Pregnancy and Thyroid Disease: What You Need to Know - Hypothyroidism

March 13, 2012

  • Pregnancy and Thyroid Disease: What You Need to Know
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Postpartum thyroiditis
 pregnancy thyroid disease Hypothyroidism

What causes hypothyroidism in pregnant women

The cause of hypothyroidism in pregnant women often Hashimoto's disease (or Hashimoto) - it happens in one to three cases per thousand pregnancies. As Graves' disease, Hashimoto's disease - an autoimmune disorder. The human immune system disease Hashimoto triggers the production of antibodies that attack the thyroid cells and is not allowed to produce thyroid hormone in normal amounts. The cause of acute hypothyroidism may also not be fully cured in the past hypothyroidism.


As hypothyroidism affects the mother and child

Some of the effects are similar to the effects of hyperthyroidism:

  • Congestive heart failure
  • Preeclampsia
  • Anemia - with the blood disorder does not deliver enough oxygen to the body's tissues
  • Miscarriage
  • Low birth weight
  • The death of the fetus

Because thyroid hormones are essential for the healthy development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus left untreated, especially in the first trimester, hypothyroidism, can cause disturbances of mental development of the child.


How is diagnosed

Just as in hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone  Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone
 Diagnosis of hypothyroidism begins with a study of the symptoms and measuring the levels of TSH and T4. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, cold intolerance, muscle cramps, constipation and problems, and memory and attention. Usually hypothyroidism show high levels of TSH and low - T4. And once again, to interpret the test results should be cautious, given the normal changes to the body of a pregnant.

Analysis of TSH can also detect subclinical hypothyroidism - a mild form of hypothyroidism, which has no noticeable symptoms. It occurs two or three times per hundred pregnancies. In this case, the analysis shows a high level of TSH and normal T4. Experts do not come to a consensus as to whether all of asymptomatic pregnant women tested for hypothyroidism. But the detection of subclinical hypothyroidism Subclinical hypothyroidism: to identify symptoms  Subclinical hypothyroidism: to identify symptoms
   prescribe, to ensure the normal course of pregnancy.


What treatment is prescribed to pregnant women with hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is treated with synthetic thyroxine Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
 Identical to T4, which produces thyroid. Women with previously diagnosed hypothyroidism prior to pregnancy is necessary to increase the regular dose of thyroxine to help the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, thyroid function during pregnancy should be checked every six to eight weeks. Synthetic thyroxine is safe for the fetus and is absolutely necessary for his health, if the mother is found hypothyroidism.

Herpes during pregnancy: a danger to children - danger

January 20, 2014

  • Herpes during pregnancy: a danger for the child
  • Danger
  • Effects

 the risk of herpes during pregnancy

Risk of herpes during pregnancy

Herpes during pregnancy is always a risk. But the most dangerous primary herpes infection which occurred during pregnancy. A woman's body and the child in this case vulnerable to infection, as not yet formed antibodies that can suppress the infectious-inflammatory process and prevent the virus penetration to the fetus.


Herpes simplex virus in pregnancy - how dangerous it is?

Any type of herpes during pregnancy is dangerous. Herpes simplex virus is very common in the environment, so it is especially dangerous. There are two types of herpes simplex virus - HSV-1 (it causes cold sores on the lips) and HSV-2 (causes genital herpes). Herpes simplex type 1 Herpes Type 1 - is rarely a significant threat to human  Herpes Type 1 - is rarely a significant threat to human
   Pregnancy is less dangerous, because in most cases, he dwells in the body of a woman with child, so it developed a strong immunity, which protects the fetus from infection. Herpes on the lips, cold sores in the nose Herpes in the nose - can prevent development of the disease  Herpes in the nose - can prevent development of the disease
   during pregnancy is caused by HSV-1.

But herpes simplex type 2 during pregnancy poses a real threat: primary herpes - is the risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus, and recurrent - the risk of infection of the child during birth. Especially dangerous is the genital herpes caused by HSV-2, in the event that a woman caught them during pregnancy. How does herpes pregnancy in this case?

The impact of herpes pregnancy during primary infection, when a woman already has a child, can be catastrophic. No wonder the herpes simplex virus is related to the TORCH infections - diseases that during pregnancy have a sharply negative effect on the fetus. The impact of herpes on the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy leads to his death and abortion (miscarriage). Primary herpes in the second trimester of pregnancy leads to the development of fetal abnormalities are often incompatible with life. No less dangerous herpes late in pregnancy, so herpes during the third trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the mother, causing her inflammatory processes.

Recurrent herpes during pregnancy is less dangerous. But he is a threat to child transmission during childbirth. Therefore, the presence of recurrent infection and detection of female genital HSV-2, herpes before delivery necessarily being treated. Herpes and childbirth - a child is always a risk of infection, so often a woman suffering from genital herpes, recommend a delivery is cesarean.

Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant with herpes. Herpes will not prevent conception, of course, if it does not happen the defeat of internal genital organs of women or men, which would lead to infertility. Herpes and infertility combination of a rare, however, to an inflammatory process of viral origin can always join a bacterial infection develops purulent inflammation, which completed the development of adhesions and infertility. In this case, it is real, as the female and male infertility.

It is also relevant question of whether pregnant herpes and cold sores affect you pregnancy. The answer to these questions can only give a doctor after the preliminary examination. Pregnancy is not contraindicated in herpes, but it needs to be planned with preliminary full examination, treatment and strengthen the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 . Since herpes in this case will be of a chronic nature, it is not likely to harm the women or the fetus.

Herpes simplex during pregnancy can pose a serious threat, but only if the infection occurred after conception.


Herpes zoster in pregnancy

Herpes zoster (shingles), and chickenpox are caused by the same herpes virus type 3 Herpes type 3 - causes chicken pox and shingles  Herpes type 3 - causes chicken pox and shingles
   - Varicella zoster. Most of the women had chickenpox as a child, after which the body was the herpes virus type 3, which is "hidden" in the nerve ganglia and the time is in an inactive state. The virus is usually activated when lowered immunity.

And as during pregnancy the immune system always falls on the background of hormonal changes, many women have experienced the charm of herpes zoster. The disease causes a lot of discomfort, but the real danger to the health of mother and child is not.

More dangerously infected during pregnancy varicella - it is possible, if a woman is not a child suffered the infection. By the way, a woman can become infected as of a child with chicken pox, and from an adult suffering from shingles. But even if the infection occurred, it is not necessary, this should lead to serious consequences - in fact, the risk is not so great. If a woman has had chickenpox in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of fetal abnormality is tenths of a percent, in the subsequent pregnancy - no more than 2%.
