Inflammation of the lungs during pregnancy - subject to compulsory treatment

December 18, 2012

 pneumonia in pregnancy
 Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) in pregnant women is found, and it is not uncommon, as it contributes to the state of the body during pregnancy. Pneumonia is not a cause for termination of pregnancy, but it must be treated, otherwise complications can be at his mother's side, and by the child.

 Inflammation of the lungs during pregnancy - subject to compulsory treatment

What changes in the body of a pregnant predispose to pneumonia

First of all, this decline under the influence of hormonal immunity, resulting in starts to actively proliferate pathogenic microflora, which may be the causative agent of infection. In addition, immune disorders can lead to an increased risk of acute respiratory infections, including viral. A pneumonia often is a complication of viral infection.

In the body of the pregnant woman there are other changes that affect the processes of emergence and development of pneumonia in pregnant women. For example, during pregnancy there is redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, increased allocation located in the area of ​​mucus glands. This leads to the fact that from the first days of pregnancy a woman may appear sneezing, nasal congestion, nasal bleeding.

In the second half of pregnancy, the growing uterus more props diaphragm and chest causes women to grow in volume. This adversely affects the function of the heart and lungs and may cause insufficient supply of tissues (including tissues of the respiratory tract) oxygen. With a lack of oxygen in the tissues of the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and further reduced immunity.

Changes in the kidneys leads to the fact that the elimination of salts is disturbed, which has an alkalizing effect on the body, increases blood oxygen saturation and reduces carbon dioxide.

External predisposing factors for the development of pneumonia in pregnant women are hypothermia, unfavorable epidemic situation of viral infections, smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs, toxic substances, immunodeficiencies (eg, HIV infection), taking medications that reduce immunity (eg, glucocorticoid hormones).

 Inflammation of the lungs during pregnancy - subject to compulsory treatment

How to start pneumonia in pregnant women

Pneumonia - an infectious-inflammatory disease that can be caused by infectious agents of bacterial, viral, fungal, mycoplasma, chlamydia and other origin. It is found that pneumonia in pregnant women (as well as all other humans) are most often caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, which is often a part of the pathogenic microflora of humans. Infection may begin after hypothermia, stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   or high physical exertion.

Another common cause of pneumonia is viral infection. Complications of influenza (adenovirus infection, etc.) may become as viral pneumonia, and bacterial, which is attached to the inflammatory process. In some cases, after suffering flu in a woman may develop severe staphylococcal pneumonia and pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pneumocystis. Sometimes the disease is a mixed infection.

These infectious agents as mycoplasma, chlamydia Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease  Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
 Legionella, some of the most aggressive types of pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci can enter the woman's body by airborne droplets from the patient.

There is also an endogenous (internal) path of infection. When the infectious agent gets into the airways of other foci of infection through the bloodstream (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and so on).

 Inflammation of the lungs during pregnancy - subject to compulsory treatment

How is

In the first half of pregnancy, pneumonia can occur, as usual, accompanied by high fever, shortness of breath, cough. Sometimes, due to lower immunity pneumonia in pregnancy is erased, without significant temperature and cough. Such flow is dangerous, because a woman can not pay proper attention to the disease. This leads to complications in the form of a lung abscess, pleurisy and suppurative complications in the cardiovascular system. It may not affect the treated pneumonia, a condition of the child: the originator of intrauterine infection can get to the hearth with blood.

Sometimes because of violations of immunity for pneumonia becomes protracted, and the current treatment does not give the complete disappearance of the foci of inflammation in the lungs (according to X-ray examination) during the month.

In the second half of pregnancy is more severe pneumonia, shortness of breath because this invokes not only pneumonia, but the physiological characteristics of the state of pregnancy. Especially hard it can proceed viral and viral-bacterial pneumonia.

The diagnosis of pneumonia in pregnant women must be confirmed by X-ray and laboratory tests. Treatment is carried out by means of drugs, including antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 , Has no adverse effect on the fetus.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • pneumonia

Heparin ointment after delivery - to help the body recover

September 30, 2012

 heparin ointment after childbirth
 Heparin ointment applied after birth in order to eliminate the effects of stress on the venous system, which was at the time of pregnancy. Furthermore, heparin ointment is used after delivery, in order to minimize the effects of pregnancy such as stretch marks.

 Heparin ointment after delivery - to help the body recover

Consequences of pregnancy

Pregnancy - is, first of all, the load on all organs and body systems. All require recovery after childbirth. But especially plagued the cardiovascular system in particular - a system of veins. Vienna most women after childbirth expanded, many even young women on the legs can be seen blue branches of the superficial veins. After delivery in time blood flow is restored, but it will take some time.

A big problem after delivery is often a hemorrhoid. During pregnancy, most women have constipation and stagnation of blood in the veins of the rectum, ie, chronic hemorrhoids. Sometimes hemorrhoids are infringed or vein thrombosing - it leads to the aggravation of hemorrhoids, which is manifested by severe pain.

But even if acute hemorrhoids during pregnancy has not been, childbirth, during which dramatically increases abdominal pressure, contribute to its appearance. Therefore, the majority of women in the postpartum period have such a problem as acute hemorrhoids. If this disease is left untreated, it will constantly recur in the future.

The skin after birth are ugly stretch - stretch marks, it is a consequence of rupture of collagen fibers and small blood vessels with a gradual stretching of the skin during pregnancy. Most of these stretch marks appear on the skin of the side surfaces of the abdomen and thighs. At the time of giving birth most of the stretch marks change their original reddish-brown to white.

 Heparin ointment after delivery - to help the body recover

Rehabilitation of the venous system after childbirth

In order to restore normal blood flow in the veins, especially, need to move more. And women after childbirth, after the postpartum period is over, there will be such an opportunity. So how to care for the child, to walk with him in the open air, which has a positive effect on the state of the mother.

Help in restoring the normal functioning of the venous system of women after childbirth can be the use of heparin ointment. When varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
   thrombophlebitis, and it is applied to the skin surface (only if not compromised its integrity, that is, no wounds, ulcers and erosions) and gently rub.

Part of the heparin ointment gradually absorbed in the small blood vessels of the skin, which expand under the influence of one of its components is benzyl. Ointment relieves swelling of the tissues, prevents aggregation (sticking) of platelets and formation of blood clots. The local anesthetic benzocaine reduces discomfort in the affected area. When using heparin ointment rates combined with physical activity events of varicose veins gradually disappear.

Stagnation of venous blood in the rectum can also be removed using a heparin ointment. But with chronic hemorrhoids and should be fought by increasing physical activity. In addition, great importance is the right diet to help restore normal stool after birth and get rid of constipation.

Heparin is often necessary to use the ointment in the postpartum period when symptoms of hemorrhoids are most pronounced. In the rectum once daily administered heparin ointment impregnated swabs How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 . The duration of treatment depends on the state of women: tampons are introduced to a stable improvement of its condition and the disappearance of pain. Later heparin ointment can be applied when the signs of acute hemorrhoids Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk  Acute Hemorrhoids - office workers at risk

 Heparin ointment after delivery - to help the body recover

Restoration of normal skin condition after childbirth

The appearance of stretch marks on the skin after birth - this unpleasant phenomenon. In order to reduce the stretching and make them less noticeable, heparin ointment is applied. When applied to the skin and lungs rubbing heparin absorbed into the blood and has antiproliferative effects, that is, blocks growth of connective tissue, which is the basis for stretch marks. Stretch marks are more subtle and less visible. In addition, the expansion of small blood vessels in the area stretching to improve metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   and general condition of the skin, which will mask the already formed stretch marks. Unfortunately, to make the already formed connective tissue is resolved, it is impossible.

Thus, heparin ointment to help women recover after childbirth. But in order for such treatment to be effective, heparin ointment should appoint a doctor with all the indications and contraindications.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • heparin ointment
