Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy

November 29, 2011

 Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy
 Clove essential oil - known antiseptic, as its main component is an active agent eugenol, pronounced fighter with viruses and bacteria. In medicine, carnation used in dentistry, colds, for the treatment of many diseases and female diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Aromatherapy uses clove oil to relieve muscle clips, fatigue, stress, to enhance the mood. Fragrant assistant guard human health.

 Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy

Carnation: Flower buds Health

Exotic allspice family myrtle, bearing complex botanical name Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merryl & Perry, gave the world a fragrant spice - tight buds, called cloves. In the humid tropics plant blooms twice a year, for the production of cloves is not as complicated process as the rest of the world of spices. Fermentation collected buds occurs naturally in the sun, and continues until the special cod during grinding. Due to the simple receipt of the world price of the spice is very democratic.

Clove oil is obtained not only from plant buds and kidneys, it is produced from peduncles, stems and leaves of the tree growing on the island of Java, China, Madagascar and Sri Lanka. Oil from the kidneys contain most of the active substances eugenol, informing Product characteristic aroma and pungent taste. Leaf oil - the lowest quality as eugenol it much smaller. Clove oil contains up to 70% eugenol, havikola, karioffilena, vanillin, heptanol and other odoriferous organic acids and phenols. For one liter of oil must be seven to ten kilograms buds.

 Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy

Benefits of clove oil

Clove oil - a powerful antiseptic, helps to cope with many diseases of the teeth and gums, colds. Oil helps eliminate stomach cramps, to quickly deal with flatulence, reduce the pain of sprains and bruises, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, allows you to quickly remove the headache, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper

In protracted scanty menstruation helps to improve the tone of the uterus, to raise the pressure. In cosmetology clove oil used to combat acne and acne, to protect the skin from aging, to reduce inflammation. Domestic use of clove oil is due to its rich aroma, mosquito repellent and Fur mole. For cosmetic body massage clove oil is indispensable in cases of the fight against stretch marks, inflammation and to relieve pain.

 Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy

Recipes use clove oil

  • When used in aromalampe Aroma - create an atmosphere  Aroma - create an atmosphere
   First it is poured hot water is then added two to five drops of clove oil, light the fire. This amount fragrant liquid enough for fifteen or twenty square meters of living space.
  • For hot inhalation in acute respiratory infections and colds have to drop one drop of oil into the inhaler, or a pan with boiling water, cover with a towel, close your eyes and breathe deeply over the steam for five to seven minutes.
  • For cold inhalation for the prevention of bronchopulmonary diseases need to add a couple of drops of oil on a napkin or aromakulon and breathe within fifteen minutes.
  • When taking hot baths, you must first mix a glass of milk and a tablespoon of honey with two to five drops of pure essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
 , Dissolve the mixture in water. Take a relaxing and soothing bath can be for fifteen to twenty minutes for a quiet calming melody previously turning off the lights, light the candles.

 Carnation: exquisite aromatherapy

It is interesting

The aroma of clove essential oil from childhood know anyone who bought at the pharmacy Flu Vietnamese balm "Golden Star". However, menthol, camphor, peppermint, cinnamon and eucalyptus oil, clove adds a touch of its active, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect.

Clove oil used as a raw material for producing synthetic vanillin: first, these crystals with oriental vanilla Vanilla from pies to perfume  Vanilla from pies to perfume
   It was synthesized from eugenol, clove basic substance, in 1874-1875, respectively. It has been a long twenty years after the discovery of the synthesis of vanillin before scientists "guessed" buds allspice apply for this process. This technology was used until 1920, is now a fragrant vanilla flavoring is obtained from timber products - lignin.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

Article Tags:
  • oils

Aloe - its amazing healing properties - Treatment

November 17, 2013

  • Aloe - its amazing healing properties
  • Extract
  • In cosmetics and medicine
  • Recipes for Health
  • Treatment
  • Benefit
  • Forum

 Aloe treatment

Treatment with Aloe - pharmacy drugs and "old wives' recipes

Tree aloe or aloe once stood on the windowsills in each apartment. It is traditionally used in the treatment of a variety of diseases, from the wounds to fester sore throats and runny nose. Today, more is known another type of aloe - aloe vera, which is home to South Africa. It is believed that this plant even more healthily than agave.


What good is contained in aloe

Various types of aloe used in different countries as a medicinal plant since ancient times. About the medicinal properties of this plant was known in ancient China, ancient Greece and ancient Rome - the doctors in these countries successfully used aloe vera in the treatment of various diseases.

The basis for the beneficial effect of aloe juice is acemannan - biologically active substance that attracts water. This property aloe attracts the manufacturers of cosmetics as moisture - is the main means of preventing skin aging Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
 . Hydrated skin has a higher reduction potential, she quickly straightened and younger. This Aloe was known in ancient Egypt.

And in the 30s of the last century was the discovery of the ability of this plant under certain conditions to become biostimulant. In order to get a home biodyne enough to tear off an aloe leaf and put it on a few hours in the refrigerator. Thus there is an adaptation to the new plant stringent conditions, thereby to develop new active compounds - biostimulants. This property is used for the treatment of aloe smoldering inflammation.

Aloe also has antioxidant action, since it juice contains vitamins E, C, B and beta-carotene, turning the body into vitamin A Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty  Vitamin A: An important element of the health and beauty
 . All these vitamins have antioxidant properties, that is to protect cells of human tissues from oxidation.

Aloe also has a laxative effect and can be used for constipation.


Under what conditions apply

Aloe as a biostimulator is available as a solution for injection. He was appointed at various smoldering infectious-inflammatory processes, such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and so on. Often, this drug is prescribed for various diseases of the eye and ear, with some skin diseases (abrasions, venous ulcers, and so on). A course of treatment is usually prescribed 30 daily subcutaneous injections of 1 ml.

Aloe is used in bottles inside with the same diseases and acts as biostimulator. Assign it a teaspoon three times a day for half an hour before meals for at least a month. The effect of biostimulation and tablets have aloe, prescribers mainly for eye diseases and take a tablet three times a day for a month.

In some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, colitis, constipation, apply aloe pharmaceutical production into a teaspoon two or three times a day for half an hour before meals. Treatment is usually given in two to four weeks. In the same aloe irrigated festering wounds, burns, inflammatory diseases of the skin.

When prescribed burns liniment aloe, which is prepared from the juice of aloe tree. It is applied with a thin layer of skin surface two or three times a day and cover with gauze - it contributes to a more rapid recovery of the skin after burns.


How to cook the drug aloe at home

Most often, aloe juice is used to treat the common cold - it has excellent anti-inflammatory effect, reduces edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   and contributes to the restoration of the nasal mucosa.

For the preparation of nasal drops suit plant in the age of three years. From it is necessary to break off a piece, wrap it in heavy paper and place in the refrigerator for at least twelve hours, then use the juice, dilute it with water at the rate of 1: 1 to 5. You can add a little honey drops, then the ratio will be 1 :eleven. Such nose drops instilled three or four times a day during the acute phase of the disease.

Infusion of leaves of aloe with honey is used to treat skin diseases Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
   (wounds, trophic ulcers, burns, boils). For this tear aloe leaves, chop them, pour liquid honey and insist in a dark place for four weeks. Thereafter, the sheet is crushed, dipped in the former solution, filter it and apply topically, soaking his napkin.

When aging facial skin biostimulating apply aloe juice, which is prepared as follows: Aloe Vera leaves are cut and placed in the refrigerator for two weeks. Then the juice is squeezed from them and used for a variety of masks that make twice a week.

Because aloe juice, honey and Cahors our grandmothers cooked excellent restorative remedy. To do this, cut off the leaves of aloe are placed in the refrigerator for two weeks, and then scroll in a meat grinder. 150 g of aloe taken 250 g honey and 350 ml cahors. Take a balm on a tablespoon three times a day for at least two weeks.
