Probably all women know how important it is to pay special attention to the drugs that you take during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, which is the most important period in the development of your baby. If you are taking prescription drugs before pregnancy, talk to your doctor about the safety of these drugs as soon as you shall know that you are pregnant. Making a decision on the admission of a particular drug in each case, the doctor will consider all the possible risks for the child and the benefits that brings the mother's medication. Sometimes the risk associated with the discontinuation of the drug, much more than the danger that threatens the child if his mother will continue to take the medicine.
During pregnancy, you can not start taking any medication (including OTC) without first consulting with your doctor.
What medications are safe during pregnancy
Prenatal vitamins that are now sold over the counter, of course, are safe for pregnant women. However, choosing the vitamins, it is best to consult with your doctor - you may need a special dosage of certain vitamins and minerals. If you are going to take any other vitamins and / or herbs, and consult a physician. Safety of many drugs on the basis of herbs has not been proven - including the fact that they are not medicines in the full sense and are less rigorous certification. The general recommendation is: do not take any medications, including over the counter, without a pressing need and a doctor's approval.
Presented in this table are drugs considered safe for pregnant women:
Drug Name
Allergic reactions
Cold and flu
Saline solution for rinsing the nose and throat
Milk of magnesia
(take no more than 24 hours and only after 12 weeks of pregnancy)
Preparation H
Nausea and vomiting
Vitamin B6
Emetol (if a woman does not have diabetes)
Skin rash
Ointments and creams hydrocortisone
Cream or lotion Kaladril
Benadryl ointment
Oatmeal baths
Yeast Infection
Candles Monistat or Terazol
List all unsafe drugs for pregnant women are not possible; In some cases, however, doctors prescribe intake of potentially harmful drugs to pregnant women. With the correct dosage and constant monitoring of the condition of the patient can usually avoid complications for both mother and the baby.
Means of alternative medicine, which should be avoided during pregnancy
Alternative medicine is not as safe as we would like to think. As already mentioned, the tools that it uses, can not be as scrutinized as conventional pharmaceutical formulations, so we can not confidently assert that they are not dangerous.
Avoid ingestion of infusions and extracts of the following plants: black cohosh, cascara, Chinese angelica, cinchona, root of cotton, pyrethrum, ginseng, juniper, kava kava, licorice, saffron, sage
Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
Senna, white peony, wormwood.
During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use aromatherapy essential oils: sage, mint
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
marsh, sage, wintergreen, basil, myrrh, marjoram and thyme.
The toxic effects of drugs on the fetus
The reaction of the fetus depends on the effects of drugs:
- of gestational age and stage of fetal development at the time of treatment;
- the rate of penetration of drugs through the placenta from mother to fetus;
- the characteristics of the exchange of the drug to the mother, the fetus and placenta.
The decisive role here, of course, belongs to the stage of fetal development. Most sensitive to the damaging effects of drugs has the embryo in the first 3 months of development. During this period, drugs can cause malformations of organs and tissues (teratogenic effects), and the death of the embryo (fetotoxic effects). If a drug has teratogenic, pregnant woman gets in a short amount of time, then this is reflected in the structure of the body, the tab is going at the moment of taking the medicine. If a woman gets a drug for a long time, the result will be the emergence of multiple malformations.
But after the first three months of pregnancy can not exclude the negative impact of drugs on the fetus. The reaction of the fetus during this period depends on which body is currently in the development stage (in this period developed eyes, ears, teeth, external genitalia, and the central nervous system).
The impact of drugs on the fetus can be done not only through the placenta, but also by the penetration of the drug through the membranes in the amniotic fluid that the fetus absorbs. Some drugs (mainly antibiotics) have an increased ability to accumulate in the amniotic fluid - this effect is used in the treatment of intrauterine infection.
Drugs have varying degrees of adverse effects on the fetus.
The impact on the fetus antibacterial drugs
Among the drugs used during pregnancy, antibiotics occupy a special place. This is a relatively common complication of pregnancy, various infectious diseases and the development of intrauterine infection. For the treatment of intrauterine infections using ampicillin, amoxicillin, oxacillin, and which, when properly administered normally no complications in the fetus.
Streptomycin during prolonged administration of high doses, especially between 3 and 5 months of pregnancy can cause hearing loss in the form of congenital deafness, so it is not used during pregnancy. At the hearing also affect kanamycin and gentamicin.
But it is especially dangerous to the fetus antibiotics tetracycline
Tetracycline - a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic
. These antibiotics can cause birth defects, growth retardation, massive tooth decay
More about caries - take care of your teeth until it's too late
teeth in the first year of the child's life. Tetracycline is contraindicated in all stages of pregnancy.
Not recommended for pregnant women also use chloramphenicol because of its toxic effects on the liver and blood of the fetus.
Not recommended for use in pregnant women long-acting sulfa drugs (such as Biseptol) in connection with their effects on the liver of the fetus, resulting in the blood increases the content of the gall pigment bilirubin, which has a toxic effect on the brain.
To varying degrees, have teratogenic (causing malformation) almost all the antifungals.
The impact on the fetus of some other drugs
Negative impact on the fetus nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and indomethacin, they can cause abnormal development of the skeleton, the splitting of the hard palate (cleft palate), and so on.
Most antihistamines help to reduce allergic reactions (diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, etc.) do not have a toxic effect on the fetus, so can be used during pregnancy when indicated.
Remember that any medication during pregnancy can be used only on prescription.
Galina Romanenko