Food poisoning during pregnancy - the risk of negative consequences

April 15, 2013

  • Food poisoning during pregnancy - the risk of negative consequences
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 Food poisoning during pregnancy
 Food poisoning can occur when using poor-quality food when the body receives pathogens. Pregnant women are also at risk of poisoning, so their diet pregnant should monitor more carefully. Food poisoning during pregnancy was associated with the development of intrauterine infection of the developing fetus, but is often a cause of complications during pregnancy.

 Food poisoning during pregnancy - the risk of negative consequences

Typical symptoms for poisoning

Often during pregnancy faced with the problem of food poisoning. Every woman wants to pregnancy proceeded smoothly, without complications, but this situation is close to ideal. In practice, the problem of indigestion, food poisoning occurs in pregnant women at any stage. One reason for the poisoning may be changing eating habits of women. The diet may appear the dishes or products that previously did not use pregnant. These are different fruits and vegetables, often exotic, imported from distant regions. They can cause allergic reactions, as well as food poisoning.

Signs of poisoning do not differ from the same poisoning is pregnant. You can call the main clinical signs of pathological states:

  • discomfort or pain in the projection of the stomach (epigastric)
  • decreased appetite
  • nausea, vomiting. Vomiting can be repeated in case of poisoning, causing dehydration pregnant. In this case, could join the symptoms of intoxication in the form of general weakness, headache, fever with chills
  • frustration of a chair
  • the phenomenon of increased gas or flatulence

It is not recommended to start self-treatment at home at the first signs of illness. In such a situation, you should consult a specialist in time to prevent further development of the pathological process and eliminate the influence of negative factors on the developing fetus.

 Food poisoning during pregnancy - the risk of negative consequences

Is there any danger to the child

One of the first questions that arises when food poisoning is the question of the adverse effects on the fetus, on what could be a risk to the fetus in terms of infection and intrauterine infection. The threat of infection of the fetus can occur only when a serious mushroom poisoning when poisons cross the placental barrier and cause fetal suffering. But this situation is quite rare, these are isolated cases. Usually, food poisoning Food poisoning: how to avoid becoming a victim of its own stomach  Food poisoning: how to avoid becoming a victim of its own stomach
   proceeds without marked effects on the fetus. Violations concern only the general state of the body of a pregnant woman.

Possible complications on the background of poisoning associated with symptoms of intoxication and dehydration. Severe dehydration is a natural cause blood clots and thrombus formation. The greatest danger is a complication for those women who have a pattern of varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
   extremities. Against the background of dehydration decreases blood volume, there is an increase in the blood levels of oxytocin. This substance has the ability to increase the contractility of the uterus, so natural complication of poisoning may be the threat of miscarriage Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
   or premature labor.

 Food poisoning during pregnancy - the risk of negative consequences


Timely initiated therapies to prevent further progression of uterine activity successfully prolong pregnancy and avoid negative consequences. In this connection, it is recommended to hospitalize pregnant in a specialized inpatient unit. How early should begin therapeutic measures aimed at the elimination of intoxication and dehydration. Compensate for the amount of fluid lost can be agents of solutions, while the volume of fluid injected is calculated according to the severity of dehydration. Pregnant women are not recommended gastric lavage, as this can cause a number of complications (risk of bleeding and threat of termination).

Effectively eliminate the phenomenon of intoxication events detoxification therapy. With the help of intravenous solutions possible to normalize the overall as well as to prevent the spread of toxic products produced as a result of inflammation. Further, it should apply various sorbents, which contribute to the removal of toxic substances from the body. It can be activated carbon, enterosgel and other drugs approved for use during pregnancy. The appointment of antibacterial drugs in most cases it is not necessary, except in cases of severe food poisoning.

Special attention should be paid to feeding pregnant. On the first day, when the main therapeutic measures are carried out, a pregnant woman is assigned an appropriate diet. It should eliminate fatty, fried, spicy food, canned and pickled foods. Very fast during pregnancy is not recommended during treatment is necessary to adhere to a strict diet. In the future, the food ration is gradually expanding, it is possible to use low-fat chicken broth with crackers, drink strong tea. Given that a large loss of fluid loss occurs as needed for the woman and the fetus trace elements and vitamins, it is necessary to make up for these losses intake of complex vitamins. Food poisoning can be repeated during the period of pregnancy if the woman will not follow the nature of the food. It is important to remember that proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   pregnant women is the key to successful development of her child.

Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy: a threat to the fetus

July 21 2013

  • Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy: a threat to the fetus
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 cytomegalovirus threat of pregnancy the fetus
 Cytomegalovirus infection has an impact on fetal development can lead to congenital abnormalities. Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy are closely related to the problem of intrauterine infection and perinatal pathology. The most severe consequences - a neurological complications of varying severity, as well as the death of the fetus and newborn in the immediate postpartum period.

Cytomegalovirus - a very common virus, which can become infected each. Getting in the human body, cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?  Cytomegalovirus - what is its danger?
   It remains inactive due to suppression of the immune system - which is why most people infected with CMV have no symptoms. Cytomegalovirus spreads easily through body fluids: blood, bile, saliva, breast milk. A pregnant woman can infect the child virus - a condition called congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

Confirm the fact of cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy helps the regular blood test. Ideally, perform a blood test is necessary before pregnancy - pregnant women may need more tests to determine the nature of cytomegalovirus infection (infection may be primary or repeat).

 Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy: a threat to the fetus

Meaning of viral infection in terms of Obstetrics

After primary infection with cytomegalovirus is its lifelong carrier. The incubation period averages 60 days. Pregnancy refers to factors that trigger the activation of the virus. The most dangerous is that infection, which occurred for the first time in a pregnant woman at the early stages of gestation (the first or second trimesters of pregnancy).

The path of transmission from mother to fetus transplacental called. This path leads to the development of infection complications and perinatal pathology, the severity of which depends on many factors (gestational age, the presence of co-infection, the immune system, etc.). There is also another path by ascending infection, when the virus penetrates the intact shell from infected cervix.

As a factor of transmission is considered biological substrates or body fluids. It may be not only a blood or saliva, and amniotic fluid, breast milk.

To avoid the negative impact of cytomegalovirus infection, it is recommended to be tested for infection before planning pregnancy. This survey is part of the compulsory survey women. If a pregnant woman was infected directly during pregnancy, in the first matter gestational age at the time of infection. In the developing fetus develop lesions in the form blastopaty or embriopaty. There are following the defeat of cytomegalovirus infection:

  • blastopatii that arise during infection in the 1-14 day of gestation or development. These include the death of the embryo or developing pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, the formation of a rough system diseases (like genetic diseases)
  • embryopathy formed during infection at 15-75 days of development. Most often it malformations that result from failure or body at the cellular level. This can be a pathology of the various body systems (cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, central nervous system, etc.). Some of these defects may be incompatible with life

While infecting pregnant at a later period of development (after 181 days of development) is formed fetopathy. The consequence of inflammatory reactions in the fetus can be defeat of various organs in the form of hepatitis, encephalitis, pneumonia. At the moment it is very difficult to make an accurate conclusion that it acts damaging way on the developing fetus, for example, the fact that carriers of the virus or exacerbation of infection occurring in a latent form. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection in nature manifested systemic or generalized lesions of various body systems. Congenital viral infection is the development of jaundice, hemorrhagic syndrome, affects the liver, spleen, respiratory and nervous systems.

 Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy: a threat to the fetus

Primary and re cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman infected with CMV for the first time, the risk of infection of the child (congenital CMV) is 30-50% .  According to statistics, only ten to fifteen percent of all cases of congenital CMV infection the symptoms observed in children immediately after birth .  These symptoms include red patches on the baby's skin, seizures, problems with the liver, spleen, eye .  Most of these symptoms disappear within several weeks or months .  However, do not underestimate the risk of congenital cytomegalovirus infection: children contracted the virus in the womb may suffer serious consequences from such infections as hearing loss, visual impairment, mental retardation, difficulty in learning .  In addition, according to statistics, about fifteen percent of women infected with cytomegalovirus during pregnancy leads to abortion Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?

In the case of re-cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy the risk of infecting the baby is much lower - less than 1%. Less than 10% of cases, the symptoms of CMV infection are observed in the child immediately after birth. However, the re-cytomegalovirus infection in pregnant women is not less dangerous than the primary: child virus infection in 10-15% of all cases resulting in serious complications such as hearing problems in the child, difficulty in learning.

Time cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy, as shown by medical research that will not affect the child's risk of infection.

However, be aware that the CMV infection in early pregnancy can lead to more serious consequences of infection for the baby's health in the future.

 Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy: a threat to the fetus

There is a need to appoint a course of treatment

The negative impact of cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy requires a course of therapies. This is due to the fact that pregnancy is characterized by physiological state of immunosuppression. Against this background, there is an exacerbation of viral infection, if a woman is already its carrier. The determining factor for the purpose of therapy is the level of immunoglobulin M, G.

From the second trimester allowed holding interferon. Method of production of interferon are rectal suppositories. The suppository contains interferon alpha-2 or a combination of the complex with dry immunoglobulin preparation. Immunomodulators prescribe a course of ten days, they are administered into the rectum twice a day. If during the dynamic observation was revealed the increase titers of immunoglobulin G, you can recommend intravenous normal human immunoglobulin. Three times during pregnancy in each of the trimesters is assigned to 2, 5 grams three times a day.

Against the background of viral infection is appropriate metabolic therapy. This is a good means of preventing the development of placental insufficiency Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm  Placental insufficiency - deviation from the norm
 , The development of which complicates the course of a viral infection. For this purpose, appointed by the ten-day course of taking the drugs:

  • folic acid
  • aktovegin

Dose prophylactic administration of folic acid is 0, c 02 three times a day. In each individual case, the dose should be changed, it can be increased to therapeutic, when it comes to infection during pregnancy.

Appointment courses of metabolic therapy improves metabolic processes in the fetoplacental complex that underlies the prevention of complications (this may be intrauterine fetal hypoxia, fetoplacental insufficiency, growth retardation, and others). Special controls deserve those pregnant women who are at risk for the development of primary CMV infection, so this category of pregnant women should be the control of placental functioning of the system. As still not developed specific measures to prevent a virus infection, it is necessary that the pregnant woman The usual preventive measures, such as compulsory adherence to hygienic measures and personal hygiene.

 Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy: a threat to the fetus

How to determine whether the virus infected child?

If the fact of cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy is confirmed, to check for possible infection of the child is carried out ad hoc analysis - amniocentesis amniocentesis for taking on the analysis of amniotic (cavity) fluid. Samples were examined under a microscope fluid for signs of cytomegalovirus. Itself is absolutely safe and amniocentesis to any complications of pregnancy, generally does not result.

In some cases, the symptoms of congenital CMV infection in a child can be determined already in late pregnancy using ultrasound. Ultrasound may show slowing of fetal development is too little head, a violation of the structure of certain brain structures. However, most of the symptoms of CMV infection are manifested in the child after birth - or do not appear at all.

 Cytomegalovirus and pregnancy: a threat to the fetus

The consequences of infection

Infection with CMV during pregnancy can cause very serious consequences for the child. Very common lag in growth and development, certain disorders of the liver and spleen (including enlargement of the liver, jaundice). The most severe consequence is considered central nervous system - in this case, the CMV can lead to deafness, cerebral palsy, mental retardation Mental retardation - if the mind is underdeveloped  Mental retardation - if the mind is underdeveloped
   child, person infected with CMV in the womb.
