Cyst of the meniscus - whether to do surgery? - What are the symptoms

August 22, 2010

  • Cyst of the meniscus - whether to do surgery?
  • As shown

What is a meniscal cyst and how it arises

Articular meniscus - a flat cartilage formation in the knee joint, increasing the contact area and the functionality of the articular surfaces and partly bearing buffer (warning joint trauma) function. Each knee has two meniscus: the lateral (outer) and medial (inner) having a wedge shape and is attached to the joint capsule.

Cystic degeneration of the meniscus (meniscal cyst) occurs after repeated injuries. Most often it affects the outer meniscus, which is not often exposed to stress, however, increasingly suffering from minor injuries, which leads to metabolic disorders Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   in this area and mucous degeneration of the meniscus to form cystic cavities, which are located at the outer edge of it.

 How does | meniscal cyst - whether to do surgery?

As shown

There are three degrees of the disease:

  • Grade I - cystic cavity revealed a biopsy (when considering the meniscus tissue under a microscope), with careful examination you will notice mild soreness and swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   or thickening of the capsule in the projection of joint space;
  • Grade II - cystic changes capture meniscus tissue and the area adjacent to the joint capsule; through the joint space in the extension of the knee revealed little painful formation of elastic consistency, which in extension of the joint shrinks or disappears due to the displacement of the meniscus deep into the joint;
  • Grade III - a cyst captures the fabric next to the meniscus; at this stage, mucous degeneration of the meniscus with the formation of cysts in the capsule and ligaments, tumor formation reaches a considerable size, and does not disappear in flexion of the joint.

If the meniscus cyst not promptly identify and treat, there may be complications in the form of full or partial rupture of the meniscus concerned.

 How does | meniscal cyst - whether to do surgery?

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of the second and third degrees of external meniscal cyst does not cause difficulties, diagnosis can be made already on the basis of medical examination. It confirms the diagnosis X-ray studies.

For small meniscal cysts and no obvious signs of discontinuity treatment begins with conservative measures. Apply UHF therapy, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
 , A temporary immobilization (immobilization of a limb), massage thigh. In the absence of successful operation shows: meniscectomy (removal of the meniscus), followed by rehabilitation. The complex restorative treatment includes physical therapy, including exercises in the water, manual and underwater massage, the treatment position, heat therapy and electrical stimulation of the muscles.

From 2-3 days after surgery are treated with the situation - the periodic change in the position of the knee joint using a special bus in conjunction with isometric tension (muscle tension without changing body position) quadriceps. Changing the position of the feet after every 1, 5-2 hours (knee kept bus or roll over an hour in a bent position). The isometric tension quadriceps and the knee flexors produce every 2 hours: patients do 10 to 20 slow muscle stress lasting 4-6 seconds.

With 3-5 days (depending on the characteristics of postoperative period) lying produce lightweight flexion and extension movements in the knee with a support leg on the bed. After removal of sutures increase the intensity of the therapeutic exercises: conduct active movement, lying on his back, movement in the bath.

Upon reaching a satisfactory range of motion proceed to the exercises strengthen the muscles of the legs: exercises with weights lower limb load (cuff filled with sand weight 0, 5-1 kg.), The resistance of a rubber band or a healthy leg of the patient, as well as to the exercises standing, partial and then full load. In severe atrophy of the thigh muscles complement manual massage underwater massage (water temperature 36-37˚, the pressure of 0, 5-1, 5 atmospheres, the duration of 5 to 10 minutes).

Restoration of total disability occurs within 4-6 weeks after surgery, sports - at 2, 5-4 months, depending on the nature of the damage, profession or sport. Terms disability increased in patients with deforming arthrosis Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function  Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function

Long-term results menisci overwhelmingly favorable meniscus tissue in part (and sometimes completely restored).

Early diagnosis and surgical treatment of damaged menisci allows you to prevent the development of persistent disorders of the knee joint. The forecast is favorable. When conservative treatment of meniscal cyst relapses.

Cyst of the meniscus - quite frequent disease, which, if left untreated can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Galina Romanenko

Fracture pelvis - than it threatens? - Causes and symptoms

July 1, 2010

  • Fracture pelvis - than it threatens?
  • Causes and symptoms

How does the pelvis

Taz - a part of the skeleton, which is attached to both the spine and lower limbs, is the support for the spine and the seat of a number of vital organs. The pelvis is formed by two hip bones (each hip bone consists of three accrete bones - the ilium, pubis and ischium) and sacrococcygeal spine bone connected to the ring, which is formed inside the cavity enclosing the internal organs. Front hip bones are connected to each other (pubic symphysis), and the rear are attached to the sacrum, forming on both sides of sacroiliac joints. On the outer surface of the pelvic bone has acetabulum - a place of articulation with the head of the femur.

The pelvis is divided into high (top) and low (bottom). Large pelvic cavity is the lower abdomen, in the pelvis situated bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , Rectum and internal reproductive organs.

 Causes and symptoms | fracture of the pelvis - than it threatens?

Causes and types of pelvic fracture

Fractures of the pelvis are usually severe damage to the musculoskeletal system. They occur predominantly in road accidents and falls from a height. Fractures of the pelvis may be selected when applying direct blow or sudden muscle tension. Almost half of fractures of the pelvis combined with fractures of other bones and damage internal organs.

There are four main types of pelvic fractures: fractures of the edge (on- and iliac fractures, fractures of the coccyx and sacrum below the sacroiliac joint) fractures without disrupting the continuity of the pelvic ring, a violation of its continuity and acetabular fractures. In addition, isolated fractures, breaking the continuity of only one (front or rear), and the Department of the pelvic ring injuries, breaking the continuity simultaneously in both departments.

 Causes and symptoms | fracture of the pelvis - than it threatens?

Symptoms of pelvic fracture

Symptoms of pelvic fracture depend on the nature of fracture and related injuries. When marginal fractures, when there is a fracture or bone avulsion edge, state of the victims are usually satisfactory.

For fractures of the ilium appears swelling and tenderness in the area of ​​damage, as well as violation of the respective legs. The pain can be amplified when trying to bend the hip, but moving back pain may be less pronounced.

Marginal fracture of the coccyx and sacrum below the junction of the spine to the pelvic bones appear soreness in the area of ​​the fracture, increasing walking and sitting.

Fractures of the anterior part of the pelvis, particularly in violation of the continuity of the pelvic ring may be accompanied by a deterioration of general condition of the victim. They often take the "frog posture" - forced position with legs bent at the hip and knee joints and lower limbs divorced. In some cases, the symptom appears "stuck heel" - the victim can not raise outstretched leg. One of the regular features of bone fractures of the anterior part of the pelvis is a dysfunction of the lower limbs (inability to move).

In 2-3 days after the injury may occur in the surrounding tissue bruising in the groin or crotch.

Isolated damage to the bones of the rear division of the pelvic ring in violation of its continuity are extremely rare, often observed simultaneous destruction of its front and rear sections. The victims in this case are usually in a state of traumatic shock caused by massive trauma and blood loss. Bleeding in fractures of the pelvis is usually pronounced and prolonged, stop the bleeding may start again at the slightest shake of the victim.

 Causes and symptoms | fracture of the pelvis - than it threatens?

Diagnosis and treatment of fractures of the pelvis

Diagnosis is based on typical manifestations of trauma and confirmed by means of X-ray studies.

Treatment of severe pelvic fractures usually begins with antishock measures: carried out anesthesia and blood loss is compensated.

For fractures of the iliac bone, pelvic ring fractures without violating the continuity of the patient is placed for 3-4 weeks on a board with a roll in the popliteal region.

When fractures of the anterior pelvic ring offset held skeletal traction for tibial tuberosity with small weights (3-4 kg) at a dilution of the limbs.

The most difficult treatment - a treatment of patients with broken bones while the front and rear parts of the pelvic ring. They are usually hung in a special gamachke with a load of 5-8 kg. Bed rest is stored up to three months. If the fracture is not fused, disrupted the stability of the pelvic ring in these cases shows the operation.

 Causes and symptoms | fracture of the pelvis - than it threatens?

First aid in cases of suspected pelvic fracture

In order to avoid bias fragments broken bones or damage to the pelvic organs, the victim must be put on a hard surface, even better - directly on the board (for example, removed the door from its hinges), in a position to take him to the hospital. The victim is bent limbs in hip and knee joints, under knees enclose rollers (eg, folded clothes). Then call an ambulance and deliver the injured to hospital.

Galina Romanenko

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  • fractures
