Changes that occur with the body of a teenage girl
September 20, 2011
- Changes that occur with the body of a teenage girl
- Excess hair and acne
It is no longer a child. Maybe it is still not quite an adult woman, but as a teenager's body begins to change, the girl in the end, it could become. On the one hand, grow up nice, on the other - these changes can cause a lot of stress
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. For example, a girl may be concerned about the fact that she does not grow breasts - while others have long since grown up. Or month began much earlier than her friends ... and where to hide gasket?
During all these changes need to remember three important things:
- It happens to all. Not everyone is talking about it, but even the most popular girl in school regularly thinks about which pocket is best to wear a tampon
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, And whether it is reliable antiperspirant.
- This is normal.
- Everyone can go through it - with a little assistance.
There are several things that happen during puberty, every girl, and of which each girl has a lot of questions.
This is a great day that thinks every girl. When they begin? I will be the first of his girlfriends? Or the last? What if it happens in the classroom, and others will see the blood?
Doctors know that the first monthly disturb the majority of young girls. They say there are some signs that are a signal that the first period is about to begin.
To determine the approximate time of the beginning of the month, physicians use the Tanner scale. They look at how much there was pubic hair, as developed chest and cross-checked with the scale. If pubic hair a little or have only a small down and flat chest, most likely before the start of the monthly pass is still some time.
In this case it was necessary to ready:
- It is necessary to carry pads.
- If in the morning there were brown, pink or even unusual discharge, should immediately use a gasket
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At least daily. And it is desirable to wear dark pants or skirt.
- If the month began, and at hand was not laying, do not panic - in any case, excessive bleeding is unlikely. You can use a piece of cloth or paper towel, and at the first opportunity to apply to the school nurse.
- If the pain started in the lower abdomen during the lesson, the teacher is to say that a headache
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and go to the nurse. Of course, the nurse should tell it like it is, but do not do it when the whole class.
During puberty, even the most wicked women receive a certain amount of body fat. Just figure was flat and level, and now she appears bends and bulges - the hip, chest and so on. Some of the girls briefly upset because of this, but the disorder is even more if it's not happening, and the remaining figures of the same age are becoming more feminine.
Despite all the tips, you can not make the chest rise faster, as it is impossible to slow down the development of the body.
Remember! If your body changes early - what, for you will soon catch up with your girlfriend, and you quickly realize that there is not anything, because of what it cost to raise a fuss. If the development will be slow, just look around - you're unlikely to see many women who have not gone through puberty. We all have our development schedule. Everything happens when happens. When it should happen.
Body odor
Without a doubt, she was sweating before, but is a sweat always been so smelly? Pot teenager is different from the child's sweat. Teenager and sweat more, and thus smells differently because of the hormonal changes underarm sweat glands become much more active. Pot, which they separated, mixed with bacteria, and together they give a smell that has very little to do with the sweet scent of perfume.
- It is necessary to take a daily shower or bath, wash with mild soap and warm water. Every day you need to put on clean clothes.
- It is necessary to use a deodorant or antiperspirant. What is the difference? Deodorant interrupted by an unpleasant smell, and antiperspirant blocks the sweat glands. There are many special deodorant for women, but some girls need stronger tools - such as antperspiranty for men.
- It makes sense to wear clothes and underwear that are 100% cotton. With this fabric skin breathes better, and she does not get wet clothes.
How early to recognize the child's sexual orientation: focus on performance
June 2, 2012
The most difficult problem of psychosexual development of the child - the formation of sexual orientation, that is, of the erotic preferences, attraction to persons of the opposite (heterosexuality), its own (homosexual) or both sexes (bisexual). Sexual orientation - a complex and delicate matter to discuss with the child, but, nevertheless, there are signs of homosexuality can be defined in a fairly early age.
The formation of homosexual orientation
The formation of homosexual orientation goes through three stages:
- first-lucid erotic interest to the person of your gender before the first suspicions about his homosexuality;
- the first suspicions about his homosexuality until the first homosexual contact;
- from the first contact to the homosexual confidence in his homosexuality, followed by the development of an appropriate lifestyle.
The duration of this process depends on the social environment, and the individual characteristics of
. The peak of sexual experimentation accounts for dopubertatnogo age and initial puberty
. But psychologically the most dramatic adolescence
. By analyzing their experiences, a boy with homoerotic tendencies reveals its difference from other
. This gives rise to his acute internal conflict, fear and loneliness, preventing the establishment of psychological intimacy with other people and aggravating characteristic of this age of psychological difficulties
. Some of the boys are trying to "protect" from homosexuality surface heterosexual, but more often it only exacerbates the internal conflict
. The mental state and well-being of boys with incomplete psychosexual identity are significantly worse than those who, one way or another, this process is completed, they are more in need of psychological care, more likely to commit suicide attempt
Parents and other adults influence the child's development, must be free from prejudices and understand that in the age of the formation dopubertatnogo sexual orientation is just beginning. Until age child sexual preferences can change. Parents should also remember that homosexuality - it is not a pathology to be treated, and the normal and common in the animal world. The homosexual is no shame, as in, for example, that your child - lefty
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Or equally well with both hands he owns or has other individual characteristics that require a special approach.
Important factors
You can not confidently assert that the signs of homosexual orientation, which are seen in a child before puberty
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To continue in the future. It is human nature to change, which can be seen in children. But if you are concerned about the possible homosexuality of your child, and you want to be ready to help him to understand and accept their sexual orientation when it comes time to pay attention to the following indicators:
- Hypersensitivity, the desire to experience new sensations and experimenting
If a child with a heightened sensitivity reacts to certain external circumstances, his behavior will tell parents, if he had a predisposition to homosexuality
. According to numerous studies, the boys (they used to awaken erotic feelings) before starting to explore their sexuality, and doing it with other boys
. Sexual games with peers, undress, feeling the genitals, mutual masturbation or group if they are not involved adults, are not considered in the boys' companies, something scary or shameful
. Not surprisingly, the awakening sensuality at first often satisfied it in this way
. In addition, the sexual preferences of the child often appear in games and some creative activities
. Music, an obvious penchant for dance classes, singing and drawing, communication, motor development and language skills, the desire to represent others, to play musical instruments - all areas of development talents and abilities of the child, which with age may freely and most naturally manifest his Sexual preferences
Note that in some games your child loves to participate, especially with peers - they may be concealed clues as to what to expect in the future. Boys and girls prefer different toys (this stereotype, but that stereotype - this is a generalization) - of course, this can be partly explained by the fact that parents, guided by these stereotypes, buying cars for boys and girls - Doll. If you see that the child is the master himself finds the toy or toys, it will tell more about it. For example, if the boy measures the mother's clothes, shoes, cosmetics, and enjoys her spirits, and it happens more than once, most likely you will need to prepare for that in the future he will not acquainted with you girl and guy.
- Endured pain and humiliation
Children who are victims of sexual or domestic violence receive psychological trauma, which is a long and painful overcome that sometimes requires adjustment of the individual. Pain child dulled with time, but the feeling of resentment and inferiority is often for life. Thus, according to some theories, homosexual may be a consequence of sexual violence, which is experienced in childhood (especially boys).
- The absence of a child's life role models and role models among adults
The absence in the inner circle of the adult child's sex, to which he might be, could affect the formation of the child's sexual orientation. Most often it refers to one of the parents (or both), which, even when present in a child's life, emotionally absent - did not keep this baby word, did not fulfill their promises, practicing double standards (you did what was forbidden child, for which he punished). Such a situation may arise in the family when the child brings up only the mother or the father, or one of the parents suppress another. This behavior leaves the parents 'impression' on the psyche of a lifetime. The absence of an authority figure in a child's life will affect the formation of his sexuality
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Since it will not have a clear pattern of behavior typical of his sex.
Sexual orientation in most cases is not a matter of free choice to change it extremely difficult if not impossible. But time is on your side, you have to show your child how you love, appreciate and understand. Remember that in the upbringing of the child
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We should involve both parents. If possible homosexual child horror inspires you, seek help from a professional psychologist to figure out that this is what scares you - you may find yourself one way or another, pushing a child in a hateful toward you. Teach your child to protect themselves and their interests in the future, he did not have to suffer from the attacks of their peers. The child must know that he can always count on you, count on your support and understanding in any situation, and regardless of sexual orientation.