- Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
- The liver and kidneys
- Methods
Common methods
Proponents of alternative medicine was able to widely disseminate the concept of cleansing the body of toxins. Toxic agents may be natural or synthetic; and those other regularly penetrate into the human body. Some of them are also for their removal from the body need the help of professionals. However, the need to cleanse the body for the majority of people simply as a means to improve the health and appearance of the doctors questioned. In addition, many media cleansing the body does not justify its popularity: at best they are useless, and at worst - are harmful to health.
Cleaning the bowel
In alternative medicine bowel cleansing is considered one of the most important stages of cleansing the body. Despite the lack of scientific data supporting the benefit of regular colon cleansing, many people periodically use an enema at home, believing it will help them maintain health for a long time.
According to the theory of auto-intoxication, stagnation wastes in the colon results in that it produced toxins are then absorbed in the bowel wall, slowly poisoning organism. In the late 19th and early 20th century many physicians accepted the concept of autointoxication, but already in 1919 and 1922 it was proven that the headaches, fatigue and lack of appetite associated with constipation, are due to a mechanical stretching of the colon, but not because of absorption of toxins.
We now know that most of the digestive process occurs in the small intestine, in the wall which absorbs nutrients. From there, processed food with undigested particles enters the large intestine, which takes the waste to the rectum, and only absorbs minerals and water. So the idea that the large intestine is a reservoir of toxins, is not based on scientific evidence. But it is known that such abuse body cleansing agent, may impair the chemical balance in the colon, as well as deficiency of essential minerals, including potassium.
Ionic foot bath
Everything you need to cleanse the body: to buy a tub, pour in it salty water, put there feet and put electrodes. Gradually the water will become dirty in appearance - according to the manufacturers, the fact that through the legs from the body toxins. If you try to pour into the tub salt water, put back the electrolytes and just stand up there, the result is the same - "dirty" water.
According to the advertisement, toxins such as heavy metals are removed from pores of consciousness due to the effect of the magnet. This is not true. The color of the water changes, because metals have on the electrodes.
Sports & Bath
But what about the sports and sauna? Unless toxins are not eliminated from the body through sweat? In the feces, urine and sweat contain toxins - but in small quantities. The main function of perspiration - regulating body temperature and not cleansing the body. No scientific information that would confirm that heavy sweating helps cleanse the body, but it is known that, in extreme cases, it leads to dehydration and death.
Pot 55-60% consists of a liquid, preferably water. It also includes a salt and traces of calcium chloride, copper lactate
Lactic acid - shows our health
Phosphorus and potassium. These substances, which are also called electrolytes, essential for regulation of fluid balance in the body. At very sweating can develop such conditions as kidney failure
Kidney failure - when treatment is vital
Problems with the cardiovascular system, and heat stroke.
On the other hand, regular exercise, and hiking in the bath
Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
a beneficial effect on metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
, Allowing potentially harmful waste will be rapidly cleared from the body. It is very important to drink lots of water and eat right, to replenish nutrients, including - electrolytes.
Maria Bykov