The content of leukocytes in urine - an indication for urgent examination

March 17, 2012

 white blood cell count Urine
 The content of leukocytes in the urine can vary depending on several factors, but the main cause of increasing the number of white blood cells in the urine is always develop urinary tract infections, bladder and kidney.

 The content of leukocytes in urine - an indication for urgent examination

How is the content of leukocytes in urine?

The determination of the white blood cells in the urine is used on a standard urinalysis leukocyte elastase - an enzyme produced by white blood cells - either direct examination of samples of urine under a microscope. The presence in urine of white blood cells in excess of normal, suggesting the development of a urinary tract infection, bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   or kidney. Exceeding standards called leukocyturia, in the case of significant excess - pyuria (the contents of a large number of white blood cells in the urine when pyuria leads to a change in its color and consistency). Elevated levels of white blood cells in the urine can be a symptom of pyelonephritis (an inflammatory disease of the kidneys), cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, in some cases - the result of stones in the kidney or ureter.

 The content of leukocytes in urine - an indication for urgent examination

Additional tests

If the primary urine test confirmed the content of leukocytes in urine, to establish a direct source of so-called applied leukocyturia trehstakannaya sample - collecting three consecutive batches of urine. If there is an increased content of white blood cells in the first portion, then one can assume the presence urethritis Urethritis - a very male disease  Urethritis - a very male disease
   or prostatitis Prostatitis: how to deal with pain  Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
 . The predominance of leukocytes in the third portion indicates generally, the development cystitis - the most common bacterial infection of the urinary tract. If the number of leukocytes remains approximately the same in all urine samples, this usually indicates inflammation in the kidneys.

If the urine test shows the presence of an abnormally large number of white blood cells and bacteria, it is required to perform urine culture - analysis to identify pathogens of bacterial infection. Such an analysis is required to determine the bacteria that triggered the infection, and the appropriate choice of antibiotics to treat it. In some cases leykotsituriya (content of leukocytes in urine above normal) and can be observed as a separate phenomenon in the absence of bacteria in urine. The so-called sterile leukocyturia can be caused by various factors - from certain diseases (bladder tumor, tuberculosis kidney damage) to the action of antibiotics. Also, it does not exclude such factors as pollution of the direct collection of urine samples - usually in such cases, the re-appointed urinalysis.

 The content of leukocytes in urine - an indication for urgent examination

Normal performance analysis

In an extremely small number of white blood cells may always be present in the urine - this in itself is not yet evidence of any infection of the urogenital system. Considered normal white blood cell count in urine, not exceeding three white blood cells in the microscopic field of men and does not exceed six to seven cells - in women (with the direct study of a liquid sample under a microscope). The comparable figure for young children - is the presence of a normal five leukocytes in the urine of boys and seven white blood cells - the girls.

Although excess of normal values ​​of the content of leukocytes in urine itself can be a symptom of any infection of the urogenital tract, in some cases diagnosed only when it detects urine not only leukocytes but also nitrites - compounds also signal the flowing body inflammatory processes. In some cases, can be observed simultaneously leukocyturia (exceeding standards for levels of white blood cells in the urine), and other symptoms of a urinary tract infection, but the bacteria that caused the infection can not be found. This condition is called urethral syndrome and due to the fact that the symptoms are not caused by a urinary tract infection, and, for example, chlamydia Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease  Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
 Gonokokkov, any viruses. Also in this case it requires a special urine culture.

Tatiana Smirnova

Article Tags:
  • leukocytes in urine

Inflammation of the bladder - uncomfortable and unpleasant - Folk Remedies

August 9, 2013

  • Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant
  • Signs
  • Treatment
  • Folk remedies

 inflammation of the bladder Treatment folk remedies

Treatment of folk remedies is not suitable for all

Folk remedies Treatment of inflammation of the bladder should be under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise it can have a very good effect in the form of the transition of acute inflammation in chronic. A long flowing chronic process can lead to permanent dysfunction of the bladder.

 Folk remedies | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Folk remedies Treatment of acute cystitis

It is possible, but is not suitable for everyone. If acute cystitis Acute cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
 Bring to treat responsibly  Acute cystitis: Treat treated responsibly
   runs hard, it is better still to resort to medical treatment. But in some cases when the cystitis does not run too hard, the doctor may not prescribe medical treatment, resorting to folk remedies.

Folk medicine for acute cystitis recommends bed rest and diet, eliminating sharp, sour, salty, smoked and pickled food - they can enhance stimulation of the bladder mucosa.

To reduce inflammation, as an antibacterial and diuretic, folk medicine recommends drinking herbal infusions: bear ears, St. John's wort, leaves cranberries. All are brewed at the rate tablespoon dried minced raw in a glass of boiling water and taken a tablespoon to five times a day.

As anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent can be used to collect the following: take a tablespoon of dry pounded in a mortar raw birch leaves, leaves bear ears, corn stigmas and licorice root, mix. Spoon collection pour a glass of hot boiled water, cover with a lid, put in a water bath, heated for 15 minutes to cool for half an hour, drain, squeeze, to add to the original level and take on a third cup three times a day.

To restore the immune system, traditional medicine recommends eating freshly-squeezed citrus juices (orange, lemon juice diluted with water), juice of green apple varieties. Well reduced immunity, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties currants, cranberries, cranberries.

It is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of acute cystitis warming procedure. On the abdomen recommend applying dry heat in the form of heated sand or coarse salt, hot brick wrapped in a towel.

Perhaps a sit-baths in warm infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, salvia.

 Folk remedies | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Folk remedies Treatment of chronic cystitis

In the treatment of chronic cystitis individual national agents may be included in the combined treatment. But clearly you need to know that chronic cystitis Chronic cystitis: a correct diagnosis - the main  Chronic cystitis: a correct diagnosis - the main
   In no case can not be treated independently and only with the use of folk remedies.

First of all, this is due to the fact that chronic cystitis almost always has some reason you want to identify and eliminate. The most common cause of chronic cystitis become immune disorders and a variety of defects in the urinary system, leading to stagnation of urine in the bladder. To cure or for a long time prevent recurrence of the disease, defects to be eliminated, it is often necessary to resort to surgical correction.

In connection with such features of chronic cystitis traditional treatments can only be an auxiliary treatment and carried out under the supervision of a physician.

For example, traditional medicine recommends for long-term use of such a collection, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect: take a tablespoon of dry and stolchennogo mortar raw nettle leaves, herb St. John's wort, bearberry leaves, plantain leaves and hips, mix thoroughly, a tablespoon of the collection pour a glass of hot water, put in a water bath, hold 15 minutes, cool for half an hour, drain, squeeze and take on a third cup three times a day for half an hour before meals; treatment should continue for at least six months under the scheme: drink a month, two weeks break.

Treatment of chamomile are also encouraged about the length. Chamomile has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and relieves spasms of smooth muscle (that is, reduce the pain of cystitis). To be accepted into it brewed at the rate of a tablespoon of dry powdered chamomile flowers per cup of boiling water. Infuse, strain, wring out and take a tablespoon three times a day for a month. At the same time infusion of chamomile can be used for sitting baths, they are well reduce inflammation and pain.

In chronic hemorrhagic cystitis (if there is blood in the urine) can drink infusions of yarrow, which has hemostatic, astringent and anti-inflammatory action. Prepared infusion as follows: half a tablespoon of dry powdered herbs yarrow pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, wring out and drink during the day for 30 minutes before eating.

 Folk remedies | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant


Numerous scientific evidence indicate that some foods triggers may aggravate symptoms of inflammation of the bladder. Different people have negative reactions produce different products, but the most common triggers are alcohol, tomatoes, spices, chocolate, kofeinizirovannye drinks, citrus fruits. Any acidic foods and drinks can cause irritation and inflammation of the bladder.

Some people report that their symptoms are aggravated after eating foods containing artificial sweeteners. To identify triggers elimination diet is usually applied: first, the man for several weeks disclaims all potential promoters of inflammation of the bladder, and then one begins to return them to the diet. If symptoms worsened after you again started to use this or that product, this is your trigger (though it is not always the only one). In spite of the need to abandon certain products, should follow a healthy, balanced diet.

 Folk remedies | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Behavioral therapy, acupuncture, and other non-pharmacological treatments

Many patients suffering from chronic inflammation of the bladder, unable to alleviate his condition with the help of behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques and special exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. Biofeedback - is a technique that helps patients learn to better control your body. Some patients opt for acupuncture - its effectiveness in the treatment of inflammation of the bladder has not been proven, but many people claim that they helped this method.

 Folk remedies | Inflammation of the bladder - inconvenient and unpleasant

Green tea as a remedy for inflammation of the bladder

Worldwide, hundreds of millions of adults suffering from incontinence, painful urination, and other problems associated with inflammation of the bladder. The reason for this can be interstitial cystitis Interstitial cystitis - inflammation of the bladder  Interstitial cystitis - inflammation of the bladder
   and other chronic diseases.

For centuries to treat inflammation of the bladder used many natural remedies, including green tea. Recently, a scientific study in which examined the ability of green tea to cure and prevent bladder infection. It was found that the components of green tea can protect the cells that make up the wall of the bladder from damage caused by inflammatory processes.

Green tea, which is credited with many useful properties, is a powerful antioxidant, making it a potential cure for many diseases.

Its healing properties of green tea is mainly catechins - plant chemical compounds with antioxidant properties. These substances protect the cells of the body, including the bladder, from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Although a detailed assessment of the properties of catechins need additional studies already currently available scientific evidence that green tea (including nutritional supplements, which include an extract thereof) can be used to treat diseases that cause inflammation of the urinary bubble. The study healthy and malignant bladder cells for twenty-three hours exposed epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin gallate (ECG) - two major catechins that are included in the composition of green tea. Both compounds effectively protect cells against hydrogen peroxide, which in normal conditions can cause significant cell damage. The study catechins used in such an amount that can be accessed by the daily use of green tea or supplementation.

Inflammation of the bladder can be treated with folk remedies, but only under medical supervision.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • cystitis
