Warts during pregnancy tend to have a tendency to increased growth. This is due to the developing in this period decreased immunity. But some kinds of warts (for example, the most dangerous flat warts), by contrast, during pregnancy may disappear.
What are warts and why they occur
Warts - a viral infection, is transmitted primarily through sexual contact. The cause of the disease is the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is in the blood of many people in the "dormant" state, without causing disease. But as soon as reduced immunity, HPV begins to multiply rapidly, to penetrate into the cells of the genital mucosa and cause overgrowth of tissue. Warts can be pointed (the most common type) and flat (a rare but more dangerous kind).
Genital warts is easy to identify - they look like small growths with a thin base. Flat warts grow in the mucous membrane and detected with difficulty. Genital warts are prone to rapid growth and merging with each other and flat - to degenerate into cancer.
Why do warts appear and grow during pregnancy
Since the beginning of pregnancy in women undergoing fundamental changes under the influence of neurohormonal factors. The main objective of these changes is to preserve the state of pregnancy. So under the influence of hormones causes low immunity. This physiological changes aimed at, in order to protect the embryo cells (and then the fruit) from the effects of immunity that can eliminate these cells, as they are only half are "native" to the female organism.
Immunosuppression during pregnancy causes that aggravated many infectious-inflammatory processes in the genital area. That is why today obstetricians recommend to plan pregnancy with preliminary screening and treatment of identified diseases.
If a woman before pregnancy in the blood was human papillomavirus (HPV), which does not manifest itself after pregnancy in a low immunity she often show signs of the disease - genital warts. When lowered immunity
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
they can grow very quickly, capturing all the new areas of the mucous membranes of genital and urinary tract.
But sometimes, certain types of warts may, on the contrary, subject to regression. For example, studies have shown that about 20% of flat warts
Flat warts - the most dangerous form
That before pregnancy has been a woman regress. Of course, this does not preclude rapid growth and malignancy (degeneration into malignant tumor) of this type of warts. Flat warts are more dangerous than pointed, so their detection and treatment of pregnant women is emphasized.
The warts are dangerous during pregnancy
Genital warts during pregnancy are growing rapidly, and as it is located where often injured, may cause bleeding and getting into the wound bacterial and fungal infection, which is quite undesirable during pregnancy.
By the time of childbirth, genital warts may grow so that they become an obstacle to the birth - their trauma can lead to severe bleeding.
Endangers the fruit. Despite the fact that during pregnancy, the fetus is protected from infection, the latter can still enter his body and cause disease. "Catch" is possible and infection during childbirth, when the fetus will have some time in contact with the mother's birth canal.
HPV infection can cause overgrowth of genital warts on the mucous membrane of the larynx (most often in the vocal cords). This is very dangerous: the rapid growth of warts can block access of air into the airways of the child.
First of all, a woman carefully examined, revealing, mainly as a high risk of malignancy warts - its transformation into a malignant tumor. Also revealed other infection - HPV reduces immunity, so additional bacterial-fungal infections
Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
- It is not uncommon.
The treatment is usually carried out in cases where genital papilloma located in the birth canal, as well as their rapid growth or high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor warts
Malignant tumor: cells are mad
. In these cases, warts are removed perhaps more gentle method, which is selected individually depending on the nature and location of the warts, as well as the state of the pregnant woman.
Galina Romanenko