How to get better during pregnancy: normal weight gain

August 10, 2012

 it does not get better during pregnancy
 Pregnancy - is a special time in a woman's life, which is inherent in a lot of new issues and concerns. One of the headaches of the future mother - is a matter of "how not to get better during pregnancy? ". Relatives and friends try and stuffed pregnant different and very tasty calories, citing its concern that the woman in the family way should eat for two. Sure, the body's need for calories significantly increase during pregnancy, but they are not doubled.

On average, a pregnant woman should add ten to twelve kilograms, not twenty or thirty. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can affect not only the health of the mother, but also on the child. Women who recover strongly during carrying a child increases the risk of diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   and hypertension Hypertension - dangerous consequences  Hypertension - dangerous consequences
 The birth of a large (more than four kg), and even a giant (more than five kilograms) of the fetus. Accordingly, the problems in the labor will be provided (anomaly tribal forces, perineal tears and trauma of the fetus).

 How to get better during pregnancy: normal weight gain

Proper nutrition

Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   it would not hurt to all people, and even pregnant women is a must .  The first step is to abandon the high-calorie foods .  Sweet pastries, cakes with cream, fatty and fried - a meal is not pregnant, the more it benefits from the minimum .  The diet of the future mother should include foods such as lean meat and poultry (turkey, chicken), fish is rich in phosphorus and calcium, rabbit meat .  Useful porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet .  Every day, the menu must be present pregnant dairy products: milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs .  They are a source of calcium, which is so necessary for the formation of the baby skeleton and teeth .  Chocolate, strong tea and coffee can cause not only an overabundance of caffeine, which affects the development of the fetus and is the cause of birth defects, but also will add extra kilos pregnant .  Sweets and pastries is replaced by dried fruits and nuts .  Expectant mother should also not forget about fresh fruits and vegetables, which are a source of vitamins .  Of course, the appetite during pregnancy greatly increases, there is an overwhelming desire to always something to eat .  To cope with this problem, it is recommended to divide the daily food intake into five or six parts .  There should be little and often .  Excessive weight gain is useful to observe the fasting days, but not more often than once every seven - ten days and only after consulting a doctor .  Examples of fasting days:

  • apple (1, 5-2 kg of green apples divided into five or six receptions and there during the day);
  • cheese (600-700 gr. of cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt to fill, you can add a little sugar, also divided into five or six doses).

 How to get better during pregnancy: normal weight gain

A bit of liquid

Pregnant women should consume daily at least two liters of liquid. This is due to stagnation of urine in the kidneys due to compression of the ureter enlarged uterus, as well as the needs of the fetus (amniotic fluid - the baby habitat must be constantly updated). The main drink for pregnant women are unsweetened green tea, cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks, broth hips, still water. In addition, berry fruit drinks and compotes contains vitamin C, which is important for pregnant women, and also stimulates the immune system.

One of the causes of excess weight gain are swelling occurring in the second and third trimester. Edema defined simply: a wedding ring is not removed or is removed with difficulty, especially in the morning. In this case, you must move the main fluid intake in the first half of the day, and limit their intake of salty foods and most salt. Also it is necessary to monitor the daily urine output (control drunk and allocated liquid) and keep a daily log to show the doctor.

 How to get better during pregnancy: normal weight gain

Remember to exercise

Pregnancy - is not an illness and an aimless lying on the couch and doing nothing does not justify future mother. Exercise during pregnancy will not only help to quickly restore your weight after childbirth, but also make it easier for a period of childbearing and childbirth.

Pregnant useful to make daily trips within one and a half hours in the park or in the park (ideal - in the countryside), to exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   for pregnant women, swimming and belly dancers.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • nutrition in pregnancy

Treatment of herpes during pregnancy - is it worth doing?

January 17, 2014

 treatment of herpes in pregnancy
 Treatment of herpes during pregnancy is not always carried out. If the infection was already before pregnancy and during pregnancy had not aggravated, it can not be treated. But the primary herpes infection and recurrence of chronic disease should be treated.


Treatment of herpes during pregnancy

Herpes during pregnancy can be dangerous for both mother and child. Especially dangerous herpes when she first caught them during pregnancy. Herpes simplex virus (HPV), the first time penetrated the woman's body during pregnancy may cause fetal death or severe malformations.

If such an infection occurred in the first trimester of pregnancy when there is a bookmark of organs and tissues of the fetus, and it is very vulnerable, a woman usually offer to terminate the pregnancy. In the later stages of pregnancy remain, but for the condition of the fetus carefully watch - modern ultrasound machines allow timely detection of anomalies in the development of almost all organs. If the detected anomalies incompatible with life, the pregnancy is terminated, and in the later stages. A woman in this situation, you only need to visit a doctor in a timely manner and comply with all of its destinations.


The treated primary herpes during pregnancy?

Primary herpes requires systemic treatment. To this end, a woman administered antivirals systemic action. Verified preparation of this series, do not usually have a negative impact on the fetus, it is acyclovir. If ingestion it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and blocks the proliferation of HPV in the cells of the female organism. The treatment is performed in the second trimester of pregnancy is relatively safe for the fetal period.

Experience in the use of more modern and effective antiviral drugs - valacyclovir (Valtrex) and famciclovir (Famvir) is not enough. Therefore, despite the absence of contraindications for their use during pregnancy (animal studies did not reveal any adverse effects of these drugs on the fetus), they are administered much less frequently.


The treat recurrent herpes during pregnancy

Treatment of recurrent genital herpes during pregnancy is usually carried out before delivery in order to sanitize the birth canal and reduce the risk of infection of the child during birth. When frequent exacerbations of the disease a few weeks before delivery is carried out systemic treatment using acyclovir herpes. If the virus coincides with aggravation birth, she will need to cesarean delivery.

Treatment of relapses of herpes during pregnancy, if it is a chronic, carried out mainly by external means. For this purpose, apply creams, gels, solutions for external use. More often prescribed to pregnant women zovirakt cream, an active substance which is acyclovir Acyclovir - as it is safe?  Acyclovir - as it is safe?
 . Ointment for herpes during pregnancy does not apply, as this formulation is not suitable for the treatment of herpes Treatment of herpes - a serious problem  Treatment of herpes - a serious problem

For the treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy can be used more modern antiviral drugs for external use - 1% cream fenistil pentsivir, which produces Swiss pharmaceutical Novartis. For the treatment of genital herpes it is not used.

Active ingredient is penciclovir cream (this is the main ingredient in Famvir - the most effective antiviral drug for systemic treatment). When applying the cream on the skin fenistil pentsivir it is not absorbed into the blood and acts locally only by suppressing viral replication of herpes simplex Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple  Herpes simplex - in fact, not so simple
   and removing the inflammation and itching.


Treatment of herpes in pregnant women folk remedies

Treatment of herpes in pregnant women folk remedies as possible, but only on prescription. As a rule, folk remedies can be combined with medication.

From folk remedies during pregnancy can be used:

  • salad onion for immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 ; leaves of green onions thoroughly washed, dried, cut into small pieces, add the olive (can be unrefined sunflower) oil and eat before breakfast; daily use of this salad will enrich the body with vitamins A and C have a pronounced antioxidant properties; antioxidants inhibit the toxic properties of the free radicals which are formed in large quantities during inflammatory reactions, including herpes;
  • lotions from broth oak bark; 4 tablespoons chopped dry oak bark pour 0, 5 liters of water, boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes, filtered, made up to the initial level of boiled water, cooled and used as a lotion, applying to the genitals cloth moistened with broth; dried and has a good anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment of herpes in pregnant women should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • herpes in pregnancy
