Shock wave therapy - the use of sound medical purposes - Indications

December 17, 2009

  • Shock wave therapy - the use of sound medical purposes
  • Indications

Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system

At higher loads on joints in them start slowly changing, gradually leading to the destruction of the cartilage of the articular surfaces of bones that form the joint. This violates the blood supply and metabolism of the joint in it, which leads to destruction of cartilage cells. Gradually, the process begins to affect and periarticular tissues, as well as broken and there is blood supply. All this leads to the death of muscle cells and their replacement by connective tissue (fibrosis). Over time, the affected tissue become alkaline, which helps them in the loss of calcium (calcification or obezystvlenie), tissues become hard, all the metabolic processes in them even more slowed down

 Indications | Shock wave therapy - the use of sound medical purposes

What is shockwave therapy

Using the vibration energy of the sound wave for medical purposes it was started in the early 80s of the last century, after the invention of the first device to remotely break up kidney stones Crushing kidney stones - size matters  Crushing kidney stones - size matters
   and biliary tract (lithotripsy). Currently available third generation devices for lithotripsy, and the industry has gone further: there were similar devices for influencing the soft tissue. The methodology applied in the framework of physical therapy care and called shock-wave therapy (SWT).

Under the influence of sound waves vibrating at the tissue subjected to the action, dilates blood vessels, tissues receive extra food and oxygen that helps to activate metabolism. Furthermore, the shock wave breaks up the calcium salt into smaller particles that are then removed from the body through the venous and lymphatic systems. As a result of such exposure in the tissues surrounding the joints, activates metabolic processes, which prevents them alkalization and loss of calcium, ie degenerative processes. The patient feels the effects of such an impact in the form of relieving pain and increase range of motion.

UHT used in the treatment of other diseases. Thus, its use in the treatment of coronary heart disease: a sound wave is focused in the region allows the influence on the heart, causing the formation of new blood vessels to bypass the coronary artery which supplies blood bad cardiac muscle.

In cosmetology used shock wave therapy for the treatment of cellulite, get rid of fat deposits, located in a certain place, and also to reduce the recovery period after plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures (eg after peeling).

This is a shock-wave therapy

Shock wave therapy on different devices (depending on the application) is assigned:

  • under different degenerative (metabolic) diseases of the musculoskeletal system: the spine (osteochondrosis, herniated disc), joints (arthritis), with heel spur, diseases of the muscles, tendons and ligaments;
  • in the treatment of diabetic foot - complications of diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 Which is in violation of the blood supply to tissues and long-term course of metabolic disorders;
  • in the treatment of trauma of the musculoskeletal system, such as fractures;
  • in cardiology for the treatment of coronary heart disease;
  • in cosmetics for the treatment of cellulite, remove localized fat deposits and within the framework of rehabilitation after plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

 Indications | Shock wave therapy - the use of sound medical purposes

Contra-indications for shock wave therapy

Shock wave therapy is not applicable:

  • Pregnancy on any terms;
  • and at any acute exacerbation of chronic infections;
  • in benign and malignant tumors of any localization (stimulated tumor growth);
  • when a bleeding disorder;
  • if the patient pacemaker Pacemaker: heart flaming engine  Pacemaker: heart flaming engine
   (the device that stimulates heartbeats).

Shock wave therapy is not carried out in the head, nerve trunks and large blood vessels. Not carried as the impact shock wave therapy to the lungs.

 Indications | Shock wave therapy - the use of sound medical purposes


The first thing you notice immediately after the session, patients with diseases of musculoskeletal system, - a reduction or complete disappearance of pain. But one day the pain may come back and continue for several days and then re-tested for a long period of time.

The therapeutic effect is to improve the blood supply to the altered tissue, accelerating metabolic processes, resorption of calcium salt deposits and restoring muscle cells. With cosmetic procedures - in a rapid tissue repair, coronary heart disease - the reduction or complete disappearance of angina attacks Angina: When the heart needs help  Angina: When the heart needs help
   (heart pain).

Shock wave therapy - a new effective method for the treatment of various metabolic-distoroficheskih soft tissue diseases.

Galina Romanenko

Cross-flat - a disease of obese women - How to strengthen the arch of the foot

October 31, 2012

  • Cross-flat - a disease of obese women
  • Treatment
  • Damage to the knee
  • How to strengthen the arch of the foot

 how to strengthen the arch transverse flatfoot

How to strengthen the arch transverse flatfoot: effective exercises

If you have a flat cross causes severe pain in the legs Pain in the legs - from which they arise?  Pain in the legs - from which they arise?
   or back, it is strongly recommended to see a doctor. However, if the flat has virtually no symptoms, you can significantly enhance your own arch - with the help of special exercises and other methods.

 How to strengthen the arch | Cross-flat - a disease of obese women

  • Sit on the edge of the chair so that your feet are flat on the floor and knees bent at right angles. Put his feet thick towel. Grabbing a towel toes, move it toward you and away from you. In carrying out this exercise, you enable five groups of muscles in the sole of the foot. Strengthening these muscles will help make the code of your feet more functional. Repeat this exercise several times a day - for example, when watching TV, working on the computer.
  • Sprinkle on the floor near the chair a handful of marbles medium size. Sitting on a chair, grab the fingers of his left foot balls, and put them separate pile. When all the balls are collected, repeat the same exercise the right foot. Do this exercise at least once a day for each leg. So you engage all the muscles of the foot and practically return them to active life.
  • Stand barefoot on the floor and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine that you are standing on the beach and under the feet of you sand. Lift the toes of the right foot, and imagine that you are raking of the sand - open and close the fingers. Perform each exercise for about 30 seconds, then do it the new left. You may notice that the muscles feet get tired very quickly - the fact that during the training they are usually ignored, and exercise for them is quite unusual.
  • Wear ergonomic footwear that supports the arch of the foot and softens the load, which comes on the heels. Various flip flops and shoes with flat soles can not cope with these tasks. It is recommended to wear shoes with heels no higher than 5 cm. High lead to excessive stretching of the plantar fascia is strong, which is why the condition of the foot will only get worse. If you still have to wear high-heeled shoes, for example, to work, try to remove them when you sit.
  • To strengthen the arch of the foot is very useful to wear clogs (their modern variations, of course). They are often the waitresses, nurses, cooks, and representatives of other professions, where it is necessary to spend a lot of time on their feet. Well designed clogs make your toes when walking to move in a way that takes place at the same time exercise the leg muscles and strengthen the arch.

Article Tags:
  • flatfoot
