Cardiomagnyl during pregnancy - it is better not to take

February 5, 2012

 cardiomagnil pregnancy
 Cardiomagnyl - a drug, which is composed of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and magnesium hydroxide which reduces the side effects of aspirin. During pregnancy, aspirin is better not to take - it can have a negative impact on both the child's body and the body of the mother.


Cardiomagnyl I trimester of pregnancy

In the hours I trimester (12 weeks) of pregnancy there is a bookmark tissues and organs of the fetus. At this time it is not recommended to take any, even the safest of medicines without a prescription. Aspirin is not a safe drug, as clinical studies have confirmed the ability of this drug to cause fetal malformations (teratogenic). The majority of malformations formed in the I trimester of pregnancy, when embryonic cells divide rapidly to form the organs and tissues.

Aspirin is able to cross the placenta and cause congenital malformations such as cleft lip, cleft palate, malformations of various organs, hypoplasia of limbs and so on. Which defect develops in a child depends on the dose, the duration of his admission, and gestational age, that is, on what is the organs and tissues are laid while taking aspirin Aspirin - NSAIDs  Aspirin - NSAIDs
 . Thus, the tab and the development of the cardiovascular system of the embryo has to 20-40 days after conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
 , Arms and legs are laid on the 24-46 day of the nervous system - in the 15-25 day. In the days listed from taking aspirin suffer the most intensely developing organs and tissues.

It was found that most of the anomalies develops during the second and third week of pregnancy, when a woman does not know that she is pregnant and can take a variety of medications. During the first weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is not yet associated with a woman's body: the fertilized egg is still progressing through fallopian tubes, receiving power from the inventory inside the egg. At the end of the first week of the egg gets to the uterus, and is embedded in the mucous membrane, after which the embryo and the woman's body begins to form a common circulation and nutrients come to the embryo through the blood. In that time until the end of I-trimester fetus is very vulnerable to various influences, especially, for the effects of drugs are teratogenic.


Cardiomagnyl in II trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the placenta gradually begins to function, through which the bulk of the drug does not pass. In addition, the laying of the main organs and systems most complete, but the process is largely an individual and sometimes tab organs and tissues takes some more time.

Cardiomagnyl - a drug that is used as a prophylactic measure mainly in inclination to thrombosis. If these diseases are found in a pregnant woman, she for the prevention and treatment prescribed other medications that do not adversely affect the fetus, such as various preparations of heparin. Therefore, in the II trimester of pregnancy need to accept cardiomagnyl not. The risk is on its reception still remains, so take cardiomagnil in this period of pregnancy is not contraindicated, but it can be taken only on prescription, which determines the ratio of benefits and risks of its reception.


Cardiomagnyl in the III trimester of pregnancy

In the III trimester of pregnancy cardiomagnil again allowed to take. For this there are many reasons. First, during this period the reception cardiomagnyl may affect the state of the cardiovascular system of the child - under its influence may prematurely close the ductus arteriosus in the fetus. Arterial (Botallo) duct connects the aorta to the pulmonary artery of the fetus. As long as the fetal lungs are compressed by the blood flow, bypassing the lungs, it enters the systemic circulation, after the birth arterial canal is closed. If arterial canal close to the birth of the fetus, it can be broken intrauterine blood circulation.

Admission cardiomagnyl can cause increased bleeding in pregnant women, which is very dangerous before delivery. The child increased bleeding can lead to birth trauma Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?  Birth injuries - than they threaten your child?
 For example, in intracranial hemorrhage.

Mechanism of analgesic and anti-inflammatory action cardiomagnyl based on the fact that it inhibits the synthesis of biologically active substances prostaglandins, are actively involved in inflammatory processes. But there are other prostaglandins that activate a generic activity after the onset of labor. Cardiomagnyl inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, and that could slow down generic activities and lead to various complications in the mother and fetus. It can also reduce adaptive capacity of the child after birth.

Furthermore, at the end of pregnancy with special load the liver and kidneys - organs, which contribute to the removal of acetylsalicylic acid from the body. In this case, an increased risk of delayed release Discharges in women when there is cause for concern  Discharges in women when there is cause for concern
   of the drug from the body.

Cardiomagnyl during pregnancy is best not to take.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • cardiomagnil

Early maturation of the placenta: it is necessary to avert the danger

June 5th, 2011

 premature maturation of the placenta
 Early maturation of placenta dangerous because this body blood circulation, and the fruit is not getting enough oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, during pregnancy several times held ultrasound placenta.

 Early maturation of the placenta: it is necessary to avert the danger

What does the placenta

The placenta (afterbirth) - this is a temporary body which is formed during pregnancy and ceases to function (born) after birth. The placenta is formed at the site of attachment of the ovum to the uterine wall on the 12th day of pregnancy. Completely it begins to function after I trimester (first 12 weeks). By this time, it is a disc 20 cm in diameter, weighing 500 g Using special drive placental villi grow into the wall of the uterus, blood vessels where it is communicated to the blood vessels of a woman's uterus wall. The opposite side of the disc facing the fetus and from the umbilical cord extends from the arteries and veins inside.

The main function of the placenta to the fetus delivery of nutrients and oxygen and the withdrawal of the body from its metabolic products Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 . Placenta also a barrier to many toxic substances - they do not pass therethrough. That is why in the first three months, until the placenta is formed, a woman should not take any medicines. But in the first 12 days of the embryo toxic effects on the fetus from the mother is impossible, as its circulation is not yet connected to the blood circulation of the body of the mother. This is important because women often worry about how to tell one or another of her sins, she did not know about the pregnancy (one-time use of alcohol, drugs).

After the 12th week of pregnancy, the placenta begins to function, but it is constantly changing, depending on what needs growing fetus. And it takes more nutrients and oxygen, and it stimulates the growth of the placenta and its network of blood vessels. Full maturity of the placenta occurs in 36-37 weeks, then she begins to gradually "grow old" - it appears the areas of salt deposits The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?  The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?
   and drying of some blood vessels. Therefore, prolonged pregnancy is required to monitor the state of the placenta - is whether it is the fruit of all the necessary supplies.

 Early maturation of the placenta: it is necessary to avert the danger

How to determine the degree of maturity of the placenta

The degree of maturity of the placenta and the correspondence of this indicator gestational age is determined during ultrasound (US). During the ultrasound determined by the density of the tissues of the placenta (ehostruktura), which varies depending on the duration of pregnancy, placental thickness and the presence of clusters in it salts (petrifikatov).

There are four stages of maturation of placenta (0 - III): 0 - 30 weeks, I - 27-36 weeks, II - 34-39 weeks, III - after 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. Stage III - it is a gradual physiological aging of the placenta.

 Early maturation of the placenta: it is necessary to avert the danger

When we speak of premature aging of the placenta

Sometimes ripening stage III placenta begins too early. If such symptoms began before 36 weeks, we speak of premature aging of the placenta (II maturity there should be no earlier than 32 weeks).

Since the placenta in premature aging is starting to "turn off" its activities, the fetus suffers from a lack of nutrients and oxygen .  This is especially impact on the brain .  Premature aging of the placenta may cause various mechanical damage effect on the uterus or the mother pollutants .  It may be the previous difficult birth, abortions, sudden hormonal changes (for example, against the background of thyroid disease), acute and chronic diseases of mother, intoxication (smoking, alcohol, drugs, industrial hazards), gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnancy), various inflammatory Processes in the uterus, blood incompatibility of mother and fetus, abnormal location of the placenta in the uterus (close to the inner zevu - out of the uterus), partial detachment of the placenta, multiple pregnancy, and some other reasons .

 Early maturation of the placenta: it is necessary to avert the danger

The risk of premature maturation of the placenta

It all depends on when the process starts and how it is expressed. It has been found that a small premature maturation of the placenta is usually no danger and is not accompanied by any deviations from the fetus - it is just an individual (usually hereditary) feature of this woman. Besides the fetus itself placenta may well function normally and for an aging placenta (these disturbances can be compensated for), so that a reduction function of the placenta (placenta insufficiency) can talk only in the case where the detected any violation by the fetus. Early maturation of the placenta is a signal for the state of research utero-placental blood flow. If there is a violation of the uterine blood flow, the premature maturation of the placenta is usually not treated.

If a violation is detected utero-placental blood flow, it threatens the emergence of placental insufficiency Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm  Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
   - Circulatory disorders of the fetus. This woman needs help: fetal circulation is quite possible to recover with the help of various drugs. But if treatment is not carried out, it could seriously affect the status of the child.

Early maturation of the placenta should be identified in a timely manner and on the testimony of untreated, then it is really having a healthy baby.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • placenta
