Games for students: to think and move

September 29, 2011

 school games
 Achievement of school age does not mean that the child is no longer a child. One of the best ways of spending leisure time and knowledge of the world for him is also a game. Games for schoolchildren are more complex concept and structure than those that are addressed to younger children. If preschoolers in the game often need an adult companion, the students successfully do it in the company of peers or yourself - for example, playing computer games.

All popular games for school children can be divided into two main types: mobile and intellectual or developmental. As a kind of intelligent computer games favor, but only provided that they contain any valuable information for the child, and not based on the principle of primitive "shooter" and "brodilok".

 Games for students: to think and move

Educational and intellectual game for schoolchildren

The benefits of such games often invaluable. They can also be used as a kind of family entertainment and as an auxiliary component in various classes held by school teachers. Even in the early grades children are happy to take up solving puzzles and charades. It is important to choose the job for them so that they do not have too complicated, otherwise the child may lose all interest in the game.

Attention students of middle age are often attracted to games like anagrams - this principle even formed the basis for the popular program "Big Letters" on one of Russian TV channels in any word, preferably long, entangled letters, and players will guess what kind of word is encrypted. Another option is to have the children make from the letters present a long word, as many other short words.

Entertainment are games in which you need to tie my eyes with a handkerchief and portray on paper any objects or, for example, dorisovyvat picture. But they do not develop as much thinking as fine motor skills and imagination to some extent.

Training and developing computer games help students in an interesting and entertaining way to learn useful information and learn new useful skills. They have nothing to do with entertaining computer games, the whole purpose of which is to ensure that repeatedly hit the same target or reach a certain level.

 Games for students: to think and move

Outdoor games for schoolchildren

Popular mobile games should not be confused with sports - such as basketball, volleyball, football or badminton, in which students are also quite often play on their own initiative. Outdoor games, too, are based on specific rules, but they are based always lies some intrigue, fascinating element: for example, in the game "Sulky" participants must catch up with each other and "osalivat," that is to touch his hand, and then the one who is concerned, and It becomes "Sulky". This game has many varieties - schoolchildren playing tag in the circular, the cross or chain, then this game is called "catch-up", "hide and seek," "patches," "Lyapkov", "tag", and so on.

The girls of school age, but sometimes boys, in the warmer months, willingly played in the "classes" or "classics": on the asphalt chalk draw a ten squares, and then jump over them, trying not to step on the line and at the same time moving the jumping legs a bit.

Several generations of students, starting probably about the middle of the twentieth century, has grown on the game "Sea Wave". Its essence lies in the fact that the team leading players fade in an arbitrary position. While leading examines the resulting figures, the players do not have to move. One of them, who will not for a couple of minutes to stand or sit still, out of the game, and the winner is the player whose "time" was the most impressive record.

Svetlana Usankova

Article Tags:
  • Games for children

How to use the four styles of parenting children: to each his own

June 2, 2012

 styles of child rearing
 There are four styles of parenting, which respectively are characterized by different levels of love and claims to a child. Every parent makes the choice for themselves, which may eventually change gradually in one direction or another.

 How to use the four styles of parenting children: to each his own

Parenting Style

  • Low levels of love and low requirements
  • Low-love and high requirements
  • High levels of love and low requirements
  • High levels of love and high requirements

The level of love and limits on style points, which their parents follow. Parents rarely follow the same style for a long time. Over time, the style of parenting is changing as a result of experience gained by parents, mood and maturity of the child.

 How to use the four styles of parenting children: to each his own

Choose your style

Choosing a specific style of education that suits the parents and the child, will help parents find the right balance between love and limits.

Firstly, the love in this context does not mean the level of the real love of parent to child, and the expression of love in the educational process. A father who yells at a child demonstrates parenting style low-love, when in fact he is very fond of his son. If the father or mother adheres to a style that is based on the strong love, then it will try to negotiate, to talk and to spend more time with the child.

Second, a variety of restrictions on the scope of points, which are set for the child, as well as measures to control compliance with this framework. Low limit means the lowest level of control and a small number of restrictions for the child. Style with high constraints provides a clear definition of scope and boundaries.

Restrictions indicate how parents discipline a child: if they use passive methods, positive or aggressive methods. The passive method involves zero or negligible impact on the child. Positive method consists in raising a child with love - a discipline for both the child and the parent. Aggressive method - the so-called "old school" means impacts such as spanking or screaming.

Of the four parenting styles every parent chooses the one that, as it seems, the most suitable for him in the best way .  For the upbringing of the child, you can choose a style that used your parents .  For example, if your parents have used the style of demanding and you feel that you, too, he is fit, then you most likely will use the same disciplinary practices .  If you, on the contrary, feel that parenting style that was used by your parents, it has been too aggressive and unacceptable to you, you'll use a style that provides low limits (you remember what you called the protest the stringent requirements of parents) .  Sticking in the upbringing style of the parents or choose the opposite - a typical, and often sub-conscious choice for many people .  In any case, parenting style used by your parents, clearly influenced by the style of your choice .

But here lies another problem: a style that suits you, may not be appropriate for your child. Parents who allow children to do whatever they want (style with low level of love and low limits) may feel good, but really, this style is very harmful to the formation of the child's personality. Researchers have shown that parenting style with the use of low-level and high demands of love is much better than the "opponent", because the latter would be a bad influence on children's development.

Parents are always easier to use a style of education with low levels of love and low requirements. It's easy to avoid decisive action and any conflicts in the process of raising a child Raising a child: who will win?  Raising a child: who will win?
 . But the use of this style of child rearing will mean that you have chosen a passive role in shaping the behavior and the future of your child. Passive style means one thing - your child will influence popular culture and his circle of communication. These factors will contribute to the intellectual and emotional development of the child.

Article Tags:
  • parenting styles
