Drawing pain in the abdomen during pregnancy - a result of the restructuring of the body

October 29, 2011

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 Drawing pain in the abdomen
 Drawing pain in the abdomen can occur both at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy. As a rule, it is not dangerous pain caused by physiological changes in the female body. Nevertheless, it is better to consult with the obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation - perhaps for such pain and hiding something serious.

 Drawing pain in the abdomen during pregnancy - a result of the restructuring of the body

Non-hazardous dragging pain in the abdomen

Drawing pain in the abdomen can occur from the first weeks of pregnancy. In most cases, they are linked to hormonal changes in the body, which changes under the influence of the work of almost all organs and tissues. Changing the attitude of women to her body, she always listens to what is going on inside. Where once small abdominal pain could pass unnoticed, that during pregnancy they sometimes overrated. There is nothing wrong - for the need to monitor their feelings and everything to consult a doctor, just do not need to panic.

So, pulling abdominal pain may occur due to the fact that under the influence of hormones begin to change gradually the ligaments and muscles that support the stomach: the body prepares for the increased loads.

At the beginning of pregnancy, they are softened, and in the second half of pregnancy gradually as the growth of the belly, stretched - this is nagging pains. The growing uterus can also have some impact on the surrounding organs and tissues - this too can cause discomfort, they occur more frequently in women suffering from dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation).

Another reason for pulling pain in the abdomen may be stagnation in the intestine, which also appear in the background of hormonal changes. The fact that the main pregnancy hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   inhibits motor activity of muscles of the uterus - so the body protects the fetus from abortion. A side effect of this action is the inhibition of smooth muscle motility of the intestine, as autonomic fibers innervate the muscles of the uterus and intestines, are moving away from single nerve trunks. As a result, portions of the intestine can be formed accumulations of feces that cause nagging pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
   in the other side, where they formed a "traffic jam."

 Drawing pain in the abdomen during pregnancy - a result of the restructuring of the body

How to cope with drawing pains in the abdomen?

First of all, consult with obstetrician-gynecologist of female consultation and if he can not find a serious cause for concern, just to establish a proper diet and lifestyle.

We must prepare for the fact that the locks will be permanent, throughout the pregnancy. We need to deal with them with the help of proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
 . The aid should come milk products (for example, perfectly slabit fresh yogurt, but on the third day, he can fix), vegetables (which can be consumed as fresh as a salad and steamed), fruit. The vegetable salads can be added to vegetable oil, it has a laxative effect.

In no case can not be applied independently of laxatives drugs.

If necessary, they can prescribe a doctor. Pregnant women may be used only drugs that do not increase the motor activity of the intestine, the use of other, including herbal medications, may result in miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?

Minor pain associated with muscle tension and pressure on the surrounding tissue of the uterus can simply be patient - they are not too strong. The correct way of life - the alternation of rest and minor physical exertion usually leads to the fact that the pain reduced. Sometimes it helps to carry a band for pregnant women (just put it in the prone position!), Even when the stomach is still invisible - it reduces the tension of the abdominal muscles.

 Drawing pain in the abdomen during pregnancy - a result of the restructuring of the body

Drawing pain in the abdomen - when they should alert

Drawing pain in the abdomen can occur when a strain of muscles of the uterus. This condition is called hypertonic uterus and threatens to end in miscarriage. But in most cases, this condition is not dangerous, as treatable. You just have time to see a doctor. At the beginning of pregnancy hypertonicity of the uterus most often occurs due to insufficient formation of progesterone in the body. The appointment of its synthetic analogs (utrogestan, duphaston) usually restores the normal state of the uterus. Do not pay attention to the uterus can not gipertons, it must be treated because muscle spasm squeezes the fertilized egg and the fetus suffers.

Even more dangerous condition when a pulling pain in the abdomen joining spotting.

This suggests that the body tries to get rid of the fetus. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. If a woman taken to the hospital in time, then at the beginning of spontaneous abortion it can still be prevented.

Attentive, but without too much nervousness related to their feelings in most cases allows a pregnant woman to notice the danger and seek medical advice.

Galina Romanenko

Fish oil in pregnancy - prevention of premature birth

July 12, 2012

 fish oil during pregnancy
 Fish oil - the main source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 essential body: their own human body can not synthesize these acids. For pregnant women, fish oil is particularly useful: omega-3 have a positive effect on the heart, the immune system weakened by pregnancy, strengthen the central nervous system and suppress inflammation.

 Fish oil in pregnancy - prevention of premature birth

Useful than fish oil

An adequate amount of omega-3 is necessary for the body to produce prostaglandins. These compounds help to regulate many important physiological functions - including blood pressure, blood clotting, kidney and gastrointestinal tract, the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers, and finally the synthesis of certain hormones.

It involving fatty acids omega-3 in the synthesis of prostaglandins and explains its beneficial effects of fish oil on the human body.

Regular use of fish oil or oily fish meat helps prevent cardiovascular disease, suppress inflammation, strengthen the immune system. A latest medical studies show the effectiveness of the omega-3 and in the treatment of certain diseases - such as inflammatory bowel disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment  Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
 Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus.

 Fish oil in pregnancy - prevention of premature birth

What are the benefits of fish oil for pregnant women

Omega-3, which is a major source of fish oil Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?  Fish oil - so whether it is useful to think?
 Necessary for the development of baby's nervous system and vision. Regular intake of fish oil helps reduce the risk of allergic diseases in the newborn. A postpartum use of fish oil promotes the production of breast milk.

The use of fish oil has a positive effect not only on the health of the child, but also on the course of pregnancy. An adequate amount of omega-3 in the diet of pregnant women to help prevent premature birth, reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia, increases the weight of the newborn. Deficiency of these acids in the body increases the risk of postpartum depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   - That worsening deficiency of omega-3, in particular because of worsening of symptoms of depression with each subsequent pregnancy.

 Fish oil in pregnancy - prevention of premature birth

Does fish oil is safe for pregnant women

Fish oil during pregnancy to make even more useful than to eat fatty fish, meat which also contains essential fatty acids omega-3.

If the fish meat can contain large amounts of mercury, fish oil capsules Fish oil capsules - will help restore your metabolism  Fish oil capsules - will help restore your metabolism
   or in liquid form does not contain toxic substances and is completely safe for pregnant women. Nevertheless, when buying a fish oil must pay attention to several factors - for example, smell and taste. If fish oil is different characteristic "fishy" smell, then most likely, it begins to deteriorate - a quality fish oil has a fairly weak, although a specific odor. If the taste and smell of "clean" fish oil is unpleasant to you, you can restrict reception of capsules with fish oil.

 Fish oil in pregnancy - prevention of premature birth

The recommended rate of fish oil

  • For infants under the age of eighteen months, sixty milligrams of fish oil per kilogram of body weight of the child
  • For children between the ages of one and a half to fifteen years, thirty milligrams of fish oil per kilogram of body weight of the child
  • For adults: five hundred milligrams of fish oil
  • For pregnant women and breastfeeding women: three hundred milligrams of fish oil daily

In addition to fish oil in the form of an oily liquid or capsules sources necessary for the body's fatty acid omega-3 are the different types of fatty fish, eg, salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, sprat.

Article Tags:
  • nutrition in pregnancy
  • fish fat
