Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor - in the vagina

April 25, 2013

  • Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor
  • In the vagina
  • On the labia

 warts in the vagina

Warts inside the vagina - often go unnoticed

On the walls of the vagina sometimes there are small growths - genital warts. Here they rarely grow significantly - more likely to be single or grouped in a few warts. Here you can come and flat warts. Sometimes warts in the vagina may not only be pointed, but flat.

 In the vagina | Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor

As the disease begins

Genital warts in the vagina are the result of the introduction into the deeper layers of the mucous membrane (basic epithelial cells) of the walls of the body of human papillomavirus (HPV) that is one of the manifestations of HPV infection. HPV is transmitted during sexual contact from an infected partner's health. The virus can penetrate the mucosa and long time (sometimes for years) there exist in an inactive form. The question of whether a carrier of HPV at this point the source of infection is currently not fully understood.

Active HPV gains only against the background of reduced immunity, for example, if a woman suffered some acute illness (flu, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.), a lot of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , It was excessive exercise, hypothermia and other. Here it HPV "will not miss her." It is activated, it begins to multiply rapidly, to penetrate into the cells of the epithelium. Once in the epithelial cells, HPV begins to divide rapidly, causing rapid growth of warts.

 In the vagina | Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor

The appearance of warts in the vagina

Genital warts on the walls of the vagina sometimes are small flesh-colored papules. There may be one, two or multiple papules, arranged individually or in groups, that may not change for a long time. But more still on the walls of the vagina there are isolated genital warts distinctive look, in the form of a cauliflower on a thin stalk. They rarely grow very strongly and merge together into conglomerates.

Since the woman to detect genital warts in the vagina usually can not, they are most often detected during the inspection of a gynecologist. But sometimes such warts permanently traumatized during sexual intercourse, bleeding starts again, and then in the genital area appear burning, itching, various inflammatory allocation (from liquid to mucopurulent with ichor). Symptoms such talk of accession to bacterial or viral bacterial and fungal infection.

Flat warts are most frequently located on the cervix, but are also found in the walls of the vagina. These warts are usually invisible, the color they often merge with the surrounding epithelium. A careful examination of the vaginal walls flat warts can still be noticed. It does not rise above the surface of the epithelium, but it is round or oval outline can still be seen. Flat warts are growing very slowly and can cause a slowly progressing cervical dysplasia.

 In the vagina | Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor

What research is being conducted at revealing pointy or flat warts vagina

If any warts vaginal smears taken from the affected places on cytology to identify virus-infected skin cells. Furthermore, by using PCR analysis of viral DNA revealed smears.

If any warts woman appointed necessarily blood tests for syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   (genital warts need to be distinguished from broad, which are a manifestation of syphilis) and HIV (low immunity may be due to AIDS).

If you suspect the presence of flat warts in the vagina, colposcopy Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?  Colposcopy - how to prepare it properly?
   (Study mucosa under magnification using a colposcope), during which careful examination of the vaginal wall and the exposed surface of the cervix. During colposcopy pieces of tissue are taken flat warts and adjacent portions of the mucous membrane in the histological examination.

 In the vagina | Warts on intimate places - cause for immediate treatment to the doctor

How to treat vaginal warts

Vaginal warts removed on a background of antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy (general and local). This complex treatment is the prevention of recurrence of the disease.

Since vaginal warts are inconvenient, often traumatized site, they will almost always be removed in order to avoid complications. After removing warts reduces the risk of secondary infection and degeneration of warts permanently traumatized. But in order to increase the therapeutic effect, the removal of warts must be combined with the holding of antiviral therapy and bracing.

Proper treatment of warts adequate Warts - treatment must be expert  Warts - treatment must be expert
   vagina can be appointed only by a physician. Treatment should be carried out under laboratory control, otherwise there is a risk that changes in epithelial cells will not be completely removed and eventually reborn into a malignant tumor, which is always difficult to treat.

Acute vaginitis - the most common disease in women - Treatment

April 4, 2013

  • Acute vaginitis - the most common disease in women
  • Treatment

 acute treatment of vaginitis

Acute vaginitis - Treatment depends on the type of disease

Acute vaginitis may have different origins, and therefore require different treatments. However, all obstetricians believe that the treatment of acute vaginitis requires the appointment of a complex treatment, which should be under the control of the laboratory studies.

 Treatment | Acute vaginitis - the most common disease in women

Basic principles of treatment

Before the appointment of the treatment of acute vaginitis is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of women in order to identify the causes of the disease and the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to various drugs.

The structure of the complex treatment of acute vaginitis should include drugs that suppress the vital activity of infectious agents, anti-inflammatory and restorative agent. Simultaneously, local treatment, contributing to a decrease in inflammation and unpleasant symptoms.

In addition, attention is paid to the treatment of identified diseases that might cause acute vaginitis: immunity and reduce the penetration of infection in the genitals. Such diseases include all foci of infection (chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth, any infectious-inflammatory processes in the body), intoxication, endocrine disorders, hormonal disorders, women and so on.

 Treatment | Acute vaginitis - the most common disease in women

Treatment aimed at fighting infection

This treatment is based on the results of bacteriological research. Thus, the bacterial vaginitis is assigned to an antibacterial drug, which exhibits enhanced sensitivity of the causative agent.

But this is not always the case. For example, to suppress the vital activity of intracellular pathogens (Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma), some doctors prefer to focus on the conclusion of research laboratories, based on animal studies and not to enter into laboratories at medical institutions, considering them less reliable. For the treatment of chlamydial, mycoplasma and ureaplasma vaginitis used three groups of antimicrobials - macrolides (sumamed, vilprafen Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic  Vilprafen - modern highly effective and non-toxic antibiotic
 Clarithromycin), tetracyclines (doxycycline) and fluoroquinolones (tarivid, tsiprolet, aveloks).

For the treatment of vaginitis trihomonadnyh used antiprotozoal agents - Trichopolum Trichopolum - he treats?  Trichopolum - he treats?
   and tinidazole. Antifungal agents are assigned based on the results of bacteriological crops. Most commonly prescribed fluconazole (fljukostat, mikosist, Diflucan) - in acute vaginitis, arisen for the first time, only one tablet of the drug at a dose of 150 mg. Viral vaginitis treated using antivirals, such as acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
 Who is appointed as a course of treatment.

 Treatment | Acute vaginitis - the most common disease in women

Symptomatic treatment of acute vaginitis

That is, the treatment is aimed at alleviating the condition of the woman. In order to reduce inflammation and associated burning and itching prescribed antihistamines (Suprastinum, Tavegilum) administered intravenously 10% calcium gluconate or calcium chloride.

Local bacterial vaginitis and trihomonadnyh appoint warm baths with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and relieves itching substances - light solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort. When fungal and viral vaginitis baths are not prescribed. In this case it is better to help drugs for local use - anti-fungal and anti-viral creams and suppositories (pimafutsin, acyclovir).

For the treatment of mixed infections use a combination of drugs with local action - terzhinan Terzhinan - accessible and efficient  Terzhinan - accessible and efficient
   (antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory), Polizhinaks (antibacterial and antifungal action). In severe inflammatory processes occurring particularly effective terzhinan, which includes glucocorticoid hormones rapidly reduce inflammation, itching and pain.

 Treatment | Acute vaginitis - the most common disease in women

Restorative treatment

For treatment of acute vaginitis any origin is of great importance overall health of women, especially the state of immunity. To strengthen it appointed a full, rich in vitamins diet, vitamin-mineral complexes. It is recommended to eliminate the increased physical and psychological stress, stress.

If a significant decrease in immunity, consult immunologists and if necessary - correction of immunity.

After the treatment shall be required to re-analyzes, confirming recovery. In the treatment of genital infections, there are certain periods when such analyzes are dealt. For example, after treatment of vaginitis, gonorrhea laboratory study carried out after 7-10 days, and then repeated once a month for a minimum of three menstrual cycles.

Only after thorough laboratory examination of a woman is considered to be recovered.

Galina Romanenko

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  • vaginitis
