Candidiasis and pregnancy: Is it possible to avoid?

January 12, 2012

 candidiasis pregnancy
 The development of candida (thrush) in pregnancy occurs so often that many consider it a normal pregnancy companion, but it is wrong in principle. Candidiasis is a medical condition and can lead to various complications such as maternal and fetal side, so every pregnant woman should know the symptoms of candidiasis, and to be treated in its development.


Causes and symptoms of

Candidiasis in pregnancy develops due to decreased immunity, so it is usually takes a long time, with frequent relapses.

Its within exacerbate comorbidities as genitourinary, and other organs and body systems, hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 , Increased weight, a violation of intestinal microflora.

A pregnant woman is very vulnerable in this regard, so candidiasis develops in them more often than is pregnancy. It appears the disease is clearly enough: a woman itching of the vulva or vagina varying degrees of intensity, from mild to unbearable. At the same time there are white cheesy discharge, with a sour smell. Itching is greatly enhanced after taking a shower, intercourse at night. If a woman begins to self-medicate, the situation could deteriorate significantly, leading to the spread of infection and poor health.


Diagnosis of candidiasis in pregnant women

When referring to the gynecologist is usually carried out taking smear microscopy study. Normally detected lactic bacteria and white blood cells in a small amount, single fungal spores.

When candidiasis leukocytes found in large quantities and many fungal spores, but the amount of lactic bacteria is reduced.

You can find fungi, taking the discharge from the vagina for bacteriological seeding, in which a special environment, grow the whole colonies of fungi, which confirms the diagnosis.

Sometimes diagnosis verification method using PCR (polymerase chain reaction), especially when the fungi are not detectable by conventional methods, and are typical complaints. The method is accurate, but can give false positive results.



Treatment is carried out complex, and at the same time both sexual partners, as the fungal infection is easily transmitted from one person to another.

If pregnancy is preferable to treat candidiasis systemic drugs (pills), when they are absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy, due to their high toxicity to the fetus. The only tableted medication that a doctor may prescribe to date - pimafutsin is not dangerous to the fetus.

The mainstay of treatment during pregnancy are local funds in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories or creams with Nystatin, pimafutsin Pimafucin - help in difficult times  Pimafucin - help in difficult times

Frequently used vaginal lubrication solution of borax in glycerol Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair  Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
 An aqueous solution of green fodder, miramistinom. Preparations applied to the swab How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
 Who handled the vaginal wall. These preparations are preferably in the first trimester of pregnancy, requiring increased security used drugs.

If the treatment is carried out properly, there is a risk of infection of the membranes and even the fetus. When vaginal candidiasis more common prematurity, low birth weight, and a woman may develop postpartum endometritis candidiasis.

That is why you need to seriously treat candidiasis during pregnancy and in the event of his first symptoms to see a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • candidiasis

Placenta previa - dangerous to a woman's life?

March 25, 2010

 placenta previa
 About placenta previa was known in ancient times: about the disease mentioned in the works of Hippocrates. Even then, doctors have known that the location of the placenta in the uterus exit is very dangerous to a woman's life, since birth in this case always accompanied by heavy bleeding.

 Placenta previa - dangerous to a woman's life?

Structure and function of the placenta

The placenta (afterbirth) - a body that exists only in women during pregnancy, providing a link with the mother of the child. After delivery, the placenta moves through the birth canal.

The placenta is a disc with a diameter of about 20 cm and a thickness of 3 cm and attached to the uterine wall on one side. On the other side of the placenta to her umbilical cord attached to the vessels.

Placenta usually located in the rear wall of the uterus. The placenta begins to function fully after I trimester (first three months), reaching full maturity a month before the birth. It carries metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
   between mother and fetus: the gas exchange, the supply of nutrients and removal of metabolic products, providing the body with the mother and fetus hormones and protect the fetus from infections. The placenta also prevents immunological conflict between genetically heterogeneous organisms of mother and child.

 Placenta previa - dangerous to a woman's life?

What is placenta previa and its species

Placenta previa - the placenta is not attached to the wall of the uterus, in which part of it is in the internal uterine os (the junction of the body of the uterus into the cervix). The incidence of placenta previa is an average of half a percentage point. At repeated pregnancies, this pathology is more common.

There are two main types of placenta previa: total or central (inner cervix is ​​fully closed by the placenta) and incomplete or partial, in which the placenta partially overlaps the opening or its edge is a big part. Incomplete presentation is divided in turn into a side (the opening is not fully closed) and regional (in the uterine mouth is only the edge of the placenta). During labor, the location of the placenta may vary. For example, a complete placenta previa, according to the onset of labor, sometimes gradually transformed into a lateral and lateral to the regional and vice versa.

 Placenta previa - dangerous to a woman's life?

Reasons previa

The most common cause of placenta previa are changes in the state endometrium after abortion, obstructed labor and puerperal infection. Changes in the lining of the uterus prevent the introduction of a fertilized egg in the place of attachment of the ovum, where the placenta is formed. Relatively often with placenta previa in developing additional slices. An important role in the development of placenta previa playing inflammation and proliferation of connective tissue in the decidua (altered endometrium, which is produced during pregnancy and torn away from the placenta after birth).

 Placenta previa - dangerous to a woman's life?

The dangerous

Placenta previa is manifested mainly uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
 Which usually begin for no apparent reason or due to physical stress, nervous stress. Most often, such bleeding begins in the third trimester of pregnancy (from 24 weeks). The lower the place of attachment of the placenta, the sooner there is bleeding. The majority of women with incomplete placenta previa bleeding begins at birth, with a full - during pregnancy.

Bleeding may periodically break off with decreasing intensity of uterine contractions. At the same time stop bleeding during delivery by partial placenta previa promotes rupture of membranes and intense uterine contractions: the placenta during battle descends, and the presenting part of the fetus presses the separated part of the placenta to the place of detachment, pinches the blood vessels. In cases of complete placenta previa bleeding is usually progressive and can result in hemorrhagic shock - a life-threatening condition.

The most dangerous complication associated with repeated bleeding that can aggravate already developed a state of shock. The source of such bleeding may be the cervix ruptures, which has a lot of blood vessels due to the proximity of the placenta. In postpartum hemorrhage often occur due to lack of uterine contractility in the place of attachment of the placenta.

Placenta previa can be complicated getting into the blood vessels of amniotic fluid, which reduces the rolling properties of the blood (amniotic fluid embolism), and contributes to increased bleeding. The proximity of the placenta to the vagina increases the risk of getting an infection in the blood vessels, which is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. Detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall will cause oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) in the fetus, which has a negative impact on his condition in the first place, the state of the brain.

 Placenta previa - dangerous to a woman's life?

Diagnosis and treatment

Placenta previa detected during ultrasound examination, which is conducted during pregnancy several times. A woman is required to warn that even the appearance of small bleeding you need to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Minor bleeding treated using bed rest, suppression of uterine contractions, as well as the introduction of the drug increases the rolling capacity of the blood and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. With strong bleedings performed caesarean section.

Proper monitoring of pregnant women at the antenatal clinic provides early detection and treatment of placenta previa.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • placenta
