HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped

May 14, 2009

 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - a virus that, getting into the body, it begins to attack the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   - Then part of the body that normally fight off viruses. Because of the wide spread of HIV The World Health Organization (WHO) declared its pandemic. Since its discovery in 1981, AIDS (the final stage of HIV infection) caused the death of more than 25 million people. According to experts, now living with HIV are 0, 6% of the world population. Although antiretroviral drugs can increase the life expectancy of HIV-infected people, these medications is not available everywhere, and especially their lack of observed there, where most of those infected - in Africa.

 HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped


It is assumed that HIV first appeared in primates that live in the region of Africa south of the Sahara, and transmits them to the people in the late 19th or early 20th century. The first study, which described the activity of opportunistic infections that afflict AIDS patients, was published in 1983.

Presumably in 1966 were the first cases of HIV in the United States and there he began to spread rapidly among people belonging to risk groups - then it was mostly male homosexuals. According to estimates in 1978, about 5% of gay men living in New York and San Francisco, were then infected with HIV. The infection began to spread among people taking illegal injectable drugs. For a long time it was thought that only people infected with HIV at risk, but at present its carriers a lot among different population groups, regardless of social status, sexual orientation, and other characteristics.

Only in the 1980s, it established a connection between HIV and AIDS.

 HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped

HIV Infection

A person can become infected with HIV during sexual intercourse without using a condom, when exposed to infected blood, resulting in the use of injectable contaminated needles and syringes; HIV-infected mother can infect the baby during childbirth and breast-feeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   (the chance of infection during pregnancy also exists, but it is very small).

At risk for HIV infection today are people who have many sexual partners and often have sex without a condom, men who have homosexual relationships, people who use intravenous illegal drugs, prostitutes. However, if the person does not belong to any of groups at risk, it can not be fully guaranteed protection against HIV.

 HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped


In some people, a few days or weeks after HIV infection symptoms similar to flu symptoms. In most cases, however, the HIV long time does not cause any symptoms. HIV positive for decades may feel perfectly healthy, while it can transmit the virus to others.

 HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped


There are several types of HIV testing, but the most common is the antibody test Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   - In the course of this analysis establish whether there is a human blood for HIV antibodies. It is important to know that the blood Blood tests: a mirror of health  Blood tests: a mirror of health
   It can detect antibodies, not earlier than three months after infection, sometimes - only six months. Modern HIV tests are very accurate - the probability of false positive results is about 0.0007%.

 HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped


Although, as is known, it is not possible to cure HIV, using anti-retroviral drugs can prolong and improve the quality of life of HIV-infected individuals. The drugs must be taken daily for all human life. This is very important because in violation of the schedule taking the drugs there is a risk of developing resistance to the drugs. Currently, there are over 20 different anti-retroviral drugs; Scientists in many countries are constantly developing and testing new drugs for the control of HIV, as well as trying to find a treatment for this disease.

Article Tags:
  • AIDS and HIV

How to treat cytomegalovirus and is it always necessary?

February 23 2014

 how to treat cytomegalovirus
 How to treat cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?  Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?
   Only a doctor can tell, because in each case the approach to treatment should be individualized. But most often identified CMV do not require any treatment, since regardless of treatment or lack of herpesvirus type 5 Herpes type 5 - the cause of CMV infection  Herpes type 5 - the cause of CMV infection
   after the introduction of the body remains there forever.


How to treat cytomegalovirus

Feature of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is that after the introduction of the human body, he often does not manifest itself and manifests in the form of non-severe acute respiratory disease. Occasionally symptoms resembling mononucleosis. After recovery, CMV remains in the body for life, and is activated only with a decrease in immunity.

In connection with such features of the pathogen treatment of cytomegalovirus slightly positive without any symptoms of the infectious process is not carried out. In such cases, the virus carriers recommend different ways to strengthen their immune system - it is a strong immune system does not allow the body to become more active CMV.

So do with local forms of CMV infection, when the disease is in the form of a protracted respiratory disease with lesions of the salivary glands. But local forms of CMV infection requires an individual approach. If the disease occurs with frequent relapses, and if the infectious viral inflammation complicated by additional bacterial infection, after inspection and establishing the final diagnosis the patient selected individual treatment.

The structure of the complex treatment includes antiviral drugs, if necessary (if the detection of infectious agents were bacterial) - antibiotics, as well as specific immunoglobulin and drugs that promote immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 . Dosages of drugs, duration of application and the treatment of cytomegalovirus scheme chosen by the doctor individually. We also recommend a healthy active lifestyle, nutrition, the maximum exposure to fresh air, tempering procedures.

Treatment of chronic cytomegalovirus is conducted only when the infection occurs with frequent relapses.

What medications to treat cytomegalovirus? Medicines cytomegalovirus also selected individually, taking into account the patient's general condition, age and whether or not he had other chronic diseases.


Antivirals during cytomegalovirus

Antiviral drugs are prescribed only for the treatment of CMV infection. If CMV was discovered by accident and does not manifest itself, antiviral treatment is not administered. It also is not assigned with mild localized during CMV infection.

Typically prescribed such CMV antiviral drugs like ganciclovir and foskanet. The drug of choice is ganciclovir (Cymevene), actively suppress its reproduction in the cells of the human body. The drug is effective, but it has a lot of side effects, so it is trying to be used only in complicated and generalized forms of CMV infection.

Foskanet usually used only if they came other antiviral drugs because it has toxic effects on the kidneys and other organs and body systems. Nevertheless, it is a very effective antiviral drug and complicated CMV infection in AIDS patients is trying to assign it.


Comprehensive treatment of cytomegalovirus (an infection caused by them)

The most effective method of treatment of cytomegalovirus - a comprehensive treatment, the patient picked up individually. The structure of complex treatment in addition to antivirals include bracing means - a vitamin-mineral complexes, drugs that stimulate the body's defenses (Echinacea Immunal, eleuteorkokk and others), if necessary - immunomodulators. Recently appointed only after the blood analysis on the state of immunity (immunogram), they contribute to the restoration of certain parts of immunity.

A vaccine against cytomegalovirus currently not yet been developed. But in the complex therapy is often administered anti-CMV immunoglobulin (tsitotekt).

Tsitotekt prepared from the plasma of donors with high titers of IgG antibodies against the causative agent of cytomegalovirus infection. Tsitotekt has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. He practically has no contraindications and side effects, so is used to treat CMV infection in pregnant women and newborns.

As part of an integrated treatment of CMV infection often used bioresonance therapy (BRT) - Treatment with the help of external electromagnetic signals, which separate organs and systems of the human body are in resonance. BRT can how to restore the function of various organs and systems, and suppress the vital activity of infectious agents, including CMV. But we should remember that it is not a panacea, BRT will not remove CMV from the patient. Bioresonance therapy, and cytomegalovirus - a combination of a logical, BRT as part of comprehensive treatment helps suppress the vital activity of CMV.

Traditional methods of treatment of cytomegalovirus also have the right to exist, but they must appoint a physician. So the onion and garlic Garlic health: almost a panacea  Garlic health: almost a panacea
   possess antiviral and tonic effect, the infusion of rose hips, fresh berries and fruits enhance immunity and so on.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Cytomegalovirus
