During pregnancy, there can be such a state where women need supplementation of potassium. But, like any other drugs, they can be taken only on prescription. It is particularly important to comply with the rule in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Appointment asparkama in early pregnancy
Asparkam - is a source of potassium, essential to all cells of our body, but especially in need heart muscle (myocardium), which operates non-stop life. Potassium located mostly within cardiac muscle cells, and other mineral - sodium - is cells, in the intercellular space. The balance between sodium and potassium, contributes to the fact that the cell is maintained constant osmotic pressure. But if a person loses a lot of liquid, with him it loses potassium and sodium, as a result of osmotic pressure in the myocardial cells is disturbed, which affects its operation.
In the first and early second trimester of pregnancy in women often develop early toxicosis of pregnancy, which include nausea, vomiting, drooling significant. As a result, a woman can lose a lot of fluids, and with it, and potassium. Low levels of potassium in the blood is called hypokalemia. This condition is manifested as fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, dry skin, decreased skin sensitivity. It appears bloating, increased vomiting (vomiting have supported hypokalemia), low blood pressure, tachycardia
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In such cases, therapeutic measures are usually aimed at the restoration of potassium deficiency. Women are prescribed asparkam tablets depending on the severity of the phenomenon of early pregnancy toxemia by one to two tablets three or four times a day for at least three weeks.
If early toxemia of pregnancy is very difficult and takes a woman loses a lot of liquid, then it is sent for treatment to a hospital, where asparkam already introduced intravenously - drip or bolus. Intravenous asparkama dangerous because the rapid introduction may cause an overdose, so asparkama solution with 5% glucose
Glucose: The energy source
bolus administered at 5 ml per minute, and drip - 25 drops per minute.
Elevated levels of potassium in the blood is called hyperkalemia - a state even more dangerous than hypokalemia. Hyperkalemia appears drowsiness, confusion, pain in muscles of arms, legs and abdomen. Characterized by pain in the language. There are paresis and paralysis (immobilization of muscles), including the intestine, reduces blood pressure, the heart contracts less often than normal (bradycardia), heart failure can occur. To compensate for hyperkalemia is usually introduced with solutions of sodium and calcium salts - they are antagonists of potassium.
When jerking of the limbs
In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, women are often the body begins to lack the minerals that go into the construction of organs and tissues of the fetus. With a lack of minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium in a woman may develop skeletal muscle jerking. Most of these jerking occur in the calf muscles, and accompanied by a sharp soreness. Seizures often begin at night during sleep
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and very frightening women.
In order to remove such seizures enough to stand up and look a bit like. In convulsions studied blood on its content of minerals. If a seizure is hypokalemia, the inside asparkam assigned by one to two tablets three times a day for at least three weeks.
When toxicosis second half of pregnancy
Toxicosis second half of pregnancy (gestosis) are the result of impaired circulation in the smallest blood vessels (capillaries). Poor circulation in the capillaries leads to stagnation of blood in them and exudation of fluid from blood vessels into the extracellular space, that is, the formation of edema. Initially, edema are invisible, they are called "hidden edema." Such swelling detected by weekly weighing woman. Then the swelling becomes apparent, if not treated, preeclampsia comes the second stage - increased blood pressure and changes in the kidneys, which manifest the appearance of protein in urine
The protein in the urine - a sign of danger, which should not be underestimated
. In the absence of adequate treatment can occur brain injury - the last stage of the disease (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia), which is accompanied by high blood pressure, severe headache, convulsions and coma.
Treatment of gestosis begin as early as possible in the stage hidden edema. Appointed first salt-free diet, and if that does not work, then diuretics. At the same time, together with the fluid the body loses large amounts of potassium. Therefore, diuretics, or potassium-sparing appointed, or in conjunction with diuretics, potassium prescribers, such as asparkam. Asparkama dose in this case is adjusted individually.
Galina Romanenko