accompanied by some complications. Not least importance here is the fact that the site did not have a wisdom tooth baby tooth that would have prepared for it conditions the eruption.

Sometimes erupting wisdom teeth does not occur and it is not slotted, in such a case one speaks of retention tooth eruption occurred if not completely, then an incomplete retention tooth. Retention wisdom teeth often goes unnoticed and the person does not experience discomfort. But sometimes in place impacted tooth there is an inflammatory process or cyst, whereby compressed roots of sensory nerves, and appears toothache Toothache - itself does not take place  Toothache - itself does not take place
 . In this case, the wisdom tooth Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer  Wisdom Tooth - remove and not to suffer

There is another feature of the wisdom teeth. Since they are the latest in the dentition, often it is their eruption in the wrong direction - to the cheek, tongue or to the back of the oral cavity, a condition called dystopia.

Create obstacles to the eruption of wisdom teeth and jaw structure in the place of its location. And as wisdom teeth erupt, usually after the age of 18 when the jaw bone has formed, it is particularly difficult to break through to the surface.

A further feature of the eruption of wisdom teeth is that they often do not have space in the dentition. This is due to the fact that modern man develops his little masticatory muscles with the help of solid foods and chewing apparatus is largely reduced in volume (atrophy), and with it decreases in volume and the jaw bone. Today, found that the length of the dental arch in humans approximately one centimeter smaller than that of people who lived thousands of years ago.

 Wisdom teeth: vestigial organ

What if a wisdom tooth erupt not wrong

Sometimes wisdom teeth when cutting starts to hurt, and the gum around it swell. In order to find out what happens with the tooth, tooth X-ray is usually assigned. In the picture we will see the position of the crown and root of the tooth, the direction of growth of the tooth, the degree of immersion.

Impacted teeth removed under local anesthesia, usually conductive type (along the nerve innervating the tooth). First, determine where on the gums where the operation will be carried out. At this point, the gums separate from the bone, remove part of the bone of the tooth and in part or entirely removed himself wisdom tooth. After that, return the gum in place, it is applied to the joints, and extraction sites tamponiruyut turundas wetted drug substance.

Another problem teething Teething: hard times  Teething: hard times
   Wisdom is perikoronarit - inflammation of the gums, which covers the impacted tooth in the form of a hood. Since wisdom teeth often erupt a long time and a long squeeze the surrounding tissue inflammation occurs often enough. In addition, the eruption of the tooth parts gives access to the gums pathogenic bacteria that are always present in the mouth. Perikoronarit accompanied by swelling and tenderness of the gums. In this case, the inflammatory process is first treated with the purpose of antibacterial agents and then removed wisdom tooth in the same manner as in retention.

If a wisdom tooth eruption has the wrong direction, it in most cases also have to be removed.

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  • wisdom teeth
