- Removal of inguinal hernia - all features of the procedure
- Complications

Complications after the removal of inguinal hernia
Infection. Prior to started to be applied mesh implants, surgery to remove a hernia was considered very safe, does not require prophylactic antibiotics. Then for a while it was widely believed that because of the prosthesis increases the risk of infections, and to avoid complications, it makes sense to use antibiotics. However, later research has shown that the use of mesh prosthesis does not increase the risk of infection, especially today when the prosthesis, firstly, completely sterile, secondly, they are manufactured from inert, safe material. The probability of infection as a result of the removal of an inguinal hernia is increased only in patients with weakened immune systems
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
and in people older than 60 years; they may be given preventive antibiotic treatment
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
. For the remaining patients, the risk of infection is less than 1%.
Gray - is the accumulation of serous fluid in the postoperative wound. It contains white blood cells
White blood cells as the basis of immunity
and sometimes red blood cells. Gray may occur after any surgery to remove a hernia, but more often it occurs after hernia repair - it is associated with tissue damage, and a reaction to the foreign material. Typically, seroma occurs on the third or fourth day after the operation. In the region of the weld bulge appears, and patients often think that they have again formed a hernia. Seroma usually disappear completely within two to three weeks, and aspiration (removal of serous fluid) is required only in very rare cases.
Hematoma - a common complication of various surgical operations. In most cases, hematoma not dangerous for the health of the patient and tested by themselves, but to remove the deep and large hematomas sometimes require another operation.
Postoperative sensitivity disorder. This complication occurs in 15-20% of patients who underwent surgery to remove a hernia. Its symptoms can be pain or a burning sensation in the groin area, numbness, tingling, reduced or increased sensitivity to certain areas of the body. Typically, these complications are a few weeks or months later.
Re-formation of inguinal hernia. The probability of this complication is, according to various estimates, from 1% to 10%. It is unclear what exactly associated relapses after removal of the herniation in some patients, and whether they can be avoided. If the hernia is formed again, for its treatment in most cases require another surgery.

Rehabilitation after removal of inguinal hernia
Usually patients after surgery remain in the hospital until until after the anesthetic. They repeatedly measure blood pressure and pulse, doctor or nurse regularly asks questions about the health of the patient. Typically, patients are discharged after they begin to walk freely in the ward.
Most people postoperative inguinal hernia passes without any problems - provided that they comply with the doctor's recommendation. Within days after the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, you should not drive, operate machinery, which in the case of negligence can be dangerous for a person to take drugs without a doctor's permission and drinking alcohol.
In the first few days, doctors usually do not recommend watering the seam, so you need to wash very carefully. Take only the pain relievers that are prescribed by a doctor; usually advised to avoid aspirin because it increases the likelihood of bleeding.
Patients should not lift anything heavier than 4.5 kg for 6-8 weeks - usually takes so long a full recovery after the removal of an inguinal hernia. Within a few weeks it is also better to abstain from sex - after the operation it can cause discomfort and even pain. Those who take analgesics, should abandon alcohol.
As soon as possible, contact your doctor if after the removal of an inguinal hernia, and you have any signs of complications such as urinary problems, redness or swelling around the joint, bleeding or fluid discharge from the surgical wound, nausea
Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
, Vomiting, body temperature above 38.1
. If the temperature rises to 38.9
or more, seek emergency medical care.