If you need to quickly get in shape, or how to remove belly fat in a short time

January 6, 2012

 remove the stomach in a short time
 Concepts such as slimness and weight, very individual, one person with excess twenty pounds to feel good and look perfectly, and the other appeared on three extra centimeters in the hips falls into a deep depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . Adequate perception of your body is the key to well-being and good appearance, but the lack of such figures as bulging belly and overhanging sides can hardly be considered a cute feature. At the same time you can make the waist by a thin sport and diet, but how to remove belly fat How to remove belly fat: tips and tricks  How to remove belly fat: tips and tricks
   for a short time?


Diet or liposuction?

Wide advertising liposuction as a way to quickly and permanently get rid of excess fat on the waist and other problem areas has created the illusion of ease of the procedure. However, the reality is more complicated: a complete liposuction surgery is done under general anesthesia and can cause serious damage to health. Besides the apparent rapidity of this method to get rid of the belly it is imaginary: preoperative studies and analyzes, as well as the stage of recovery from surgery can take up to several weeks or more, so consider the operation quick and easy way to lose weight is impossible.

The rigid diet, for example, a strict protein, is able to give a fairly quick result in getting rid of wrinkles around the waist. However, the return oil at the same rate, and possibly faster. In such cases, the physiological mechanism is activated: the body perceives as a forced starvation diet, and strives to protect themselves by making fat reserves, and they will be located, including, and at the waist. Therefore, a strict diet is not very suitable for those people who want to get rid of belly is not just fast, but also a long time. A much better way - to normalize the power supply, eliminating fatty foods and "fast carbohydrates (chocolate, sweet drinks, ice cream, flour), pick up a set of exercises to the press and to engage in any sport. However, this method does not give immediate results, but in the long run, will certainly help the waist become slim and athletic.


Get rid of stomach in a few weeks

A great way to speed up the process of getting rid of excess fat in the abdominal area - add to the daily exercise sessions with the press hulahupom (hoop). This weighted sports accessory has a double effect - makes the work all the muscle groups waist and "splits" the deposition of fat, promoting weight loss early this field. Massage, which provides the belly and sides hulahup helps accelerate blood circulation and cell metabolism in tissues, eliminating both from the appearance of cellulite. There is nothing easier than a daily 10-15 minutes to twist the hoop at the waist, but the rate of escape fat belt with significantly increased.

Another way to get rid of belly almost immediately - a slimming underwear. Of course, you can wear it only situationally, on the beach and in this way the stomach does not hide, but to go out in an evening gown, this method is very good. In addition, a modern laundry with sculpting effect ensures good blood flow in the tissues and promotes weight loss.

Article Tags:
  • how to remove belly fat

Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem - Treatment

July 28, 2013

  • Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem
  • Causes
  • Signs
  • Treatment
  • Focal
  • Androgenic
  • Seborrheal
  • Early
  • Naturopathic treatment
  • Shiatsu Massage
  • Treatments
  • Questions and answers

 Treatment for baldness

Treatment for baldness

Alopecia areata - a common type of hair loss. Hair loss due to genetics and male sex hormones. It usually affects the line of the forehead, crown and its causes are hormones and genetic predisposition.

Each strand of hair has a follicle, extending from the bulb, located in the upper layer of the skin. Baldness typically occurs when the follicle is reduced with time, whereby the hair becomes thinner and shorter. Good follicle to form new hair, but even if their health is broken, they remain alive, suggesting the emergence of new hair. It is only necessary to encourage them to prevent hair loss and baldness.

 Treatment | Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem

Symptoms of alopecia

A typical example of male pattern baldness begins with the formation of the hairline in the form of the letter "M". Then, the hair becomes thinner and shorter, until finally formed U-shape (horseshoe), that is, when the hair grows only on the sides of the head.

Classic male pattern baldness is diagnosed based on the appearance and characteristics of hair loss.

It is important that hair loss can be caused by various diseases. This we can say that if the loss occurs large "islands", you lose a lot of hair, notice redness, peeling, or pain. Such symptoms may require skin biopsy or other procedures for the diagnosis of other diseases that cause hair loss. They are and should be treated first.

Hair analysis can not always show up to cause such as malnutrition or related diseases. Nevertheless, it can detect substances such as arsenic or lead present in the hair.

Treatment may not be necessary if you feel comfortable even with the appearance. Hair transplantation, the use of overlays, change of style will help hide hair loss. As a rule, it is the least secure method of health, suitable for men who lose their hair.

 Treatment | Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem

Home treatment

Treatment of baldness begin after will be installed causes of hair loss and the type of alopecia. Assign vitamins A and E, multivitamin complexes, whose composition may also include trace elements, psychotropic and nootropic drugs (for example, azafen, nootropil). Used drugs that stimulate the immune system: dekaris Dekaris - with anthelmintic drug and immunostimulatory effects  Dekaris - with anthelmintic drug and immunostimulatory effects

With alopecia areata, together with the transfer of funds should take the patient angioprotectors (drugs that enhance metabolism in the walls of blood vessels), and drugs that improve blood circulation. In severe cases, corticosteroids are used. In the treatment of androgenetic alopecia and seborrheic appointed antiandrogen medications (such as Diane-35).

In all forms of alopecia use d'Arsonval currents, cryomassage, ultraviolet irradiation, reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 . Externally applied annoying rubbing alcohol (extract Naftalan oil and tincture of red pepper), creams with corticosteroids (to prevent the development of skin atrophy can not use them for a long time), the drug "Rigeyn" pilastin and silokast.

When seborrheic alopecia is recommended to wash your hair once a week, with other forms of baldness, this mode can be arbitrary. It is better to use boiled water and rinse - teas and herbs moods. For all types of the disease in the diet need to include vegetables, especially cabbage and carrots, fruit (especially apples and apricots), foods that contain gelatin, sea kale. It is necessary to restore the disturbed functions of the endocrine, nervous and digestive systems, liver and kidneys. It is also important to detect and eliminate pockets of chronic infection, treat helminth infections (diseases caused by worms).

When excessive hair loss is necessary in the shortest possible time to seek medical help. The doctor, after examination and a series of studies will determine the type of baldness and only then prescribe treatment. It is important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist, which will achieve a better result.

 Treatment | Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem

Medicines that are used in the treatment of baldness

Sulfur derivatives: mainly cystine. Used alone or in combination with vitamin B6, which is often the first point in the treatment of baldness, the proposed pharmacist;

Vitamin Therapy: Vitamin B5 (dexpanthenol), B6 ​​(pyridoxine) and B7 (biotin or vitamin H). These vitamins are beneficial to the hair follicles.

 Treatment | Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem

Other treatments for baldness

Although there is no 100% cure for baldness, according to experts 50% of patients had hair growth a year without treatment. About 90% of people suffering from hair loss, again after treatment the hair growth, whereas 10% of the hair or do not grow at all or partially grow. There are several treatment options for alopecia, including: corticosteroids, steroid injections, phototherapy Phototherapy - restores vitality  Phototherapy - restores vitality
 , Hair transplantation.

Corticosteroids can be taken orally, by injection or applied topically - some of these drugs have significant side effects. Steroid injections are commonly used for small areas of hair loss. Phototherapy is often used to treat skin diseases, but also it can also help to stimulate hair growth and improve the appearance of thinning hair.

 Treatment | Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem

Natural remedies for the treatment of baldness

Natural remedies for baldness Funds from baldness: saving hair  Funds from baldness: saving hair
   They are soft, but effective alternative treatment for hair loss, rather than harsh chemical and hormonal substances. Using herbal and homeopathic preparations promotes healthy, strong hair structure, stimulate blood circulation, supports hormonal balance and the thyroid gland.

Carefully selected herbal ingredients such as ginkgo biloba, rosemary medicinal help to improve blood circulation, which provides the scalp with nutrients that blood brings hair follicles. In addition, it can help substances such as field horsetail, oat, echinacea.

 Treatment | Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem

Minoxidil and Finasteride

There are medications that have been approved by specialists for the treatment of male pattern baldness:

  • Minoxidil - a tool that is being introduced directly into the scalp to help stimulate his hair follicles. It slows hair loss in men, and some subsequently did grow new hair. But then, if you stop using this medication, hair loss returns.
  • Finasteride is a pill that interferes with the production of certain hormones associated with male pattern baldness. This drug slows hair loss, it is a bit more effective than minoxidil. Finasteride is a comparative innovation in the market for the treatment of androgenic alopecia. It blocks the enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in the hair follicles. This increases the amount of hair by 10%, the treatment takes from one to two years. But in this case the hair loss returns when you stop using the medication.

 Treatment | Hair Loss - a rather delicate problem

Hair transplantation

Transplant (transplant) Hair includes transferring follicles from areas where the hair continues to grow with placing them in areas that suffer from baldness. This procedure can lead to a minor infection and possible scar. Transplant usually requires several sessions, and the total cost of the procedure may be significant. The results of hair transplantation is almost always excellent, and the effect of it is stable.

Not recommended for transplant do cosmetic seam on the head, as this can lead to scarring, infections and abscesses at the site of exposure. The use of hair implants made of artificial fibers was banned FDA (Office of the Food and Drug Administration) because of the high risk of infection.

Detailed clinical examination should ascertain the stage of baldness, the scale of the problem, to be able to appoint an effective treatment.
