Prostate massage - a shameful procedure? - Which diseases carried prostate massage

May 7, 2009

  • Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?
  • Which diseases carried prostate massage

Which diseases carried prostate massage

Prostate massage for the treatment carried out in chronic inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), including chronic pelvic pain, which are a consequence of this disease. It called chronic prostatitis Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs  Chronic prostatitis - every man should know his signs
   usually urinary tract infections, impaired the proper nerve and blood supply of the prostate (as a result of "sedentary" lifestyle and frequent stress).

In addition, therapeutic massage Massage Therapy - when it is needed?  Massage Therapy - when it is needed?
   Prostate held in some forms of impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem

Prostate massage and make diagnostic purposes for getting prostate secretion for research.

 Which diseases are massaged prostate | Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?

What is a contraindication to massage the prostate gland

Prostate massage is shown not in all patients. In some diseases it is strictly contraindicated, since it can cause additional complications. For example, prostate massage is contraindicated:

  • acute form of prostatitis Prostatitis: how to deal with pain  Prostatitis: how to deal with pain
 When a man suddenly fell ill with a high fever and other symptoms of intoxication - in this case, massage can cause the spread of infection through the blood and lymph vessels;
  • for tumors and cysts of the prostate;
  • when clogged ducts of the prostate gland, including stones;
  • in violation of urination.

 Which diseases are massaged prostate | Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?

What happens when prostate massage

When prostate massage restores normal muscle tone of the elements of the prostate and perineum muscles. Moreover, the mechanical action on the prostate gland causes irritation of the nerve endings and vasodilation in the breast tissue, which leads to an improvement in its blood supply and innervation. Blood flow to the prostate gland tissue increases the supply of nutrients and oxygen and increases its penetration into the tissue of drugs.

Massage helps release prostatic juice and with it - pathogens (activated and inactive forms of output are also microorganisms), but also significantly improves the effectiveness of antibiotics and other drugs used in the treatment of prostatitis.

 Which diseases are massaged prostate | Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?

The technique of prostate massage

Prostate massage can be performed only by a physician, urologist, or he can not bring benefit and harm. If done correctly, massage it can not replace any medication.

The patient with a massage - face to the doctor on the right side with those given to the stomach and knees bent and feet hip joints. It may also be Bozeman's position. Massage is carried out with the full bladder, which contributes to better contact between the fingers and massaging the prostate gland.

The doctor inserts into the rectum index finger of his right hand, which is wearing a rubber glove, finger applied anesthetic gel. Each share of the prostate is massaged separately, producing 8-10 sensitive and gentle stroking of each share in the direction from the periphery to the center of the prostate. Once produced massage of the right half of the prostate, moving to the left. At the end of a few times in the middle of producing a gentle pressing gland downwards accordingly interlobar groove with the aim to squeeze the contents of the prostate. Usually after that from the outside urethra begins to stand prostatic secretions (which, if necessary, collected for analysis). The massage is performed to empty the bladder that allows you to remove during urination infected secretions from the urethra.

When the massage should ensure that the procedure was painless. When the prostate gland is carried out of soft pressing slack with tight pressure force increase. Duration of one session prostate massage should not exceed one minute. Sessions are held in 1-2 days (8-10 sessions).

Released during the massage prostatic juice should be investigated. When done properly, massage it with every subsequent session should decrease the number of white blood cells.

 Which diseases are massaged prostate | Prostate massage - a shameful procedure?

Complications during prostate massage

Complications occur only when the undercount contraindications and consist in the exacerbation of diseases of the prostate. In addition, when the gross exposure may be painful acute urinary retention due to the swelling of the prostate tissue, but it is usually short-lived.

Remember: you can not do on their own prostate massage, as well as trust in its performance layman - the consequences can be very sad.

Article Tags:
  • prostate massage

Inguinal hernia in men - at any age - Consequences

July 4, 2014

  • Inguinal hernia in men - at any age
  • Effects

 the effects of inguinal hernia in men

Consequences of inguinal hernia in men

The main risk associated with this violation - the infringement of a hernia. The degree of risk depends on the size of the hernia and how long ago it was formed. In all types of inguinal hernia likelihood of infringement in the first three months is 2.8%, over the next two years increased to 4.8% and then remains virtually unchanged.

On average, 7% of men who had surgery to remove a hernia Removal of inguinal hernia - all features of the procedure Develop any postoperative complications.

Any operation that is performed under general anesthesia, may result in some complications associated with general anesthesia. Before surgery, the anesthetist is studying history of the patient to detect possible allergies to medicines, but it does not always help to avoid complications. Especially it is likely that the anesthesia will lead to undesirable consequences in the elderly and in patients with comorbidities. Common side effects of anesthesia - headache, nausea, sore throat, headaches, congestion of urine. In rare cases, the anesthetic can lead to heart attack, stroke, pneumonia and blood clots in the legs. The risk of many of these complications, primarily pneumonia and thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
 Can be reduced, had begun to move as soon as possible after the operation (but certainly not before the doctor will allow).

Relapse - one of the most common effects of the removal of a hernia. Re inguinal hernia Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?  Inguinal hernia - dangerous or not?
   men can be formed in a few months, or more frequently, years after surgery. The probability of relapse is lower in cases where the hernia repair was performed.

Internal bleeding - a rare but potentially dangerous complication of surgery. Its symptoms are usually severe swelling and bluish color of the skin around the joint. In order to stop bleeding, may require further surgery.

The probability of postoperative wound infection is low - this complication occurs in less than 2% of patients. Particularly high risk of infections in the elderly, and those who do complicated operations to remove hernias (for example, in very large sizes hernias or incarcerated hernia). This complication requires treatment with antibiotics and, in some cases, simple operation, which is performed under local anesthesia.

Damage to internal organs such as the bowel, bladder, Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 , Kidneys, nerves, blood vessels or testicular vas deferens - an extremely rare complication of surgical removal of the inguinal hernia. The probability of such complications is minimal if the surgery is performed by an experienced surgeon and well-equipped clinic.


Prevention of inguinal hernia in men

Inguinal hernia, the development of which is associated with birth defects can not be prevented. However, adult men can reduce their risk of inguinal hernia, if they follow the tips below.

  • Watch your weight. If you are overweight or obese, lose weight if your weight is in the normal range - supports it.
  • Avoid rapid weight loss. Reset ten or twenty kilograms of a few weeks only using strict diets, which are always lacking nutrients required, inter alia, for the health of muscle tissue. As a result, the abdominal muscles can become weaker and increase the likelihood of developing a hernia.
  • Do not smoke. Men who smoked for many years, an increased risk of inguinal hernia.
  • Eat balanced. This will help not only to maintain a healthy weight, but also to avoid constipation, because that can increase pressure inside the stomach and increase the likelihood of an inguinal hernia.
  • Correctly pick up the weight. Do this so that the load is not only back, but also on foot. If you are a powerlifter, do so under the guidance of an experienced coach.

Article Tags:
  • hernia
