Claritin during pregnancy - after doctor's permission

April 15, 2012

 Claritin pregnancy
 During pregnancy should not take any, even the most non-toxic and harmless drug without a prescription. This rule is every woman should know. Claritin - a non-toxic drug, however, it also can not take during pregnancy independently.

 Claritin during pregnancy - after doctor's permission

Why pregnancy can not take medication by yourself

During pregnancy a woman's body under the influence of hormone changes the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . This leads to a variety of changes in all organs and tissues of the woman. Above all, major changes occur in the circulatory system: developing a number of additional small blood vessels (capillaries) whose job better and faster to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of the mother and fetus. But it is fraught with stagnation of blood in the capillaries, which is what happens when the second half of pregnancy toxemia. There is also an increased synthesis of steroid hormones in the placenta, with detoxification (neutralization and removal of toxic substances from the body), liver and kidney function decline. All this is happening against the backdrop of accelerating metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 , Both at the cellular level and in the body as a whole.

These physiological and biochemical changes in a woman's body leads to what can change the sensitivity of pregnant women to drugs, causing allergic reactions appear to drugs that previously it was well tolerated.

Differently to certain medications and the fetus responds. The most sensitive to various factors (including drugs), the fetus is in the first 12-16 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta is not formed. After 16 weeks, the placenta will reliably protect the fetus, but there are drugs that pass through the placenta and can affect the fetus. Not all drugs are toxic, some of which are approved for use during pregnancy. But there are drugs that in the process of decomposition in the body become toxic properties - they are not allowed to use during pregnancy. Do not use as drugs that have teratogenic (causing fetal abnormalities) or embryotoxic (have toxic effects on the fetus) properties.

Different drugs have different effects on the child. This impact is sometimes difficult to predict even a doctor.

 Claritin during pregnancy - after doctor's permission

As Claritin effect on pregnant woman

Claritin belongs to the group of antihistamines. Many of the drugs in this group (diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, etc.) are allowed to take during pregnancy by a doctor because they do not have teratogenic and toxic effects on the fetus.

Claritin is also no adverse effects on the pregnant woman and the fetus. However, such reactions are often individual and depend on many reasons to consider that in laboratory tests of the drug is not always possible. That is why, in order to recommend the drug during pregnancy requires clinical trials in pregnant women, which is very difficult.

Claritin action based on the fact that it blocks H 1 receptors of histamine, histamine as a result does not flow into the blood and do not develop allergic reactions. And as teratogenic and embryotoxic effects in Claritin has not been revealed, but its complete safety during pregnancy has not been established, the decision to appoint a pregnant woman takes a doctor. There is the wording: "the use during pregnancy is possible only when the intended benefits to the mother's body outweighs the potential risk to the fetus." That is Claritin Claritin - histamine receptor blocker  Claritin - histamine receptor blocker
   is assigned to a pregnant woman only if absolutely necessary.

 Claritin during pregnancy - after doctor's permission

In some cases, pregnant women are prescribed Claritin

During pregnancy, the emergence of allergies and allergic diseases aggravation is possible, therefore, allergy medications are sometimes prescribed to pregnant women. This is especially significant, for example, hay fever when, during the flowering herb appears pronounced nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, swelling and itching in the area of ​​enforcement. Claritin is convenient because it is assigned only once a day, and all the while suppressing manifestations of allergic reactions.

Sometimes an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   there is a pregnant woman to an insect sting, food or drug - Claritin help in this case.

During pregnancy, it changes the whole body of women, so completely calculate the expected harm of a particular medication is not always possible.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Claritin

Kidney stones in pregnancy - additional discomfort

April 18, 2014

 kidney stones during pregnancy
 Kidney stones may form during pregnancy due to the reduction of motor activity, hormonal changes, which entails a reduction in the immune system and susceptibility to infections (including the kidneys and urinary tract). Finally, the cause of kidney stones can be unhealthy diet.


Why do I get kidney stones in pregnant women

The reasons can be several. But the major role played by hormonal changes a woman. During pregnancy a woman's body there is a large number of the female sex hormone progesterone - it is necessary in order to prevent miscarriage Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?  Miscarriage - why you lose the most precious thing?

At the same time, progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   It creates conditions for the formation of kidney stones. The first matter is that progesterone inhibits the contractile activity of smooth muscles (those muscles of internal organs and blood vessel walls. Including physical activity is inhibited smooth muscles of the urinary tract, which contributes to stagnation of urine and the formation of stones in it.

Of great importance is also the physiological process of decline in immunity during pregnancy. That's why pregnant women so often have a variety of infectious and inflammatory processes in different organs. Including the infection can develop in the urinary tract. However, it is not always obvious, it is often asymptomatic. A combination of stagnant urine infections and contributes to the formation of stones.

Pregnancy is almost always accompanied by the appearance of sleepiness and lethargy, that is a decrease in physical activity. In the second trimester of pregnancy, these phenomena are like, but growing belly often limits the motor activity of women. It also contributes to the stagnation in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Of great importance and power of the pregnant woman. A large number of meat products promotes the formation of uric acid kidney stones, and - urate.

Finally, kidney stones in women could be before pregnancy, but if the disease is asymptomatic, a woman of him could not know. During pregnancy, a result of the above changes in the body and the disease could occur.


How to manifest themselves kidney stones in pregnant women

Stagnation of urine in the urinary tract can lead to the appearance of the first symptoms of nephrolithiasis. First of all, it is pain and blood in the urine. It is also possible occurrence of attacks of renal colic.

Pain is most often localized to one side of the lower back are aching and mild in nature. But sometimes they give in the crotch, thigh, abdomen. The appearance of blood in the urine indicates that the stone scraped wall of the renal pelvis or ureter. The combination of low back pain and blood in the urine should touch up on the idea of ​​the possible formation of (or any) stone in the kidney or ureter.

Attacks of renal colic may start suddenly. The pain is very sharp, sometimes it is simply impossible to endure, he gives to his stomach and genitals. Often the attack of renal colic accompanied by nausea, vomiting and intestinal paresis. The stomach swells when it may show signs of intestinal obstruction.

Urination occurs with difficulty, with cutting, frequent micturition.


Is it dangerous to kidney stones during pregnancy

Attacks of renal colic during pregnancy is dangerous both to the woman, and child. Threat to the woman is that a sharp ischemia (bleeding) of the wall section of the pelvis or ureter may lead to tissue necrosis and severe complications from the pelvic organs. In addition, nephrolithiasis may be complicated by the addition of the infection and the development of pyelonephritis. The presence of stones in the kidneys and increase the risk of premature birth.

The risk of the disease to the fetus is to create conditions for spontaneous abortion Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   and intrauterine infection of the fetus.


Kidney stones in pregnancy - how to help a woman?

A pregnant woman who was found kidney stones Kidney stones: identify and treat  Kidney stones: identify and treat
 It recommends usually move more, drink more liquid (this is to prevent the formation of new stones). Sometimes a good result gives a radical change in diet (eg, reduction of consumption of meat products, if present in the urine urate salts).

In addition, prescribed medications, helps relieve spasms of smooth muscle - antispasmodics (eg, no-silos).

If a woman were frequent attacks of renal colic, sometimes it comes before the operation - the stones were removed endoscopically (gentle, with a special optical instrument) method.

Kidney stones during pregnancy - it is always dangerous, so the woman requires careful observation and treatment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • stones in the kidneys
