Syphilis and pregnancy - is a threat of congenital syphilis to the fetus, and thus a real threat to his life and health. That is why all pregnant women for syphilis is required to inspect at least three times, including at the time of registration in the antenatal clinic and just before birth.
Syphilis in pregnant women
It is always a danger for the child. This disease can be a cause of miscarriage
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or premature labor. If the birth occur in a timely manner, children are often born dead with signs of maceration or with signs of congenital syphilis.
The causative agent of syphilis wilts to the fetus through the diseased placenta (placental syphilis). The placenta thus detected significant changes: chorionic villi thickened, rich in connective tissue, blood vessels largely obliterated (clearance of reduced or absent).
Syphilis during pregnancy causes changes in the placenta, which considerably increases in volume to a pale pink color and increased density. Subsequently, affected with syphilis, it may be two or more times heavier than the placenta of healthy women. In this afterbirth abortion occurs in 24-28 weeks due to the fact that the child's body does not receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen and dies - that's why most experts believe that syphilis and pregnancy are incompatible concepts.
If the fetus is infected with syphilis during pregnancy the baby is born with signs of congenital syphilis and may die soon after birth. If a child survives, there may be significant changes to its internal organs and central nervous system. Sometimes all manifestations of congenital syphilis develops a few years after birth.
Syphilis and childbirth - is also always the problem: premature birth, and often the child dies. If the infection of syphilis occurred in the last months of pregnancy, and the fetus does not have time to become infected with syphilis, it is possible the infection during birth.
Analysis of syphilis in pregnancy
Tests for syphilis
Syphilis - punishment of Venus
during pregnancy for all women held three times: at the time of registration in the antenatal clinic, 28 -30 and 36 weeks of pregnancy.
Netreponemnye conduct such tests as Wasserman (RW) and its more sensitive and high-quality modern counterparts - RPR, VDRL. If you have syphilis, they are always positive. But these tests may identify false positive syphilis in pregnant women, because they are non-specific and may be positive in other diseases.
In identifying the positive RW necessarily held treponemal tests (ELISA, TPHA, FTA, RIBT), which are positive only in syphilis. A disadvantage of these tests is that they may remain positive and after successful treatment of syphilis
Treatment of syphilis - a laborious process
until the end of life. These tests detect antibodies to syphilis Treponema pallidum.
In order to definitively confirm the diagnosis of syphilis requires a positive non-treponemal test (for example, RW), and two non-treponemal (eg, ELISA and PHA).
The treatment of syphilis in pregnancy
The treatment is performed in the second trimester, from 20 to 24 weeks of pregnancy - is the safest for the fetus period. It is believed that up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, fetal syphilis infection occurs.
The treatment of syphilis in pregnant women with antibiotics of the penicillin group of specially designed for pregnant schemes.
Treated syphilis and pregnancy
Syphilis during pregnancy is transferred to the fetus through the mother's body, syphilis. The more time passed from the moment of infection to her pregnancy and the more intense it is treated before pregnancy and during it, the less the risk of infection of the fetus, its fetal death or birth of a child with congenital syphilis
Congenital syphilis - infection of the fetus in utero from sick mother
Can you give birth after syphilis? Yes, it is possible, and perhaps the birth of a healthy baby. It is believed that the optimal time for planning pregnancy counts as two - three years after treatment. If, despite treatment, during pregnancy there is a suspicion of infection, treatment is carried out during pregnancy in the second trimester, from 20 to 24 weeks, after which the woman carefully observe, analyze syphilis - it allows you to give birth to a healthy baby.
Pregnancy after syphilis is quite possible, but careful observation, and sometimes preventive treatment of women.
Prevention of syphilis during pregnancy - a pregnancy planning with advanced full examination of the future parents. If in such a case, one of the spouses is detected syphilis, the diagnosis be confirmed disease conducted a thorough examination of the spouse, the results of which the couple or one spouse is assigned treatment. Pregnancy after treatment of syphilis is recommended after two or three years.
Galina Romanenko