Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - a lot of various kinds of symptoms - Symptoms and consequences

December 4, 2013

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - a lot of symptoms of different nature
  • Syndromes
  • Symptoms and consequences
  • How to cope

 signs of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine


Vascular dystonia (VVD) - is a set of symptoms associated with the compression of the autonomic nerve fibers that make up the spinal nerves. The autonomic nervous system innervates internal organs and blood vessel walls, so the IRR is manifested as symptoms of internal diseases and sudden changes in blood pressure (BP). Differences in blood pressure can be very significant, and it is hardly tolerated. Especially seriously ill, having consistently high blood pressure - osteochondrosis of the cervical and hypertension - a dangerous combination, as another sharp rise in blood pressure can lead up to a hypertensive crisis, and down - to collapse.

It is often a sign of autonomic disorders are a pain in the heart Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
   of different nature. These pains can easily be confused with the true heart pain. Acute pain in my heart like a stroke, but they are not removed nitroglycerin and may continue for a long time without being accompanied by the dire state of the patient (which would be typical for a long angina attack Angina - oxygen deficiency  Angina - oxygen deficiency
 Complicated by myocardial infarction).

Constant dull aching pain in the heart can mimic the pain of infarction. Distinguishes them from the true heart pain amplification with head movements.

Sometimes pain appears in the right hypochondrium, resembling an attack of acute cholecystitis. Cervical osteochondrosis - a disease-chameleon, which can mimic many diseases of internal organs. Sometimes it takes time and careful examination of the patient to make a correct diagnosis.


The consequences of osteoarthritis of the cervical

How dangerous osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
   cervical spine? In this disease can develop various complications. Especially dangerous complications associated with blood circulation in the brain regions in which there are vital centers - cardiovascular and respiratory. Violations of their activities can lead to instantaneous death of a patient due to respiratory arrest or cardiac activity.

The most severe neurological complications include shoulder-scapular periarthritis, and epicondylitis - a disease that is prolonged, accompanied by severe pain and with great difficulty to treat

Periarthritis of shoulder (correct - periarthrosis) is associated with metabolic disorders in the shoulder-scapular nerve plexus due to compression of spinal nerves. As a result, the patient has severe pain in the area of ​​shoulder joint, worse during sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . The patient can not carry on in the direction of the arm and back muscles will atrophy in the shoulder and scapula, causing the patient to disability.

Epicondylitis develops in the elbow - there are constant aching pain in the arm, worse from any movement. The disease is also accompanied by muscle atrophy and can lead to disability.


How to identify an osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The diagnosis of "an osteochondrosis of the cervical spine," put not so easy - the disease often occurs with symptoms typical of a number of other diseases. For their exceptions sometimes requires careful examination of the patient. If this is not done, the patient will be for years to no avail treated for heart disease, cholecystitis and so on.

The diagnosis of degenerative disc disease puts a neurologist based on the complaints of the patient and thorough examination. To confirm the diagnosis is necessary to conduct additional tests. The first X-ray of the spine is held in several angles (projections). In the pictures you can see the only change from the bone - proliferation of osteophytes and narrowing gaps between the vertebrae that talk about the atrophy of the intervertebral discs.

In order to see the condition of the disks, spinal nerve roots and spinal cord, it is best to make a computer or magnetic resonance tomography - CT or MRI. But these research methods are not always available (not all have to have expensive equipment), so diagnosis can be performed radiographic study with contrast medium administration - discography, myelography, and others.

In order to identify the violations of the brain associated with blood circulation, held rheoencephalography (REG) and electroencephalography (EEG).

Only after complete examination established the final diagnosis - osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae (spine), specifying exactly which segments of the cervical spine have changed.

Treatment of the spine: conservative and operative methods - Principles

July 16, 2009

  • Treatment of the spine: conservative and operative methods
  • Principles

Principles of treatment of diseases of the spine

Spine - is the main pillar of our entire body, so any changes and diseases of the spine, which can lead to his removal, can cause changes in the internal organs and systems of the body. Thus, changes in the thoracic spine leads to disruption of the heart and lungs, lumbar - renal, cervical - the brain, and so on.

 Principles | Spine Treatment: conservative and operative methods

The spine and diseases

Spine - the main part of the skeleton, the support of the whole body, which is located inside the spinal cord. The vertebrae are connected to each other by means of continuous and discontinuous compounds that provide greater stability to the spine on one side and the other with sufficient mobility. Between the individual vertebrae are located intervertebral discs - shock absorbing device of the nucleus pulposus surrounded by dense connective tissue.

Diseases of the spine can be congenital (congenital malformations of the vertebrae themselves or the connections between them), arise as a result of various injuries (bruises, fractures) or diseases.

Principles of treatment of all diseases of the spine are reduced to what should be eliminated as much as possible to load it. The loads on the spine can be different: weight lifting, the body turns active, tremors, static (load position) loads. Only after the removal of the load on the spine and correct diagnosis possible accession of other treatments. All treatments of the spine can be divided into conservative and operative.

Conservative methods include medication, physiotherapy, manual therapy Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert  Chiropractic: the main thing - to choose the competent expert
 , Reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 , Physiotherapy and massage. Operative treatment is carried out strictly on the testimony.

 Principles | Spine Treatment: conservative and operative methods

Spinal traction

Spinal traction allows you to remove a spasm of back muscles, increase the distance between the vertebrae to improve blood supply to the spine. Long stretches of the spine is not applicable, it is prescribed courses for 10-20 procedures. Traction can be dry (by means of special tables and couches) and underwater, for which also have their own tools.

 Principles | Spine Treatment: conservative and operative methods

Drug treatment of diseases of the spine

Drug treatment of diseases of the spine is assigned depending on the reason, their caller. If this inflammation, the anti-inflammatory treatment is prescribed, if the spine is an exchange violation, another tactic - prescribers, restores the structure of bone tissue in improving blood flow.

But in any case, strong pain treatment begins with their removal. To do this, assign different drugs relieve pain and swelling of tissue (if any). A good analgesic effect, for example, have the preparations of NSAIDs (Voltaren, phenylbutazone, etc.).

 Principles | Spine Treatment: conservative and operative methods


To strengthen the muscles of the back and limbs, which can significantly reduce the load on the spine, prescribe a course of electrical stimulation. Beautiful effect based on the improvement of metabolic processes in the tissues and improving blood supply to provide mud Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure  Mud - a pleasant and useful procedure
   and water treatment (therapeutic showers, baths, for example, hydrogen sulfide).

In order to prescribe a course of anesthesia electrophoresis analgesic drugs, to accelerate tissue repair processes prescribed course of magnetic therapy.

 Principles | Spine Treatment: conservative and operative methods

Manual therapy

Manual therapy - is the elimination of a variety of changes in the human body by hand. The techniques of manual therapy in some cases, allow you to restore relations vertebrae to achieve improvement in the herniated disc, etc.

The course of manual therapy usually consists of 10-20 sessions. For manual therapy has a number of contraindications are: advanced age (the bones become brittle, easily broken), severe general condition, the administration of drugs that prevent clotting (threat of internal bleeding), changes in the blood vessels of the spinal cord, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatism, any malignant and benign tumors, sprains and fractures of the spine, skull injuries with intracranial hemorrhage, abnormal development of the spine and the skull.

 Principles | Spine Treatment: conservative and operative methods

Massage and reflexology

Courses massage strengthens the muscles of the back and extremities, improves blood circulation (and, hence, improve metabolism).

Reflexology - is the impact of different methods for special facilities- on the human body, each of which is "responsible" for this or that area of ​​the body. Reflexology can be carried out with the help of massage, moxibustion sagebrush cigarettes, acupuncture Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science  Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science

 Principles | Spine Treatment: conservative and operative methods


In the treatment of all diseases of the spine particular importance is attached to the movements. To this end, immediately after the acute condition of the patient is assigned a special rate of dosage of therapeutic exercises, aimed at a gradual increase in range of motion. Without therapeutic exercises in patients with diseases of the spine can remain limited in his movements.

 Principles | Spine Treatment: conservative and operative methods

Surgical treatment

Operations are conducted only when conservative treatments do not help, or for some reason can not be applied. At present, a significant amount of endoscopic surgery is that achieves minimal injury. Conducted operations on intervertebral disks, various types of bone grafting, etc.

If you have a disease of the spine, then entrust his treatment doctor, "granny" methods can only be optional and used only with the permission of the attending physician.

  Galina Romanenko
