Candidiasis bladder - a common hospital infections

October 10, 2012

 candidiasis of the urinary bladder
 Candidiasis bladder is not as common as the infection is rarely spreads up the urethra. But the number of patients with this disease increases due to instrumental methods and treatment, for example, using a catheter during endoscopic or radiological examinations of the bladder.

 Candidiasis bladder - a common hospital infections

How to start

Urinary system is sufficiently protected against the ingress of infection from the urethra. Therefore Candida cystitis (bladder infection caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida) is rarely caused by ascending infection. Most often it occurs in women, the urethra which is shorter, wider and straighter than in men. But to fungal infection has penetrated into the bladder and inflammation caused it requires a significant reduction in immunity.

More often, the infection penetrates into the bladder in the application of instrumental methods of diagnosis (diagnostic cystoscopy, cystography) or treatment (therapeutic cystoscopy, urinary catheter removal in patients after surgery). In this case, a catheter or other medical instrument "open gate" for infection control. This infection is called a hospital.

Development of Candida cystitis contribute to the presence of intestinal candidiasis (it is usually the result of prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics), a significant decrease in immunity (AIDS, diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 After chemotherapy and radiotherapy in cancer patients), advanced age.

Candida cystitis rarely independent disease, usually the patient can detect lesions as candida and other organs - intestines and genitals. It is difficult to determine which one is the primary disease. Besides infectious agents often are not only fungi genus Candida, and the bacterial flora (mixed infection).

 Candidiasis bladder - a common hospital infections

The main manifestations

Sometimes penetration of Candida manifests as asymptomatic carriage. This condition, if no predisposing factors (loss of immunity), usually does not require treatment. The carrier usually has no negative consequences, but reduced immunity could lead to the spread of infection throughout the body.

Candida cystitis manifested as well as bacterial cystitis, a frequent painful urination. They point out small portions of muddy urine, and at the end of urination in the urine may appear blood. There are also a pain in the lower abdomen (suprapubic).

 Candidiasis bladder - a common hospital infections


The diagnosis of candidiasis is not easy to put the bladder as urine detection of Candida does not prove the existence of cystitis, and the presence of bacterial flora may contribute to the prescription of antibiotics, which will only reinforce the manifestation of cystitis.

Therefore, when suspected Candida cystitis Cystitis: urgently take action  Cystitis: urgently take action
   urine culture is usually prescribed to individual breeding ground for bacterial and fungal microflora, and then guided by the number of identified fungi genus Candida. Detection of fungi in urine of greater than 104 CFU / ml in combination with the features cystitis Symptoms of cystitis - is not always what you think  Symptoms of cystitis - is not always what you think
   is an occasion for the appointment of antifungal treatment.

 Candidiasis bladder - a common hospital infections


Treatment of Candida cystitis is conducted only after the establishment of the final diagnosis and the results of research on the sensitivity of Candida fungi to antifungal drugs. Most often, when candidiasis bladder, developed on the background of violations of immunity, used in the form of amphotericin intravenous infusion. When a moderate course of disease prescribe fluconazole Fluconazole - used with caution  Fluconazole - used with caution
   in the form of oral administration once daily.

By non-severe Candida cystitis and no risk of infection is carried out in the form of topical treatment bladder irrigation solution amphotericin B. Such washing is still except therapeutic and diagnostic importance: the presence in urine of fungi of the genus Candida, despite conducted over several days topical treatment often regarded as a sign of advanced candidiasis including ascending infection (spread to the ureters and kidneys).

There are ways to treat Candida folk cystitis (but they can be used only on prescription), like this: take two tablespoons of dry powdered leaves of bilberry, bear ears, St. John's wort, cornflower blossoms, hips; one tablespoon birch leaves, corn stigmas, juniper berries; All mix thoroughly, combine with 100 grams of large-leaved green tea and 100 g of black tea, stir again, take two tablespoons of the mixture, pour into a thermos half a liter of boiling water, leave for a few hours and take half cup three times a day for half an hour before a meal during the three-week total of four.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • candidiasis

Treatment of chronic prostatitis - a problem not easy

January 12, 2014

  • Treatment of chronic prostatitis - a problem not easy
  • Preparations

 Treatment of chronic prostatitis
 Treatment of chronic prostatitis - not an easy task even for a qualified professional. Without prior examination of the patient and determine the causes of the disease are not enough. Treatment is prescribed only by the results of the survey, all drugs and treatments are chosen physician individually for each patient.


How to treat chronic prostatitis

Is there a cure chronic prostatitis? A good specialist will never promise to completely cure the patient - even when properly adequate treatment is always the threat of disease recurrence. But for a long time to save him from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease or at least reduce their intensity and frequency of exacerbations prostatitis (if the disease was first detected in disrepair) is quite real. Your doctor will tell you what to treat chronic prostatitis to temporarily forget about it.

Chronic prostatitis may have different origins. First of all, it is divided into infectious and noninfectious types. And infectious prostatitis Infectious Prostatitis - the result of sexually transmitted infections  Infectious Prostatitis - the result of sexually transmitted infections
   It may have a bacterial or viral origin. All these types of prostatitis are treated differently.

How to treat chronic prostatitis? Drug treatment of chronic prostatitis includes antibiotics and antivirals (if indicated), anti-inflammatory and pain medications, drugs, relieves spasms of skeletal and smooth muscle (muscle relaxants and antispasmodics), effects on the prostate of the sympathetic nervous system (alpha-blockers), immunomodulators drugs that enhance blood circulation in the prostate.


Antibiotics for chronic prostatitis

Treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis almost always includes antibiotics. How to cure chronic prostatitis? Treatment of chronic prostatitis with antibiotics prescribed after the laboratory examination of the patient, identify the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Today, some antibiotics include experts in the combination therapy, even in the case where the infectious agent was not identified - Clinical Practice proves the effectiveness of such therapy. The exact explanation for this fact has not been given, but obviously in some cases the infectious agent is a microflora barely grows in laboratory culture media.

The drugs of choice for the treatment of bacterial prostatitis are most often tetracycline antibiotics (doxycycline and its analogues) and fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin). This preference is still given to fluoroquinolones, as the latter are active against the causative agents of intracellular infections (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma). The latter often are part of the mixed bacterial pathogens of urogenital infections, getting on well with other bacterial infections, is also sensitive to fluoroquinolones.

Viral pathogens of prostatitis Viral prostatitis - problems with immunity  Viral prostatitis - problems with immunity
   in most cases, are herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?  Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?
   (herpes simplex virus type 5) and human papilloma virus. For the treatment of prostate prescribe antiviral drugs from the group of acyclic nucleoside - acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
 , Valtrex, Famvir.


Medications for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, relieving inflammation and pain

Inflammation and swelling of the prostate tissue is always developed an exacerbation of the disease and are accompanied by pain. Even in remission of pain may persist, in this case they are not associated with inflammation and swelling of the prostate, and its sclerosis and proliferation of connective tissue.

The course of treatment of chronic prostatitis to reduce inflammation, swelling and pain of any origin prescribed medicines group nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Effective drugs of this group are diclofenac and ketorol. Candles for the treatment of chronic prostatitis with diclofenac are often included in the comprehensive treatment of this disease.


Medicines for chronic prostatitis, relieves spasms of smooth and skeletal muscles

Long ongoing inflammatory process is often accompanied by violation of the microcirculation of blood, skeletal muscle spasm in the pelvic area, as well as the smooth muscles of the pelvic organs and blood vessels. Spasm of the blood vessels is also enhanced by enhancing the function of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), the developing inflammatory processes.

To remove the spasms of smooth muscles prescriber group of muscle relaxants (eg, baclofen, Mydocalmum). Spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels remove drugs of muscle relaxants (papaverine, no-spa).

In the same direction acting alpha-blockers inhibit the action of the sympathetic nervous system (it contributes to spasm of blood vessels), such as terazosin, doxazosin, alfuzosin, tamsulosin. After removing the SNA action on improving the movement of the urinary tract urine urinary tract, eliminating the risk of stagnation in the bladder and the occurrence of reflux - throw urine (and with it the infection) in the prostate and urinary tract overlying.
