The aging of the placenta - it's really scary?

April 29, 2010

 the aging of the placenta
 Placenta - an organ that performs all types of communication between a pregnant woman and the fetus. Therefore, any violations of the structure, location or operation of the placenta certainly affect the condition of mother and child. Many women are afraid of the word "aging of the placenta." Is it really so terrible?

 The aging of the placenta - it's really scary?

What is placenta

The placenta is also called the afterbirth. It is designed to nourish, to supply oxygen to protect the growing fetus from infections and maintain a state of pregnancy (in the placenta produces a number of hormones that support pregnancy). Non-pregnant women do not have a placenta, it is formed during pregnancy and ceases to exist after the birth.

Placenta is given disk diameter of about 20 cm, 3 cm thick and weighing about 0, 5 kg. One side of the disc facing the fetus and from the umbilical cord extends, in which arteries and veins are located, bringing and carrying away the blood of the fetus. On the other side of the disc looks like villi, buried in the wall of the uterus and is washed by the blood of the mother.

Through a thin placenta comes metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 : From maternal blood to fetal blood permeate oxygen and nutrients in the blood of the mother nucleus receives carbon dioxide and metabolic products.

 The aging of the placenta - it's really scary?

As the placenta is formed and aging

The placenta begins to form on day 12 of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is embedded in the uterine lining. Until that time, the power of the embryo is carried out independently, using its own resources. Up to 12 days of pregnancy the egg is not connected with the mother's blood and therefore toxic effects (reception mother liquor, various drugs, smoking and so forth) can not damage it. After 12 days of starting the formation of the placenta, and all the toxic effects on the mother affect the condition of the fetus.

Fully placenta is formed by the end of the third month of pregnancy, then it is changing, adapting to the needs of the growing fetus.

The placenta grows with the growth of the fetus, as well as the child needs more and more nutrients, weight and size of the placenta are increasing. Placental villi acquire branched form, they increase the number of blood vessels. The placenta reaches full maturity a month before the birth.

In late pregnancy (at 36-37 weeks) begins a gradual physiological aging of the placenta, accompanied by a decrease in the area of ​​its exchange surface, the appearance of areas of salt deposits The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?  The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?
 . During birth the placenta is born after the fetus looks like a disk mass of about 0, 5 kg.

There are several degrees of maturity of the placenta (placenta maturity is determined by ultrasound). Each has its own gestation maturity mismatch is detected and if these figures, we speak of premature aging of the placenta.

 The aging of the placenta - it's really scary?

Why placenta is aging prematurely

In some cases, the process of aging of the placenta begins too early, and the placenta can not provide the child with all the necessary nutrients and oxygen. About premature aging of placenta say when a second degree of maturity before 32 weeks, and the third - before 36 weeks of pregnancy.

When premature aging of placenta violated its blood supply in the placenta develop metabolic disorders, which necessarily affects the state of the fetus, that is, there are signs of placental insufficiency. Risk factors for premature aging of the placenta are injured uterus toxic effects on the mother's body:

  • previous abortions and obstructed labor (they break the power structure and the wall of the uterus);
  • endocrine diseases (e.g., thyroid Thyroid disease - women at risk  Thyroid disease - women at risk
   or diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 Which almost always reflects on the state of the blood vessels);
  • any chronic disease mother (e.g., kidney disease, cardiovascular, cancer, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • blood incompatibility of mother and fetus of Rh factor in repeat pregnancies (first pregnancy usually passes without conflict);
  • heavy toxicosis second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia);
  • infection of the uterus;
  • attachment of the placenta close to the cervix or partial detachment;
  • multiple pregnancy.

 The aging of the placenta - it's really scary?

Signs of placental insufficiency and its consequences

Placental insufficiency is often asymptomatic, so that's why you need constant monitoring obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation and an ultrasound.

Insufficient function of the placenta during early pregnancy can lead to the formation of a frozen pregnancy or congenital malformations of the fetus. After the fourth month of pregnancy, placental insufficiency leading to fetal hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply, which is why the first to suffer brain child) and delay its development.

 The aging of the placenta - it's really scary?

What if placental insufficiency still come

If a pregnant woman is constantly observed the doctor, the placental insufficiency, as a rule, it does not threaten, as the doctor will take all necessary measures to eliminate violations of the blood supply of the fetus and prevent serious complications. If outpatient treatment does not help and resolve placental insufficiency fails, send a woman to the maternity hospital to maintain pregnancy.

Remember: to give up the treatment of placental insufficiency can not be, it can seriously affect the health of the child.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • placenta

Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy: somewhere lurking infection

April 28, 2013

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy: somewhere lurking infection
  • The symptoms and possible complications

 Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy
 During pregnancy may also occur in inflammation of lymph nodes. This is due to the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases, which is determined by a decrease in the protective abilities (or immunity) in a pregnant woman. Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy can occur in the form of clinical catarrhal or purulent inflammation.

 Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy: somewhere lurking infection

The consequences of infection

Woman during pregnancy is the most vulnerable to the development of various infectious diseases. When an infectious process in the tissue inflammatory response observed by the lymph nodes near. In acute inflammation develops suddenly on the background of complete physical well-being. The patient has swollen lymph nodes in the area of ​​the primary pathological process, the skin on them becomes red (or congested), there is swelling of tissues. If at this stage of inflammation is possible to prevent the spread of infection, the inflammation will gradually regress, recovered.

If the pathological process in the lymph nodes is complicated by the addition of a secondary infection, the inflammation becomes purulent. Purulent lymphadenitis affect the general condition of the patient, therefore, it is the most dangerous form of pregnant women. The danger is the spread of infection and the development of the following complications:

  • inflammation of the walls of the lymphatic vessels, or lymphangitis
  • inflammation of the walls of the veins or thrombophlebitis
  • inflammatory complications of the various organs, body systems

Infectious agents spread venous and lymphatic vessels. If the body there is a hotbed of chronic infection, then a woman is a risk factor for inflammatory complications during pregnancy. It is therefore recommended necessarily be examined before the onset of pregnancy, to pass the consultative examination by a dentist and an otolaryngologist. Upon detection of pathological changes should follow a policy of appropriate therapy before the pregnancy so as not to deal with the treatment of its occurrence.

 Inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy: somewhere lurking infection

Is there a need for treatment

If a pregnant woman appeared swollen lymph nodes Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection  Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection
 , It is mandatory to be a course of therapy. Since the basis for the development of an infectious inflammation is a factor, it is justified the appointment of antibacterial agents. It is a mistake to think that pregnant women should not take antibiotics. This group of drugs approved for practical use is strictly subject to the term of pregnancy. Even in the early stages of their appointment is permissible if there is evidence for this.

Lymphadenitis need to be treated as an inflammatory process may cause complications in the developing fetus. This should especially be taken into account in the form of purulent lymphadenitis. Lymph node in such a case is opened and drained. Be sure to assign the antibiotics course to ten days. For pregnant women, it is primarily the impact of a wide range of products, as well as representatives of cephalosporin group (second and third generation), macrolides. Use of antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   even allowed the first trimester of pregnancy, if necessary, is required in a particular clinical situation. You can not just treat the inflammation of the lymph nodes, as this process does not apply to a separate nosological form of the disease. Inflammation is accompanied by a specific nodes infectious disease, for which such a complicated pathological process in knots. In the case of purulent inflammation can not be used any warming up procedure. Heat will contribute to the progression of the disease due to the spread of the pathogen through the body. Valid only use dry heat or ultraviolet irradiation area of ​​the lymph nodes in early stages, ie at the stage of catarrh.

If acute inflammation in the lymph nodes was treated properly, or not adequately, the inflammation may acquire chronic course. This option lymphadenitis during pregnancy may negatively affect the status of not only the patient, but also the fetus. In chronic course of the disease develops intoxication, which is not marked, but constant. The constant flow of toxic products into the bloodstream leads to a general weakness, malaise, decreased efficiency, sleep disturbances Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   and appetite. Prolonged intoxication of a pregnant woman is reflected in the process of fetal development. The most frequent complication in this situation is the growth retardation (shown various embodiments of retardation syndrome), disorders in the fetoplacental unit.

Chronic inflammation, which can cause lymphadenitis Lymphadenitis - when inflamed lymph nodes  Lymphadenitis - when inflamed lymph nodes
 In the absence of exacerbations not be treated during pregnancy. If there is an exacerbation of the disease, and inflammation developed in the lymph nodes, then the therapy lymphadenitis, but not the underlying disease. Only after the birth should be to conduct a full examination and treatment to prevent the development of the subsequent exacerbation of the inflammatory process. If it is, for example, decompensated forms of tonsillitis, you were under surgery. Any source of chronic infection to be treated, it is favorable impact on subsequent pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs in favorable background in terms of infection, it is a guarantee of a normal pregnancy without complications and a healthy baby.
