Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment

July 8, 2010

  • Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
  • Traumatic

 Dislocation - this damage, at which the displacement of the bones of the joint in relation to each other. This injury may temporarily deform or immobilize the joint. Very often get sprains during sports.

 Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment


Symptoms of dislocation are usually:

  • The visible deformation of the joint;
  • Swelling of the joint and / or diskoloratsiya;
  • Severe pain in the joint dislocated;
  • Limited mobility.

If signs of dislocation as soon as possible, seek medical help. Try to limit the load on the damaged joint. Under no circumstances should you try to straighten the joint independently - it can cause severe damage to muscles, ligaments, nerves and even blood vessels.

To reduce the pain and remove the swelling, as well as, if necessary, to control internal bleeding, apply a cold compress a sprained joint.

 Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment


The reasons are usually sprains and other sports injuries. Especially traumatic are contact sports, and sports associated with an increased risk of falling, such as gymnastics or skiing.

Some people born weaker than usual, ligaments, which is why they are more vulnerable to other dislocations and other injuries.

 Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment


Complications of dislocation can be:

  • Break the muscles, ligaments and tendons;
  • Damage to nerves and / or blood vessels in the dislocated joint;
  • Increased likelihood of repeated sprains;
  • Arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
   dislocated joint (this complication can occur years later, in old age).

 Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment


Often diagnosed dislocation can be based on the results of a routine physical examination. However, to confirm the diagnosis and identify other damage can be used X-rays, and in some cases magnetic resonance imaging. MRI, however, is rarely used, as a rule only in cases of suspected serious damage to the soft tissue in the area of ​​dislocation.

 Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment


The choice of treatment depends on the type and localization of dislocation.

  • Closed reduction - the process by which the physician reduce a dislocation without surgical intervention. If required, closed reduction is performed under local anesthesia.
  • Immobilization. Once the bones of the joint return to its normal position, it is necessary to immobilize the joint by means of a locking device - the shroud, to and for several weeks. The exact duration of treatment depends on the type of dislocation.
  • Surgery may be required if the dislocation were damaged blood vessels or nerves, and if the doctor was unable to straighten the joint by closed reduction. With frequent dislocations of the same joint may also require surgical treatment.
  • Recovery. After removing the locking devices the patient must undergo physiotherapy rehabilitation program to restore joint mobility.

During treatment the patient is necessary to reduce or eliminate the burden on the sprained joint. For pain relief using cold compresses and pain.

It can be used to compress wrapped in a towel years or bags of frozen vegetables (avoid direct skin contact with ice). In the first few days it is necessary to apply a compress for 15-20 minutes every two to three hours. After two or three days, when the pain and inflammation decrease, start applying a heating pad to dislocate the joint.

Furthermore, the pain can be alleviated by means of drugs such as ibuprofen Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug  Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
 , Naproxen, paracetamol and Paracetamol - is effective for moderate pain  Paracetamol - is effective for moderate pain
 . If they do not help, ask your doctor to prescribe a potent analgesic. If the pain does not decrease during the week and more, you must talk to your doctor - perhaps not entirely passed treatment successfully.

 Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment


To reduce the risk of dislocation during contact sports be sure to use the available means of protection (eg, knee). If you have been dislocated, even after the end of treatment continue to perform a set of exercises that you showed a physiotherapist. It strengthens the muscles and ligaments, making them more elastic, thus reducing the probability of re-dislocation.

Collarbone Fracture - Children at risk

November 8, 2009

  • Collarbone Fracture - Children at risk
  • As shown

 Collarbone Fracture
 Collarbone fracture - is a very common injury that occurs with approximately equal frequency in individuals of all ages. The clavicle is located between the chest and shoulder blades, they join hands with the torso. The clavicle is located above several important nerves and blood vessels. However, these vital structures rarely damaged by the clavicle fracture, even if the parts of the fractured bone while shifting.

Most clavicle fracture is caused by a direct blow to the shoulder, such as a fall or car accident. Newborn clavicle fracture may occur during passage through the birth canal. In most cases, it breaks in the middle of the clavicle.

 Collarbone Fracture - Children at risk


Clavicle fracture can be very painful and often difficult hand movements. In addition to pain, symptoms of a fracture of the clavicle can be:

  • Slack hands;
  • Inability to lift the arm because of the pain;
  • Feeling bone friction when trying to raise his hand;
  • The deformation or swelling of the fracture;
  • Bruising, swelling and / or tenderness of the skin in the area of ​​the clavicle.

 Collarbone Fracture - Children at risk


During the examination the doctor first will ask a few questions about the circumstances in which the patient suffered a fracture. Then he gently and carefully examine your shoulder to make sure that the nerves of the blood vessels are not affected.

To pinpoint the location and severity of the fracture, the doctor prescribes radiological research. If it is found that in addition to the collarbone, broken bones and others may require computed tomography.

 Collarbone Fracture - Children at risk


Depending on the severity of the fracture using surgical or non-surgical treatments. When unbiased closed fractures can be enough to fix the clavicle. When the collar bone begins to heal, the patient can be assigned to physiotherapy that prevent muscle weakness and stiffness in the shoulder muscles. The intensity of training with a physiotherapist will gradually increase.

If the patient is shifted or open fracture for treatment may require surgery. During the operation, the shifting bone fragments returned to the normal position, and then fix them by means of special bolts and other devices. Since the area of ​​the collarbone a little fat, the patient can feel the bolts through the skin. In most cases, they do not cause discomfort and are not removed after recovery.

 Collarbone Fracture - Children at risk

Complications after surgery

Increased risk of complications after surgery is for people who use any tobacco products, as well as for patients with diabetes and the elderly. Complications of surgery for the treatment of fractures of the clavicle can be:

  • Infection;
  • Bleeding;
  • Pain;
  • The formation of blood clots in the leg;
  • Damage to the blood vessels and / or nerves;
  • Nausea;
  • Damage to the lungs;
  • Slow healing wounds after surgery.

 Collarbone Fracture - Children at risk


Whether used for the treatment of surgical techniques or not, a full recovery after a fracture of the clavicle may take several months.

Most people return to their usual business within three months after the injury. Your doctor should tell you that the bone had healed enough to resume normal life. If you start to actively engage in sports and / or lift weights before, can again be broken clavicle and treatment need to start over.
