Developing games for children - not only training and - most popular educational games for children
November 4, 2010
- Developing games for children - and not just training
- The most popular educational games for children
The most popular educational games for children
Small child learns to walk, it is not enough to just sit on a blanket and playing with toys - now that he's more mobile, there is a need for a variety of physical activity. With its help parents control the correct development of motor skills in children; In addition, physical activity, and in some cases may prevent the development of obesity in children further.
There are many games that not only entertain the child, but at the same time teach him. Most of these games is quite accessible at home, using surrounding objects. Educational games help parents develop children's imagination and to spend time with the child.
- Walk: normal walking in different ways in different places - whether marching or ascent and descent the stairs - to develop baby's ability to walk. To walk you can take advantage of music with different tempos, teaching your baby to walk confidently in shoes and barefoot.
- Toy train: a train game for sure will please the child takes a long time and his attention. Toy Train can be made with their own hands: it will take three or more small boxes, rope, tape, plastic tube and scissors. Cut small holes in the walls of each box and fasten the rope on the back wall of the first of the boxes, tying it around the end of a small piece of plastic straws to bundle not slipped through slotted holes. Similarly, tie all the "cars" of the future, "train", and attach a long ribbon in front of the latest box - for it will keep the baby.
- Swimming: Swimming can be accompanied by a variety of entertainment for children - this would require a plastic tub and children's toys. Place the child in an empty tub, fill it with water and give the baby toys - their role perfectly suited even empty bottles out of the funds of hair care products, sponges.
Developing games outdoors
- Games in the mud: all activity should take 15-20 minutes. All you need to play - a little dirt, a spoon or spatula, water and a small stick. Child must be stripped to the diaper or bathing suit. Best during games are in shadow and not in direct sunlight. Dig up some dirt with a spatula or chopsticks, add a little water and ask your child to create something out of "material" - the creation of their own hands castles, houses and various figures from long pliable mud drags any child.
- Balloon: Control as usual kite - activity is too complex to just learn to walk the baby, it can be replaced by a balloon filled with helium, tied him with a rope. Attach one end of the rope on the balloon and the other - on the wrist of the child. In this way the child will be easier to control the balloon.
- Treasure Hunt: for this game outdoors require small items that can be hidden, children shovel, sieve and sandpit. Hide small items for the baby in the sandbox, which will search for "treasures", otkapyvaya them. It may be helpful to plain old kitchen sieve, through which the child will be able to sift through the sand. As a "treasure" you can prepare small pebbles, having painted their brilliant gold or silver paint - items such child finds faster and easier.
- Kids 'car wash': Help your child organize his own car wash - using a bucket of soapy water, sponge, hose and toys that the child can be washed with warm water.
Developing games at home
Game with a treasure hunt can be organized at home - using toys and "treasure map". Hide some small toys, books and sweets around the house and draw a map that would lead to the baby "treasures."
Young children love to repeat for their mothers and bake cookies - as adults. Although a small child in the kitchen is often the cause of confusion, a joint Food - excellent and develops a pastime for both baby and mother.
One of the favorite pastimes of young children - build your own house improvised, whether chairs or blankets, which with a little help from adults are transformed into "camp."
One of the most popular games for kids
Good game for kids - The Steadfast Tin Soldier
and their parents - the usual hide and seek; sofas and wardrobes turn into a great place to pryatok.
Educational games for children
Games for young children can be not only entertaining, but also developing at the same time - for example, folding puzzles, coloring, passage drawn mazes, folding cubes.
- Games for the development of memory
For a game that develops child's memory, it will take several kinds of wrapping paper of different colors and patterns, cards, glue, scissors, blank paper and pins. Cut the tissue paper into squares, with a few sets of two squares with the same color or pattern. Glue the squares on each card and place cards clean "face" up. Gradually, the kid learns, opening separate cards, to remember the color and location of the square, searching for the appropriate pair for each card.
This game - a great opportunity for a young child to develop basic numeracy. Read with your child all - steps, toys, cups, windows and doors in the house utensils.
Show your child the red color, and then ask them for some time to find the house some object red. Quest colored objects on a time to turn the game into a fascinating contest.
Equally interesting for a young child may not be searching for items of a certain color, a certain texture: Tell your child the differences between cotton, paper, rubber, plastic, and ask him to find objects made of certain materials.
Sing to your child simple songs - usually young children respond well to a simple rhythm, and even repeated it yourself. His mother's voice always acts on the child reassuringly.
Classes that small children enjoy most - is drawing and manufacture something with their own hands; conventional drawing with a pencil or markers, molded from clay - not only entertaining, but also to develop children's motor skills.
Outdoor games for children: the movement - that's life - A few examples of games
February 10, 2008
- Outdoor games for children: the movement - this is life
- A few examples of games
"Spot the Difference"
Children (or the child, respectively) make any shape, and then The leader turns and walks out the door, the players change any item from the figure, for example, two of the players are reversed, or if the child is one, it can change the position of the hands, legs, head tilt, and so on. The task of driving - guess the changes.
"I do not see - I do not hear"
Terms of the game is very simple: when the leader says "do not see" - the kids run, jump and frolic; and when it says "can not hear" - the kids are noisy and screaming, but they are not allowed to go to the place as well as shouting at the team "do not see."
Leading out the door, and the remaining kids choose any song - every child gets one word or phrase (depending on age). As part of driving, all the kids start jumping, stomping and clapping, shouting at the same time getting to them a word (phrase). The task of leading - guess the song.
Exhibited in a number of chairs, the number one less than the number of players. Players sit on chairs leading moves back a few feet (2-3 meters) and says, "were swapped those with blond hair (on whom put on the clock, skirt, sweater, and so on)." Children who meet the condition as expressed must change places, and the task of the lead - to take at this time vacant position (chair). The kid left without a chair becomes the master.
"Brownian motion"
The children stand in a circle and slowly rolled into the leading range of tennis balls. Problem children - not to give the ball to stop or roll out of the circle. You can push the balls as baby wants (hands, feet). Number of balls is not limited - the more, the better the team record.
The kids sit in a row. Winger is given a toy, his task - to pass it as quickly as possible to his neighbor. The last player has to cross to the place of the first (at this time the kids are shifted to the edge of one chair) and give him a toy. You can complicate the task, and throw in a "circle" a few toys or balls.
"To take a position"
Kids line up in the column, the first of them - the commander, followed by all the children. The commander gives the command "to the left! "," Right! "," Stop! ) And so on - their children perform. As soon as the commander says, "take a stand" - an extreme (last) column in a child dies on the spot and then marching team without him. When we placed all posts. The commander of the column begins to collect - suited to each of the stations in turn and says, "stand in the stand." When all positions are removed and the column assembly, commander becomes the next participant.