Teething - a painful stage in a child's life

January 15, 2009

   Although your child's teeth begin to develop when he was still in the womb, they appear only after birth. Teething begins, on average, at the age of 6 months. However, it is normal if it varies from the beginning of the third to the twelfth month of life. By the time the child turns three years old, he must have 20 milk teeth.

The first lower front teeth are cut; the upper usually appear 1-2 months later.

As a rule, the teeth erupt in the following order (but remember that the deviation from the norm is not always talking about the problems):

  • The lower central incisors - 6 months
  • The upper central incisors - 8 months
  • The upper lateral incisors - 10 months
  • The lower lateral incisors - 10 months
  • The first molars (molars) - 14 months
  • The second molars - 18 months
  • Third molars - 2-3 years
  • Wisdom teeth are cut, on average, between the ages of 17 to 25 years.

Teething can last a year or more. However, the first tooth usually delivers the most unpleasant moments as a child and his parents. The appearance of these teeth is accompanied by weaker pain - or the child gets used to it.

 Teething - a painful stage in a child's life


Some babies during teething Teething: hard times  Teething: hard times
   irritable become more than usual. This may be caused by the fact that the gums become inflamed and sore before the first of them appear teeth. Typically, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
   It appears 3-5 days before the appearance of the tooth disappears soon after as he cuts in. Many children, however, the mood in the period of teething does not change. Children may bite the fingers or toys to ease the pressure on the gums; often because of the pain in the mouth, they refuse to eat and drink.

Many children during dentition observed increased salivation, which may result in a rash on the chin and chest. Usually, these symptoms pass quickly, but if they persist for several days, you should consult your doctor.

 Teething - a painful stage in a child's life

Also, you need to see a doctor in the following cases:

  • If the child is a year old and it does not cut any one tooth
  • The child has obvious signs of tooth decay
  • The child grows permanent teeth, although not yet dropped dairy
  • The child was injured as a result of which were damaged teeth and / or gums

 Teething - a painful stage in a child's life

How to relieve symptoms

If you want to give your child soft painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. In no case do not give your child aspirin - it can lead to Reye's syndrome, severe and in some cases life-threatening condition. Before you give your child pain relievers, talk on the phone with the doctor.

Stroking inflamed gums with a clean finger or a teaspoon. Usually within two minutes the unpleasant symptoms of teething weaken, although at first the child may resist such actions of adults.

Give your child a safe toy that he can chew on to relieve pain.

 Teething - a painful stage in a child's life

How to ensure dental health

We must begin to care for the baby teeth since their introduction. The first teeth can be cleaned regularly with a soft clean cloth. When teeth become more clean them using a soft toothbrush Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing  Toothbrushes - make no mistake in choosing
   and water. Take the baby bottle as soon as he eats - prolonged contact with latex teeth leads to the destruction of enamel.

When a child begins to eat solid foods, give him healthy foods that contain minimal amounts of sugar. Six months after the appearance of the first teeth take your child to the doctor to have it checked, whether is normal development of baby teeth Milk teeth - how they are formed?  Milk teeth - how they are formed?

Article Tags:
  • teething

Newborn care: 10 reasons to worry (about which no worries) - What do not worry

December 5, 2006

  • Newborn care: 10 reasons to worry (about which no worries)
  • What should not worry

What should not worry

  • Touching the fontanel - wide soft site on the baby's head. It does not matter if you touched the fontanel, it does not hurt the baby. Do not assume that touching the fontanel, you touch directly to the brain of the baby. So why did you touch? To a dense containment. Thanks fontanelle head infant passing through the birth canal, is compressed without damaging the brain. About a year fontanels overgrown.
  • Discernible pulse in the fontanelle. Do not worry if you can literally watch the blood pulsing in the fontanel of the newborn - this indicates normal operation of the circulatory system of the baby. Since the soft spots are located at places incomplete union of bones, they have soft texture, so they are visible veins and arteries.
  • Blood on diaper newborn girl. During pregnancy hormone estrogen surge Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   the mother can stimulate the uterus of the female fetus. During the first weeks of life the girls they often occur so-called "mini-menses» when there are spotting Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   from the uterus.
  • A small cavity of the chest baby. Relax, your baby is not sick. According to experts, the brisket is composed of three parts. It is possible that you have noticed depression is the lowest part directed backwards. As the child's chest and the abdominal muscles gradually align the cavity. However, even before that time the eyes of children layers raduyuschego Zhirkov hide this absolutely normal feature of the structure of the newborn.
  • Soft watery stool after each feeding. When breastfed infants are often scat after each feeding. In this there is no pathology, just breast milk is absorbed very quickly (if bottle-fed babies less cocoa). A watery consistency of feces is due to liquid nutrition newborns.
  • Constant hiccups Hiccups - and if this is something serious?  Hiccups - and if this is something serious?
 . Experts confidently can not tell why babies hiccup so often. Some believe that it is caused by bad establish a link between the brain and diaphragm - the muscular wall that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal and regulating breathing. Whatever the reason, hiccups - absolutely harmless and essential attribute of infancy.
  • Tears and scream. The nervous system of newborns is extremely prone to irritation. Newborn scare easily. Two of these reasons are enough to explain why babies are so many tears poured. Creek - the only available way to make a baby of their needs. Simply put, the newborn just put a lot of crying and screaming, so much do not worry - your baby is unlikely to threaten something serious.
  • Small pimples on the face. Because of maternal hormones, which are still in the body of an infant, he often appears acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
   between 2 weeks - 2 months of life. This rash is harmless and requires only the slightest purification. No need to wipe its Clearasil.
  • Swollen breasts in girls ... and boys! Hormones stimulating mini-menses at newborn girls also cause a slight increase in breast infants of both sexes. Unusually? Yes. Temporarily? Exactly. Should I be concerned? No way.
  • Constant sneezing. Babies are so tiny noses! Even the smallest drop of slime causes urge to sneeze. And as your child has only recently left his cozy home in your womb, he did not avoid even minor disturbances, which can cause several chihov. If sneezing is not accompanied by the release of a yellowish thick mucus, indicating colds, you just need to wish him good health. Soon the sneezing stops itself.

Article Tags:
  • baby care
