Staphylococcal bacteriophage - possible drug

August 29, 2014

 staphylococcal bacteriophage
 Staphylococcal bacteriophage - a drug that destroys staphylococci, penetrating into the bacteria of this type. Generally, viruses called bacteriophages that can infect the bacteria and replicate within them. In nature, such viruses are very numerous and varied.

Researchers have found a lot of references to the bodies of water (one such example - the Ganges River in India), the water which has long attributed the ability to cure some infections - probably, it is connected with the presence of viruses out there that can kill bacteria. Active work on the study of the possibility of using bacteriophages in medicine began in the twentieth century. In a number of countries, including in the states of the former Soviet Union have used them for decades. At the present time, when the problem of antibiotic resistance is becoming increasingly important, some scientists are considering the use of bacteriophages to fight bacteria, which can not cope with antibiotics. Among these bacteria are often found different strains of staphylococcus.

Staphylococcal bacteriophage produced in the form of liquid, tablets, capsules, suppositories (suppository) aerosol.



Staphylococcal bacteriophage can be used in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases caused by staphylococci. Examples of such disorders are abrasions, osteomyelitis, pyelonephritis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, urethritis Urethritis - a very male disease  Urethritis - a very male disease
 , Septicemia, wound infections. Also used staphylococcal bacteriophage angina, some forms of endometritis and vaginitis Colpitis - take a lot of trouble  Colpitis - take a lot of trouble
 And to prevent infections after surgery.


Staphylococcal bacteriophage: User

The course of treatment with staphylococcal bacteriophage usually lasts from five days to two weeks. The choice of form of the drug depends on the treatment of the disease he demanded.

Liquid staphylococcal bacteriophage used for the treatment of skin infections (e.g. boils), wound infections, as well as some of the nose and ear infections. On the affected skin can cause fluid or to put to him a piece of gauze soaked in bacteriophage. For the treatment of boils Treatment for boils and carbuncles  Treatment for boils and carbuncles
   and abscesses can be administered an injection of staphylococcal bacteriophage; before the injection should be removed from the abscess pus. Injections in most cases makes a doctor or nurse, but sometimes it can do and the patient - provided that he had previously tell and show you how to use staphylococcal bacteriophage. Of course, when you want the removal of pus, without the help of professionals can not do.

Sometimes liquid staphylococcal bacteriophage is prescribed for the treatment of cystitis - a drug infused into the bladder through a special hollow tube. Such treatment is rarely required - in cases where the infection can not be cured in other ways.

  • Staphylococcal bacteriophage - tablets. Oral tablets with staphylococcal bacteriophage may be necessary in certain infections of internal organs - such as the bowel, bladder, or endometrium Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 . The dosage and duration of treatment are chosen individually, depending on the diagnosis, the patient's general health, and other factors.
  • Staphylococcal bacteriophage - candles. Rectal suppositories based staphylococcal bacteriophage used for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis and staph infections. Typically, candles put once daily. An alternative suppositories may be using liquid enema formulation.
  • Aerosols with bacteriophage used topically (e.g., in purulent infections) and injected them into the nasal cavity or throat.

The doctor may recommend a staphylococcal bacteriophage to bury his nose in various forms of bacterial sinusitis - an inflammatory disease sinuses. Among the varieties of the disease - sinusitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis.

Staphylococcal bacteriophage throat often prescribed for bacterial tonsillitis, bronchitis and laryngitis.

Any form of staphylococcal bacteriophage can be used in combination with antibiotics or other drugs. Although this drug is apparently not conducive to the development of antibiotic resistance, patients should take it exactly as directed by your doctor - this will avoid the recurrence of complications and staph infections.


Staphylococcal bacteriophage during pregnancy and lactation

Since staphylococcal bacteriophages deliberate action on staphylococci, without causing harm to others, including beneficial bacteria, their use during pregnancy and breast-feeding is considered safe.


Side effects of staphylococcal bacteriophage

Patients who in treating staphylococcal bacteriophage observed all doctor's recommendation of any side effects of the drug were observed. After injection of the drug possible slight reddening of the skin, but it is associated with a common reaction to injection, rather than to the impact of the bacteriophage. However, some people can be allergic to a staphylococcal bacteriophage, so the appearance of any unusual symptoms occur after administration of the drug, should be reported to your doctor.

Article Tags:
  • staphylococci

Ointment cold on the lips - effective means

July 23, 2014

 cream cold on the lips
 While people suffer from oral herpes, probably for thousands of years, we have not yet found a means by which to get rid of this disease. However, there are drugs - primarily for outdoor use - which help to get rid of cold symptoms and make it less noticeable. It should be borne in mind that an ointment or gel from a cold on the lips will be most effective if you start using it as soon as possible - with the appearance of itching and mild irritation in the mouth, which often precedes the appearance of herpes rash. In such cases, an ointment for cold lips can reduce the life of the disease for 1-2 days.


The cold smear on the lip: acyclovir

Acyclovir is - it is probably the most common external agent for the treatment of oral herpes. Acyclovir ointment not only speeds up the healing of skin lesions, but also eases cold symptoms such as pain, burning and itching.

Acyclovir belongs to a class of antiviral drugs. It inhibits the multiplication of herpes simplex virus type 1 Herpes Type 1 - is rarely a significant threat to human  Herpes Type 1 - is rarely a significant threat to human
 But it does not eliminate it, and does not prevent the infection to others. With the help of ointments containing acyclovir and can not prevent the exacerbation of herpes in the future.

Before and after applying the ointment acyclovir need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Wash your hands before using the ointment is necessary to exclude the possibility to bring an infection damaged skin (the risk is especially high when the blisters have burst, and had not time to heal), and after - to prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the body. For example, if the patient smazhet acyclovir cold on the lips, do not wash their hands and rubs his eyes, he can develop herpes eye infection - very unpleasant and sometimes dangerous disease.

Apply a cold acyclovir usually recommends five times a day (every three or four hours) over a minimum of four days. Apply it only on your skin - it should not get in your eyes, nose or in the mouth. If you get the ointment on the mucous membrane, rinse immediately with plenty of water.

Do not use acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
   more often than is recommended - it will not help you to quickly cure a cold, but can cause skin irritation.

It is important to apply acyclovir through approximately regular intervals - in this case it will operate most effectively. At least for a couple of hours after applying the ointment should not take a shower, swim, wash your face or brush your teeth.

The most common side effects of acyclovir ointment are burning, stinging and peeling lips. If these symptoms persist for a long time or quickly compounded, consult a doctor.

Before you start to use the ointment acyclovir, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any of its the Component (including non-active substance), and if you use some other external means. Pregnant and lactating women use acyclovir is possible only with a doctor's permission.



Cream cold on the lips with penciclovir also relates to antiviral drugs. Penciclovir should be applied on the herpes rash once in two hours; treatment lasts until symptoms disappear or as much as the doctor said. The rest of the drug is also used as acyclovir, and with the same precautions. Strict contraindication to the use of this medication is allergic or hypersensitivity to its components. It is also not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation, but if necessary, in such cases, the doctor can begin to penciclovir.

Penciclovir rarely causes side effects, but sometimes uses his patients complain of headaches and irritation of the skin, where they applied the ointment. Typically, these side effects are mild and tested almost immediately after treatment.



If a cold on the lips causes severe itching, burning or pain, a doctor may recommend using ointment lipokainom - analgesic that blocks the transmission of pain impulses to the brain. If necessary, it is possible to use up to six times per day. Ointment with lidocaine is contraindicated or is appointed with special care for pregnant and nursing women, people with heart disease, liver or kidney problems, as well as those who receive certain types of antiarrhythmic drugs and beta-blockers.

The ointment should be applied to clean hands and clean skin.

Since lidocaine reduces the sensitivity of certain areas of the skin, when it is used it is not necessary to make hot or cold compress. Because the skin is less sensitive than usual, you can damage it without noticing the time that the temperature of the compress was too high or low.

Avoid contact with lidocaine ointment into his mouth. If you do swallow the ointment, contact a physician immediately.

Lidocaine ointment not redomendovana children under 12 years.

The most common side effects of lidocaine are redness and skin irritation. In rare cases, an ointment can cause a severe allergic reaction, signs of which are extensive skin rash, swelling, itching.



Dokonazol - a relatively new alternative to acyclovir and penciclovir. If the last two drugs inhibit viral replication, affecting its DNA, it does not dokonazol viruses to enter cells. It is assumed that the use of preparations with such a mechanism of action may prevent the emergence of strains that are resistant to certain drugs. In a study conducted to assess the effectiveness dokonazola, attended by 63 patients aged 17 to 60 years. In total, the study was cured 98 episodes of oral herpes; for the treatment of 48 of them used ointment dokonazolom, in other instances, the placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
 . All patients were advised to start using the ointment with the appearance of the very first symptoms of oral herpes. The ointment was applied five times a day to as long as the cold lip Cold on the lip - to solve the problem  Cold on the lip - to solve the problem
   not heal; the maximum duration of treatment was ten days. Patients who used dokonazol, colds disappeared on average, 5.7 days, while those who used a placebo - 7.3 per day.

Among the possible side effects of ointments dokonazolom - rash, itching, and dryness of the skin. Some patients immediately after applying the ointment feel itching and tingling in the skin, but these symptoms usually pass quickly.

Article Tags:
  • cold on the lips
