Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: signs of rules

May 16, 2012

 discharge from the vagina during pregnancy
 Vaginal discharge - quite normal. But there are those who not only have a concern, but about which you should immediately consult your doctor. The normal discharge from the genital tract differ from abnormal?

 Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: signs of rules

The natural environment of the vagina

Vagina - a kind of channel that leads to the uterus and other reproductive organs. The natural environment of the vagina - sour. It prevents the emergence of infections and harmful bacteria. The natural environment of the vagina form a beneficial bacteria that live in our bodies. The normal vaginal act as natural lubricants and purified genital tract infection and prevents development. But the natural acid balance of vaginal flora may be disturbed, then the consistency, smell and appearance secretions change, indicating pathology.

 Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: signs of rules

Normal vaginal discharge

A small amount of vaginal discharge - is the norm. They help maintain a moist environment inside the vagina, which maintains its normal flora. In some cases, there is an increased secretory activity of the mucous membrane of the cervix, then the amount of bleeding can be profuse, but this is no reason for concern. This situation often occurs during pregnancy, the postpartum period, with sexual intercourse. Such separation is practically odorless, have a mucous consistency, slightly off-white or transparent do not cause irritation of the external genitalia and perineum, and are almost invisible on the underwear.

Changing consistency and type of normal vaginal discharge can be caused by:

  • emotional stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pregnancy;
  • or other hormonal drugs, birth control pills;
  • sexual arousal;
  • ovulation;
  • breastfeeding;
  • malnutrition;
  • diabetes.

Furthermore, cause infection and disrupt the natural balance of the vaginal pH-may intimate hygiene, including perfumed soaps, gels, aerosols, vaginal, and antibiotics.

Throughout the month of discharge from the vagina can be changed under the influence of the menstrual cycle. It turns out, just before the onset of menstruation a woman is most vulnerable to various vaginal infections. The reason is that the pH factor of vaginal flora changes within a month, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, and a few days before menstruation the acidity of the vagina drops to a minimum. Around mid-cycle natural acidity of the vaginal environment is restored, and enhanced highlight (but do not change the color or texture). This is quite normal. Increased production of natural lubrication evidence of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 , That a woman's body is ready to conceive.

 Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: signs of rules

Signs of infection

Signs indicating the presence of disease or infection:

  • changing texture, color, the number of selections;
  • constant heavy vaginal discharge;
  • irritation, discomfort, itching of the vagina;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • bloody vaginal discharge not related to menstruation;
  • cheesy discharge;
  • yellow, gray, greenish discharge;
  • unpleasant odor.

If you find yourself in one or more of the above symptoms, consult a gynecologist for a diagnosis and prescribing treatment. Yes, vaginal discharge - this is the norm, but every woman at least once in their lives suffer from vaginal infection How to avoid vaginal infection  How to avoid vaginal infection
   The most common infection - bacterial vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa caused by infection) .  Fungal or yeast infections of the vagina (thrush, candidiasis or moniliaz) are the most common form of vaginal infections, which affect half of all women .  Fungi - are natural microorganisms that live permanently in the vagina, as well as in other parts of the body, and in all environments .  But if circumstances allow them to begin to multiply rapidly in the vagina, it can deliver significant discomfort women .  Another common vaginal infection - trichomoniasis (an infection of the urogenital tract, caused by specific pathogens - Trichomonas vaginalis) .  Trichomoniasis allocation acquire color from white to yellow-green, depending on the bacteria present .  Reduction of normal flora and pathogenic excitation activates secretions trichomoniasis thick consistency with an unpleasant odor .  This inflamed mucosal epithelium of the vagina, there is an intolerable itch .  Noticing the change in the number, consistency and color of vaginal discharge What does the color of vaginal discharge?  What does the color of vaginal discharge?
 Not self-medicate, so as not to hurt yourself and your health.

Article Tags:
  • separation during pregnancy

Stress during pregnancy when emotions prevail over reason

July 24, 2012

 Stress during pregnancy
 Pregnancy - is not only the happiest time in a woman's life, but also a time filled to overflowing emotions and anxieties. It is during pregnancy, women are more likely to experience stress. This is due to hormonal changes that occur in the body, as well as quite natural feelings for the health of the unborn child and childbirth. No wonder around a pregnant woman around trying to create a favorable and tranquil atmosphere, knowing that any excitement can lead to stress. Adverse reactions experienced by the expectant mother can not help but reflect on the state and development of the child. The kid is in a constant physical and emotional contact with his mother, and, accordingly, is experiencing the same problems as it is.

 Stress during pregnancy when emotions prevail over reason

What is stress

Stress - is a natural physiological reaction of the organism to a stimulus. Stress refers to a defensive reaction and allows the person to cope with difficult situations and to adapt to the changing conditions of life. For pregnant stress, however, and to some extent, more important, in fact it helps women to tune in to the process of carrying a child, childbirth and protects from external negative factors. A pregnant woman is protected from the cruel world of love to the child and care for him. But not always stress is, so to speak, a positive color. When long-acting stress depleted defense mechanisms that lead to destructive processes (exhaustion).

 Stress during pregnancy when emotions prevail over reason

Stressful stimuli

Stressful stimuli, they are also sources of stress or stressors, conventionally divided into two groups: physical and psychological. The direct effects on the body have physical stressors such as: cold, hunger, heat, lack of sleep, excessive exercise. Psychological factors lead to emotional stress. These include: the betrayal of a loved one, resentment, deceit, betrayal, conflict at work and in the family, the death of loved ones and many more. Stressful stimulus is not the event itself, and the attitude of man. Therefore, out of a stressful situation it depends largely on himself.

 Stress during pregnancy when emotions prevail over reason

Stressful stimuli during pregnancy

In addition to these sources of stress in pregnant women are "their" additional stressors. These include:

  • Fear of loss of attractiveness

Many women think that being in the family way, they lose their attractiveness and sexuality Nine ways to experience their sexuality  Nine ways to experience their sexuality
   for her husband. Rounded belly, gain extra kilos and so gives them trouble. But it is necessary to look at the situation differently. Many men, on the other hand, attracts feminine spouses appeared during pregnancy.

  • Fear for the child

"Horror stories" told by friends, neighbors or co-workers about the various malformations in unborn children are forced to experience the future mother of his unborn child. Do not pay attention to such stories, it is enough to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary tests in which it turns out the baby is healthy or not.

  • The fear of the upcoming birth

Future generations are perhaps the most powerful stress stimulus, no matter they are the first or the fifth. To get rid of the fear of childbirth, enough to share with loved ones anxieties, doctor husband. The more words spoken out loud about the problem, the less terrible it seems.

 Stress during pregnancy when emotions prevail over reason

How to deal with stress

With stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   It can and must be fought. To eliminate the negative effects of stress enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • Communication

Communication with loved ones allows you to throw out negative emotions and anxiety. In turn, the family, husband or friend will provide psychological support and tune in to a positive outlook on life.

  • Communion with nature

Walking in parks and gardens, privacy and a river or lake, contemplating the sky, sunsets and sunrises will distract from the disturbing thoughts and regain composure.

  • Physical exercise

Any physical exercise (gymnastics, swimming, dancing) redirect the thinking and improve blood flow to the placenta and uterus.

  • Relaxation

For all the good relaxation techniques. This may be breathing exercises, auto-training Auditory training - you start to think positively?  Auditory training - you start to think positively?
 , Relaxing music, aromatherapy and much more.

  • Dream

A full and adequate sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   not only returns the physical strength, but also restores peace of mind.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • Psychology pregnant
