Diet to increase muscle mass: a smart approach

August 15, 2012

  • Diet to increase muscle mass: a smart approach
  • Approximate diet

 diet to increase muscle mass
 The overall objective for those who want to build muscle should be the addition of 200 to 900 grams of muscle per week. For such an increase in weight, you must consume progressively further from 500 to 1000 quality calories per day How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate  How many calories a day you need to lose weight - everyone has their own rate
   in addition to a basic level and metabolic requirements of the load. These additional calories will promote rapid muscle growth.


The normal calorie consumption figures

On average, a person who maintains a hard training, you will need to consume at least 20 calories per kilogram of body weight just to meet their daily basic needs of metabolism. When training will need to use another 17 calories per kilogram of body weight to perform any daily activity that is in motion and purposeful activity such as weight training and cardiovascular load. For example, a person who weighs 81 kg, moderately active throughout his daily life, he vigorously and consistently trained with weights, so he will need to consume approximately 3,060 calories to add valuable muscle weight (81 kg x 37 = 3060 ).

Many bodybuilders well cope with the reduction of calories by the macronutrients to 40% of full complex carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat. Keep in mind that this example is intended for a more vivid demonstration of the theory of management, and the body of each person has a unique set of food reactions. Someone may discover that it is better suited other relation. It is strongly recommended that each as the main standard used his body and the mirror - if you are unhappy with the way you feel, and what you see in the mirror every week, then allowed minor changes in the ratio of nutrients and portion size. Changes acceptable as long as there will not be wearing the option most suitable for your body.


The accelerated growth of muscle mass

In order to accelerate the growth of muscle mass, increase strength and recovery, should eat sufficient amounts of high quality protein, along with plenty of complex carbohydrates that will be spent during heavy and intense training. Try to use at least from the spirit and three grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, and from three to four grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight (as a base). Notice how your body reacts to the ratio of protein and carbohydrates eaten, depending on the body's sensitivity to insulin The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives  The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
 , The rate of metabolism and body fat levels, your needs will be different. It is best to start with at least 2 grams protein and 3 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight, and add 25% each week if muscle mass will not increase. The level of fat included with the diet should be 1 gram of fat per kilogram of body weight.

One gram of carbohydrate and protein contains four calories, and nine calories contained in one gram of fat, so that a person who weighs 81 kilograms, will consume 180 grams of protein per day (180 x 4 = 720 calories), 270 grams of carbohydrates per day ( 270 x 4 = 1080 calories), and 90 grams of fat per day (90 × 9 = 810 calories). In total, it is 2610 calories, which will help increase the useful muscle mass without the unwanted fat deposits. How will the missing 400 calories? (Remember that this guide daily calorie formula is based on the body weight multiplied by 17). Answer: A "free meals" a day. What it's meant ...


Improved rules to maximize the ratio of muscle mass to fat mass

  • Establish a regular sequence of the meal, with the help of committing at least five calories of saturated solid meals a day, plus one protein shake every day. At first glance it may seem that in this way the body will get a lot of excess calories, but the amount needed to promote muscle growth.
  • Carbohydrates are the best to use, distributing them as follows: once before training, during training, one hour after the workout, and four hours after the workout. Carbohydrates are needed by the body only when they are required for intensive training.
  • Change sources of protein at every meal, it will help to optimize digestion and assimilation. The best sources of protein are meat buffalo, buffalo tenderloin, venison, turkey, chicken, white fish, salmon and whole eggs. Hydrolyzed protein is the best complement to the protein powder supplement.
  • Change the sources of carbohydrates at each meal to prevent allergies. The best sources are potatoes (all colors), sweet potatoes, white and brown rice, cereals Ezekiel, bread, Ezekiel, oatmeal, beans and small amounts of fruit. Powder carbohydrates such as Vitargo or Karbolyn, are the best powder additives. Suitable and Gatorade, if the first two options seem too expensive.
  • It should be eaten, at least one glass vegetables with each meal. This will help optimize digestion and assimilation, as well as control the level of sugar in the blood Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
  • Change the sources of fat each day to enrich your diet with a wide variety of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats - walnuts, pecans, cashews, almonds Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace  Use almond: Fertility symbol of peace
 Any kind of nut oil, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, and various seeds.
  • Consume 30-50 grams of powder carbohydrates, 5 to 10 grams of glutamine, 5 to 10 grams of branched amino acids, and from 3 to 5 grams creatine, starting half an hour after the beginning of training, in order to reduce cortisol (catabolic hormone that released during stress) and begin to build muscle.
  • In the morning, after you wake up, drink high-quality organic supplements of green vegetables. It will saturate your body with easily digestible vitamins, minerals, amino acids, chlorophyll, enzymes, phytonutrients, and alkaline salts that help neutralize the acid cells and provide the conditions in which they can develop and grow.

Diet for chronic prostatitis: how to maintain a decent quality of life

January 23, 2014

 diet in chronic prostatitis
 Diet for chronic prostatitis to help cope with major challenges and maintain a decent quality of life. This does not mean you have to constantly sit on a strict diet - just eat right. Today, many adhere to the principles of a balanced diet even when healthy.


Chronic prostatitis and nutrition

Like any long flowing infectious inflammation (or inflammatory) process, chronic prostatitis causes poor circulation in the affected tissues. Malnutrition prostate tissue and venous stasis lead to the fact that the prostate tissue is disturbed metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting

This is the cause of cell death of prostate tissue and their gradual replacement by connective tissue cells. This process is known as sclerotherapy, it leads to a permanent reduction in the function of the prostate gland, which may manifest itself in impotence and infertility.

That is why for the treatment of chronic prostatitis are used drugs that improve blood circulation. But it is important to not only improve blood circulation in the prostate, but also to ensure that with the blood flow to the prostate received enough necessary for the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. And this can be done only by means of proper nutrition.


What is special diet for chronic prostatitis

Nutrition in chronic prostatitis is not much different from the normal healthy diet, which now recommend to adhere to all healthy people. The main thing in this diet - intake of all necessary for proper metabolism of ingredients.

During exacerbation of the disease becomes more severe diet - excludes all products that directly or indirectly could contribute to the activation of the inflammatory process. Therefore, all food must be cooked by steaming, boiling, or by quenching. Grilled dishes are also excluded from the diet completely.

Outside exacerbation less strict diet, sometimes you can eat fried, as well as some products related to the banned list.

Nutrition for chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
   can significantly increase the chances of keeping a normal quality of life of men.


What You Can Eat

Diet can be varied. You can eat lean meats and fish, dairy products, cottage cheese, soy products, nuts, seeds (including pumpkin - they are especially helpful for prostatitis). These protein products will maintain normal immune system, involved in synthesis of the blood cells, immune cells, and so on.

Very useful in chronic prostatitis products, which contain complex carbohydrates - is cereals, vegetables and fruits. They may be a long time to maintain a sufficient level of energy in the body.

It is very important to provide the body fats of animal and vegetable origin. Animal fats enter the body in fatty meat, fish, dairy products. They are necessary for proper metabolism.

What sways vitamins, micro and macro elements, they are also vital to the body as part of enzymes - biologically active substances, many times the accelerating rate of biochemical reactions.

It's important to include in the daily diet of the patient products, which includes zinc. Zinc is essential for normal functioning of the prostate gland, it is part of some enzymes involved in metabolism, as well as of the insulin. Products, which include zinc, reduced prostate function, prevent the development of erectile dysfunction and male infertility. These products include chicken liver, legumes, nuts, sea fish, seafood, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, apples, honey, berries (currants, raspberries), celery, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, and others.


What can not be used in chronic prostatitis

In chronic prostatitis can not drink alcohol, spicy, smoked, salted, canned food, spicy seasonings. It is not recommended to use as sweets and pastry, radishes Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable  Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable
 , Radish, strong tea and coffee.

Onions and garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   completely from the diet does not exclude, but it is recommended to use them in small quantities.

Diet for chronic prostatitis will help get rid of many problems. Chronic prostatitis can greatly reduce the quality of life of the patient, but with the help of proper nutrition, physical therapy, early treatment and prevention of recurrence, can significantly improve the patient's condition

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Diet for prostate
