Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to? - Natural Ways

March 26, 2009

  • Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?
  • Detox Diet
  • Fruit and vegetable cocktails
  • Spring cleaning
  • Natural Ways

The human body and its relationship with the outside world

The human body - is a perfectly balanced system. We eat plant and animal foods, but our body as a factory for the processing of raw materials, use of this food in order to build new cells and develop the energy necessary for the functioning of a person in the environment. Since all the nutrients we get from the external environment, and make up a whole with it.

Once upon a time, many thousands of years ago, people did not know much about chronic diseases, people dying of injuries and acute infections. But those who survived to a ripe old age for a long time to be healthy. Then came the era of industrial development. Thus, in the Middle Ages, when did not know about the harmful effects of waste products on the human body, human life expectancy has declined sharply.

Nowadays industrial hazard have increased many times, but the people of this already well-known, and they are trying to adhere to hygienic standards, so acute diseases that cause high mortality in the working age, have become rare. Replaced by a slow chronic poisoning of the body of environmental pollution, poor diet and a sharp restriction of mobility. All of this together creates conditions for metabolic disorders, of chronic disease, premature aging and death. But still Mechnikov said that before the death of 150 years - a violent death.

 Natural Ways | Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

Cleansing the body - is it worth it to spend?

On the topic of cleansing the body of toxins and impurities did not speak just lazy. Most interesting is that advice on this subject is given only laymen. Moreover, many of these methods of "cleansing" can cause the opposite effect. For example, NA Semenova for bowel cleansing Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?  Colon Cleansing - How to put an enema?
   from harmful bacteria recommends a multiple enemas. The result of such "treatment" will be that from the intestine deleted useful microorganisms that promote digestion and suppression activity of pathogenic microorganisms. But harmful bacteria flourish in full bloom, causing improper food decomposition, gas formation and inflammation of the intestinal wall.

Therefore, before proceeding to cleanse the body Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration  Cleansing the body - comprehensive restoration
 It must be remembered that disrupt the internal environment is easy, but very difficult to restore.

 Natural Ways | Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

Cleansing the body by natural means

Cleansing the body should be carried out in natural ways - by restoring and maintaining proper metabolism (metabolism). To do this, follow these rules:

  • balanced diet: more fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals; carbohydrate (candy) is better to use in the form of natural products (such as honey), to limit the pastry, cakes, candies; Meat is better to use low-fat varieties, at least once a week to eat fish; do not overeat, eat only when the hunger;
  • noncarbonated drink clean water for at least 2-2, to 5 liters per day; a glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast helps to eliminate toxins and waste;
  • the amount and caloric food should have adopted a clear dependence on physical activity: the more you move, the more you can afford to eat.

 Natural Ways | Cleansing the body in the home - whether or not to?

What else can be done to cleanse the body?

Instead of enemas - supplements with beneficial bacteria

In our gut "work" billions of beneficial bacteria that help process food. But sometimes they can not cope with this task, and not digested food starts to rot and decompose under the influence of "harmful" bacteria - hence there are gases in the intestines (flatulence). If such processes take a long time, the inflamed intestinal wall.

To help in this case can supplements to food products that stimulate growth and proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the body (probiotics). An example of this can be laktofiltrum prebiotic that stimulates the production of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Admission to the food supplements that better align with the doctor.

  Cleansing the body using rice

Good folk method, it helps to remove excess fluid from the body How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways
   and toxic metabolic products. For the procedure you need to take 3 tablespoons of brown (brown) rice, boil it until soft. Half an hour before the reception of rice to drink a glass of water, and after receiving the rice did not eat or drink for 4 hours. You can take this week. Such rice adsorbs on the surface of toxic substances and removing them from the body.

  Cleansing the body with the help of apple cider vinegar

Cleansing the body when taking apple cider vinegar is due to the fact that it contains many trace elements and organic acids involved in metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . In normal metabolism produces less poisons and toxins. Apple cider vinegar can be taken with tea (better if instead of sugar in it is honey) 1-2 teaspoon 3 times a day for a month, then you need to take a break.

Article Tags:
  • cleansing of the body

How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly - Exercise discharge weight

July 12, 2009

  • How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly
  • What can and can not
  • Exercises discharge weight
  • Workout and Diet

How to lose weight and burn fat in the abdominal, hips and sides - Easy instructions for use

Fat loss is possible if your body burns more calories than it consumes. Weight is lost only in certain parts of the body, because the body burns it simultaneously in all parts of the body. However, doing exercises with high intensity training and body as a whole, not just individual muscle groups, you can spend more calories than if you exercise with low intensity. Using any kind of exercise, it is possible with the greatest intensity to burn calories, so getting more attractive form.

 Exercises discharge weight | How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly

Combined jumping rope

  • Step 1

Stand with feet together and hold the rope so that she was behind him. Pick up the rope over your head and jump high, throw it over his head. Start with a single jump in the second and gradually increase the speed of up to two jumps per second. Jumping within 30 seconds alternate with rest for 15 seconds.

  • Step 2

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, feet - forward. Shake the rope over your head, high jump, jumping rope. Keep your posture Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight  Posture - a few helpful tips for those who want to walk straight
   exactly during this exercise. Jumping within 30 seconds alternate with rest for 15 seconds.

  • Step 3

Put your left foot to the right and jump so within 30 seconds. Change legs and jump back 30 seconds. Rest one minute and repeat the steps from first to third in the two approaches.

 Exercises discharge weight | How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly

Sprint for the T-shaped path

  • Step 1

Place two markers at a distance of 20 meters from each other. Two marker arrange on both sides of one of the marker at the distance of 20 meters to create a T-shape.

  • Step 2

Be at the marker, which is located in front of the other three. Run to the middle marker, turn right and run to the extreme markers. Then run back to the middle marker and returning to the original.

  • Step 3

In the second approach, change direction and run to the left. Changes direction with every new approach. Try to complete all the exercises in one minute. Rest 30 seconds and repeat the exercise in all the 4-5 sets.

 Exercises discharge weight | How to remove fat from the abdomen - train the body to respond correctly

Lunges with zhimom dumbbell in one hand

  • Step 1

Put your left foot in front of right. Take the 11-kg dumbbell in your right hand and press on the shoulder.

  • Step 2

Goes down, bending both knees at the same time as long as the right knee almost touches the floor. Keep your torso straight.

  • Step 3

Breathe out and go back to its original position, making the bench dumbbell over your head without bending and without losing balance. Lower the dumbbell to shoulder and repeat the movement 10 times.

  • Step 4

Change legs and arms and repeat this exercise 10 more times. Do three sets on each leg.
