Insomnia during pregnancy - just count to one hundred

July 13, 2012

 insomnia during pregnancy
 Insomnia during pregnancy can be caused by the most important causes, but whatever they were, it is important to understand that insomnia does not harm the child and, by and large, are not capable of causing pregnancy complications. Insomnia during pregnancy - a perfectly normal and, in addition, a very common phenomenon of periodic sleep disorders during pregnancy suffer, according to statistics, about seventy-eight per cent of women.

 Insomnia during pregnancy - just count to one hundred

What is sleeplessness

Insomnia - a sleep disorder Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders  Violation of sleep - severe consequences of the usual disorders
 Characterized by the inability to sleep for an extended period of time. The nature of sleep disorders may be different:

  • Inability to sleep
  • Intermittent sleep (often need to wake up in the middle of the night)
  • Inability to sleep after an interrupted sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
  • Son without bringing a feeling of relaxation

 Insomnia during pregnancy - just count to one hundred

What can cause insomnia during pregnancy

  • Discomfort caused by the increase in size stomach
  • Back pain
  • Heartburn
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Anxiety and anxiety related to the upcoming birth
  • Hormonal changes

 Insomnia during pregnancy - just count to one hundred

How to deal with insomnia

  • Try to change posture - try to go so that you maximum comfort and all the muscles are relaxed
  • Get ready for bed physically and mentally - to deal with insomnia helps soothing warm bath with essential oils Essential Oils - whether they will help in a difficult moment?  Essential Oils - whether they will help in a difficult moment?
 , Light massage
  • Try to make sure that the atmosphere in the bedroom was the most comfortable and settles to sleep: comfortable for you to set the temperature of air, ventilate the room before going to bed, so that the air was crisp, turn the soothing soft music
  • Learn to relax - there are plenty of exercises that teach relieve tension and relax the muscles and mind
  • If you can not fall asleep for a long period of time, do not continue to stay in bed - read a book, watch TV, drink a glass of warm milk
  • Do not give up physical activity - spend a little more energy for exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
   in the afternoon, in the evening you are sure to feel tired and go to sleep tight
  • Indulge in a day dream, if you have the opportunity

If no "home" methods or means of traditional medicine does not help fight insomnia, you should consult your doctor - he will recommend sedation with hypnotic effect, if they really needed.

Article Tags:
  • Psychology pregnant

Back pain during pregnancy: how to facilitate

April 19, 2012

 back pain during pregnancy
 Pain or discomfort in the back during pregnancy - more than common: with back pain experienced by most pregnant women, and most of all - in the later stages of pregnancy, when the growing belly begins to exert additional stress on the spine. Backache in pregnancy may be a minor or sharp, violating the usual routine. Whatever it was, almost always the problem can be solved without resorting to medication.

According to various statistics, back pain in pregnancy suffer from fifty to seventy percent of all women. Call back pain can be a variety of factors. In some cases, back pain can be observed in the early stages of pregnancy. Most likely the emergence of back pain in overweight women or those women who suffer from recurrent back pain before pregnancy. Potential causes of back pain during pregnancy include:

  • Increased hormones - hormones, whose level during pregnancy increased gradually prepare a woman's body for childbirth: under the influence of hormonal changes in the joints and ligaments in the pelvic area becomes more mobile, more flexible. These changes are intended to facilitate the birth process, but also can disrupt support for the spine
  • The center of gravity - the center of gravity gradually moves forward due to the increase in size of the fetus, and this, in turn, causes a change in posture.
  • Weight gain - a pregnancy size and weight of the child increased, which has an additional load on the spine
  • The position or posture - bad posture, the need for some reason to stand or walk for a long time (to maintain a vertical position), bend forward may provoke back pain during pregnancy or aggravate pain.
  • Stress - stress myocardial How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   usually "respond" pain in vulnerable locations, and back during pregnancy due to take place in a woman's body changes - just one of them.


How to relieve or prevent back pain during pregnancy?

Fully prevent the occurrence of back pain during pregnancy is impossible, but with the help of some of the measures can ease the pain and reduce the frequency of her appearances. Among these methods:

  • Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and back muscles (the muscles will provide additional support to the spine) - picking up a set of exercises, it is best to consult a doctor, some of them are not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Correct posture: trying to pick up an object, it is better not to bend and squat - it will help reduce the load on your back
  • Comfortable shoes: give up high heels or unstable platform, as well as any shoe that does not provide proper support
  • The correct position during sleep: Avoid sleeping on your back
  • Activities: Acute back pain usually goes away after resting, so it is often enough for a few minutes to take a horizontal position to back pain disappeared


How to treat

Most often, back pain during pregnancy are not caused by a serious disorder or disease, and gradually increasing the load on the back - so the primary means to facilitate such pains are not considered any medication, and rest in a horizontal position, removing the load from the back. In addition, relieve back pain help:

  • Hot or cold packs
  • Supporting belt
  • Correct posture during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 : It is best to sleep on your side, not on the back and a pillow under your knees underlay
  • Standard anti-inflammatory painkillers sold without prescription in pharmacies (not all of these drugs are safe for pregnant women, so before taking consult with your doctor or pharmacist)
  • Massage


When to see a doctor

By itself, the back pain during pregnancy is not usually considered a sign of a serious disease. However, in some cases (particularly with the appearance of other unpleasant symptoms) as soon as possible to seek medical help. For example, you need to see a doctor in the following situations:

  • If back pain is very sharp, barely tolerable
  • If back pain appeared suddenly and rapidly strengthened
  • If the back pain felt rhythmic spazmatichnogo nature - it can be a sign of preterm labor

Severe, acute back pain during pregnancy can be caused by diseases and disorders such as osteoporosis Osteoporosis - he threatens you?  Osteoporosis - he threatens you?
 , Osteoarthritis or septic arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 . Such diseases during pregnancy is rare.

Article Tags:
  • pain during pregnancy
