Treatment of syphilis - a laborious process - Neurosyphilis

February 3, 2014

  • Treatment of syphilis - a laborious process
  • Primary and secondary
  • Neurosyphilis


How to treat syphilis in the late stages with nervous system - neurosyphilis

Neurosyphilis may be an early and late. Treatment of early neurosyphilis is carried out just as the treatment of relapsing secondary syphilis, as changes occur only in the walls of blood vessels and meninges. Thus, in order to increase the concentration of antibiotics in the cerebrospinal fluid with medication, delaying their excretion (e.g. etamid).

The treatment of late neurosyphilis chosen individually and depends on the extent of the tissue of the brain and spinal cord. Conducts several courses of antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   combined with symptomatic treatment, immunomodulators, fortifying agents, vitamin-mineral complexes, etc. Treatment is carried out in conjunction with venereologist neurologist if necessary - ophthalmologist.

How much time is treated at later stages of syphilis? It all depends on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.


Immunomodulatory and restorative treatment for syphilis

The course of treatment for syphilis should also include immunomodulatory, fortifying agents, as well as physiotherapy.

Of particular importance in the treatment of recurrent and late forms of syphilis given pyrotherapy, which improves blood circulation, lymph drainage, strengthen the process of heat production in the concerned organs and tissues, activation of cellular immunity. For pyrogenic drugs include pirogenal and prodigizan who administered intramuscularly according to a specially developed scheme.

Widely used biostimulators such as aloe extract, FIBS, torfot, vitreous. These preparations are administered subcutaneously as a course of treatment. B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E as prescribed in the form of courses of treatment. By reducing the overall tone of the body appointed ginseng, lemongrass, Siberian ginseng.

Treatment of late stages of syphilis study carried out after the state of immunity (conducted immunogram), and its results are assigned immunomodulators - taktivin, thymogen, metiluratsil likopid and so on.

The structure consists of an integrated treatment of syphilis and physiotherapy treatments: magnetic therapy, microwave therapy, inductothermy, laser therapy and others. All of these procedures have their indications and contraindications, so appointed strictly individually.


The criteria for cure of syphilis

Is there a cure syphilis? The answer is simple: Syphilis is curable in the early stages of the disease when there are no serious violations of the internal organs and the central nervous system. But late syphilis treated, of course, eliminate all the violations will not be possible, but to stop the process is quite real.

Ensure proper treatment of syphilis is a clinical-laboratory control after treatment, which is carried out as follows:

  • Preventive treatment after contact - is no longer observed, or (in case of doubt) re-examination is held three months after treatment;
  • primary seronegative patients (with negative tests for syphilis) syphilis observed for six months, surveyed every three months;
  • seropositive patients with primary and secondary syphilis fresh whose blood tests for syphilis became negative for the first three months after the end of treatment, observed during the year are examined once every three months; If blood tests for syphilis turned negative for the year after treatment, patients were followed for two years;
  • Patients relapsing secondary and early latent syphilis Latent syphilis - risk of delayed treatment assignment  Latent syphilis - risk of delayed treatment assignment
   observed over three years, are surveyed every three months, the first two years, then every six months; If blood tests for syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
   became negative after one and a half years after the end of treatment, patients were followed for five years;
  • Patients tertiary visceral syphilis and neurosyphilis are subject to monitoring for five years conducting surveys every three months, the first two years, every six months during the third year and once a year thereafter.

Syphilis after treatment if it was carried out according to the rules and followed by clinical and laboratory control, it is considered cured. Syphilis can be cured completely? Those irreversible changes that have occurred in the internal organs and the central nervous system in the late stages of syphilis, of course, will not disappear, but the infection will no longer be distributed.

Syphilis prevention is the avoidance of casual sex and condom use. In case of emergency prevention of syphilis Syphilis Prevention: prevention is better than cure  Syphilis Prevention: prevention is better than cure
   It can be carried out around the clock point of individual prevention, in the STI clinic.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • treatment of syphilis

Non-specific vaginitis - can occur at any age - Treatment

April 4, 2013

  • Non-specific vaginitis - can occur at any age
  • Treatment

 nonspecific vaginitis treatment

Non-specific vaginitis - treatment is carried out on the results of the survey

Non-specific vaginitis - a serious condition that occurs when hormonal failures, immune disorders or non-compliance with hygiene rules. Therefore, before proceeding to its treatment, it is necessary to find out what caused the infection.

 Treatment | Non-specific vaginitis - can occur at any age

How to treat non-specific vaginitis

Treating nonspecific vaginitis should include not only drugs to eliminate the infection and inflammation in the vaginal area, and treatment of opportunistic diseases, hormonal disorders, immune disorders that could lead to vaginitis.

Treatment of the disease depends also on the stage of the disease and the nature of the infectious agent.

 Treatment | Non-specific vaginitis - can occur at any age

Treatment of severe nonspecific vaginitis

In severe disease, when patients concerned about severe itching, burning, pain in the genital area and lower abdomen and sometimes violation of general condition prescriber general (systemic) action, suppress the vital activity of infectious agents. These drugs are appointed based on the results of the survey and detection sensitivity to them pathogens.

Appointed as symptomatic treatment. To reduce swelling, itching, burning and pain prescribe antihistamines. In the morning it can be Claritin Claritin - histamine receptor blocker  Claritin - histamine receptor blocker
 And at night - pipolfen with a pronounced hypnotic and sedative effect. The combination of antihistamines and their dosage is chosen by the doctor individually. To reduce swelling and itching as prescribed calcium supplements (calcium chloride, calcium gluconate) intravenously.

Well reduces inflammation, swelling, itching and pain medication for topical use terzhinan, which includes corticosteroids. Furthermore, terzhinan antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal activity.

 Treatment | Non-specific vaginitis - can occur at any age

Treatment of mild nonspecific vaginitis

If nonspecific vaginitis occurs not heavy, it held only local treatment. For drugs that are selected with the appropriate action. Since nonspecific vaginitis can be mixed (for example, fungal, bacterial) character, often used such combined means as terzhinan and Polizhinaks, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory action.

To reduce inflammation conducted vaginal douching with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1: 6000), chamomile, sage, calendula. Because antiseptics may be used for irrigation hlorofollipta solution (one tablespoon of pharmacy 1% solution per liter of water). 2% oil solution hlorofillipta impregnated cotton-gauze pads and injected them into the vagina.

After the acute inflammation subsides for irrigation can be used lactic acid solution (a teaspoon per five glasses of water) - it helps to restore the normal vaginal flora. Such procedures are carried out once a day for a week. Long-term use of lactic acid is not recommended due to the fact that it can cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

When thrush prescribed vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation  Vaginal suppositories - for contraception and treatment of inflammation
   and antifungal creams - klotrimazom (vaginal tablets and cream), pimafutsin Pimafucin - help in difficult times  Pimafucin - help in difficult times
   (vaginal suppositories and cream - this drug is especially suitable for pregnant women). Vaginal tablets or clotrimazole cream administered at night by means of special applicators of 100 mg per day for the first week, or 200 mg per day for three days, or 500 mg once.

 Treatment | Non-specific vaginitis - can occur at any age

Eliminating comorbidities

Much attention is paid to the treatment of non-specific vaginitis of hormonal women. If there are hormonal disorders, then held their correction and restoration of normal blood content of female hormones.

Is the treatment of endocrine diseases, especially diabetes and hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function) - these diseases are caused by impaired immunity.

Sanitize all foci of infection, such as chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
 , Sinusitis, carious teeth, kidney and urinary tract diseases, chronic liver disease, gastrointestinal tract. Try to identify and eliminate all poisoning, stress, increased physical and psychological stress.

Checking the status of the immune system and, if necessary, in the treatment regimen included nonspecific vaginitis correction of certain parts of immunity assigned immunologist according immunograms.

Only complex treatment nonspecific vaginitis can promote healing woman.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • vaginitis
