7 tips on how to get pregnant faster

May 11, 2012

 how to get pregnant faster
 What is and what not to do to increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Are you ready for pregnancy and you want it to happen immediately. And although not all in this regard to control, there are some tips that can increase the chance of pregnancy.

 7 tips on how to get pregnant faster

Take a survey for parents

Before you start trying to get pregnant for a complete examination. After consulting with the doctor, start to take special prenatal vitamins containing folic acid (its lack of increases the likelihood of fetal abnormality). Start taking vitamins for a month prior to the attempt conception. If you have any medical conditions, before trying to get pregnant, to cure them or try to control.

 7 tips on how to get pregnant faster

Just know your cycle

The most suitable time for conception is ovulating. You can determine ovulation by the changing nature of discharge (watery mucous discharge), and you can feel a twinge on one side. There are also tests to determine ovulation, which will prompt you when chances of conception are highest. You can try to calculate ovulation. When a cycle of 28 days is most likely ovulate on the 14th day.

If you have used contraceptives after their withdrawal should wait for some time to the menstrual cycle was adjusted.

 7 tips on how to get pregnant faster

Do not worry about sexual positions

There are many myths about the best positions for conception, but it's just a myth. There is no scientific evidence that some positions better than others for conception. The only reasonable grain in these reflections - if a woman is sitting or standing during intercourse, the seed may simply run out by gravity, rather than get into the cervix.

 7 tips on how to get pregnant faster

After intercourse, need to lie down

You may have heard this advice - after sex lie on the bed and lift your feet? Scientists believe that the board lie ten or fifteen minutes is reasonable, but not necessarily to raise the legs. This rest period increases the likelihood of getting the sperm into the cervix.

 7 tips on how to get pregnant faster

Do not overdo it

If you constantly have sex even during ovulation, it does not increase the chances of conception. The fact that the sperm quality may be affected when too frequent ejaculation. The recommended frequency of sex for conception - every two days during the period of ovulation. Sperm cells remain active for up to 72 hours after intercourse.

Also, the quality of the sperm can affect: wearing too tight clothing, hot tubs and even carrying a cell phone in the front pocket of his pants. Also, men should not be abused soy products, they reduce the concentration of spermatozoa.

 7 tips on how to get pregnant faster

Get rid of stress

By themselves, trying to become pregnant can cause stress, and stress disrupts ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   in women and reduces the potency of men. Therefore, use any pleasant ways to relax. Excessive use of alcohol, of course, should not be, but one glass of wine will not hurt. By reducing stress levels How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 , You increase the chance of getting pregnant.

 7 tips on how to get pregnant faster

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Exercise is undeniably beneficial to health. However, if your load is excessive, it can disrupt the menstrual cycle and prevent ovulation. Of course, individual performance, but on average, it can be considered a reasonable limit of 45 minutes, if you do every day. Rather than engage in strength training is best in moderation, using aerobic exercise.

Watch your diet. There are too full of women like too thin may be difficulty conceiving Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child

Quit smoking to increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant. In addition all the known negative effects of smoking affects the level of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   and ovulation.

Pregnancy occurs in 85% of women within a year of trying. If you do not occur during the year, see a doctor and go through screening for infertility. For women over 35, such an examination is recommended after six months of unsuccessful attempts to conceive.

Article Tags:
  • how to enhance the probability of conception

Tests for infections during pregnancy - check the body

October 1, 2014

  • Tests for infections during pregnancy - check the body
  • Diagnostics

 tests for infection in pregnancy
 Maternal largely determines the health of the unborn baby, so it is important to take all the time necessary examinations during pregnancy. Among other things, women are tested for a variety of infections that can somehow affect the process of fetal development. What tests are carried out on an infection Tests for infections - important indicators  Tests for infections - important indicators
   during pregnancy, and why are they so important?


Analysis on the disease, sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), despite modern methods of contraception and diagnostic tools are very common, and among them particularly common chlamydia. Many STIs are asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, and, nevertheless, they can have a very negative impact on the development of pregnancy. Typically, tests for STDs do immediately after a woman found a pregnancy, even if the results were negative, over the next months, we need to continue, as before, to take measures for the prevention of STDs.

Should you have the slightest suspicion that you might catch an STD (for example, you have reason to believe that your partner is cheating on you), immediately contact your doctor to get tested again.

This must be done, and with the appearance of any alarming symptoms, such as unusual vaginal discharge. The analysis results are usually known within two or three days, and if necessary, your doctor may prescribe treatment immediately. Most STD in pregnant women are treated successfully and without adverse effects on the health of the child.


The HIV during pregnancy

Analysis of HIV - one of the mandatory tests for pregnant women, and it has made during his first visit to the gynecologist when the pregnancy is established (but ideally it should be done before conception). Timely identification of HIV is critical because it will take steps to reduce the chance of infection of the child during and after pregnancy.

Most HIV-infected women who do not have other health problems, pregnancy goes without any complications.


Analysis for hepatitis B in pregnancy

Hepatitis C - a virus that infects the liver, and many people do not cause symptoms. However, it can be transmitted from person to person, including from mother to child. The analysis does not hepatitis B Hepatitis B - a dangerous inflammation of the liver  Hepatitis B - a dangerous inflammation of the liver
   make all pregnant women. If you find that there is a risk of infection of the child, immediately after birth, he will be introduced hepatitis B vaccine - it will prevent the development of infections and serious liver disease in the future. Vaccination of children at birth appears effective in 90-95% of cases.


Assay for Hepatitis C during pregnancy

Hepatitis C can also be transmitted to the child and is therefore very important to detect it even before birth. However, the risk of infection is much lower than when the mother is ill with hepatitis B. If the infection occurred, the child will need expert help. Vaccinations against hepatitis C does not currently exist.



Approximately 95% of women at the time of pregnancy already have immunity to chickenpox or varicella. However, if you have never had chickenpox Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous  Chickenpox: painful, but not dangerous
 , It is necessary to inform the doctor; it can hold a blood test to check whether you have immunity. The disease chickenpox during pregnancy can be dangerous for both mother and child.


An analysis on intrauterine infection

It may be carried out after the birth or, less frequently during pregnancy. Intrauterine infection called infectious diseases of any fetus or newborn, which he contracted in utero. For diagnostic blood tests may be necessary (and also possibly urine and feces) mother, the child and, in some cases, placenta.

For example, to diagnose congenital rubella can be analyzed maternal blood, amniotic fluid analysis and blood of the newborn.

Most women have immunity to rubella pathogens, however, if the expectant mother does not know whether she did vaccinated against the disease in childhood, she should tell your doctor. He will do a blood test that identifies antibodies to rubella virus.

Rubella in the first four weeks of pregnancy can seriously affect the child's vision and hearing, as well as lead to defects in the development of the heart and brain. In such cases, it is often recommended abortion. The children who were born with congenital rubella are serious health problems, including cataracts Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
   and heart disease.


Analysis for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy

Usually do only when necessary, if a woman suspects she could be ill or if she had symptoms. This disease is transmitted through cat feces. It may cause serious harm to the child's health, so the disease should be diagnosed and treated in time.
