White spots on nails or Leukonychia (with the accent on the last "i") - this is a very common problem that most people are familiar from childhood. The appearance of these spots are not accompanied by any painful feelings, so people tend to consider them completely harmless and, in general, this is true. However, in some cases, their appearance suggests beginning malfunction in the body associated with a deficiency of certain nutrients.
The most common cause of white spots on the nails - a minor injury of the nail plate. In most cases they are produced as a result of damage to the base of the nail - the matrix, for example, if a man hit his finger on a hard surface, or hit it with a hammer. However, if the injury was severe, it is likely that a bruise under the nail is formed dark red or brownish color.
White patches usually appear after a minor injury, and sometimes even because of the very frequent manicure, including, for certain types of nails. Some people believe that in such cases, the white spots are formed under the fingernails - and, indeed, by visual inspection is difficult to determine exactly where the spot. In fact, however, the skin under the nail plate, which appeared as a result of damage to the spot quite well. By the way, between the time the damage or the matrix of the nail plate and the appearance of white spots on the nail takes time, so patients often forget about the injury, and believe that the stain appeared without any reasons.
In rare cases, white spots on the nails may be the result of an allergy to the components of nail polish or nail polish remover tools.
Zinc is one of the substances necessary for normal functioning of the human body. The appearance of white spots on the nails may be the first and most harmless consequence of a lack of zinc. In severe cases, a deficiency leads to poor appetite, weakened immunity, hair loss, diarrhea, impotence
Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
And children - to the delayed development. Fortunately, the white spots on the nails zinc deficiency is usually formed when until such serious health problems is still very far away, and the lack of this substance can be easily filled.
Most often on the protein deficiency indicates the appearance of horizontal bars in the nail plate, but sometimes it can also lead to the formation of white spots on the nails.
Many children on the question of why they had white spots on fingernails, their parents or grandparents confidently answered that it is caused by a lack of calcium in the body. Today, experts know that calcium deficiency - is only one of the possible causes of white spots, which is often popularly referred to as "blooming" nails.
- White superficial onychomycosis
This subtype of onychomycosis, a fungal infection that most often affects the toenails, but can sometimes spread to the nails and hands. This violation of fungal microorganisms lead to the formation of white spots, which usually appear first at the base of the nail bed, and gradually spread to the entire surface of the nail. If the infection is not treated, over time, the nail will thicken, but it becomes weaker and starts to crumble. If you suspect a white superficial onychomycosis should consult your doctor - only he will be able to accurately diagnose the disease.
In relatively rare cases, the appearance of white spots on the nails may be a sign of the following offenses:
- Liver disease such as hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
and cirrhosis - one of the most dangerous disorders among the symptoms of which may be white spots on the nails;
- Kidney disease in some cases, lead to the formation of white or pink spots on the nails. Sometimes kidney failure
Kidney failure - when treatment is vital
vast areas of nail plates become completely white;
- Anemia. This violation of the nails often become very bright, and sometimes they form white spots.
The treatment of white spots on the nails
In most cases, any treatment of white spots on the nails is not required - the nail grows gradually, and one spot simply cut or sawed using a nail file. To nail to grow up healthy and strong, they should be regularly moisturise - to do this several times a day to use lotions and hand creams, which include vitamin E. If stains persist for two months or more, and / or you have frequent New white spots appear, consult a physician.
If the appearance of white spots on the nails is caused by a calcium deficiency, you must include in your diet as much as possible of products containing this substance. Among them - a variety of dairy products (especially a lot of calcium in the hard cheese, yogurt and whole milk), sardines, soy beans, as well as calcium-fortified orange juice, soy milk, cereal porridge.
If Leukonychia developed due to lack of protein, eat foods rich in protein, such as turkey, chicken, fish (salmon, tuna), beef, tofu, legumes, yogurt, soy milk, seeds and nuts.
With a shortage of zinc is recommended to include a meal plan foods such as oysters, beans, crab meat, yogurt, spinach, nuts, whole grains.
In addition, you must make sure that your diet as a whole has been a full and varied - only in this case, the substances that your body is not enough to be properly assimilated.
For the treatment of white superficial onychomycosis must be fairly prolonged use of antifungal drugs
. To treat this disease is very difficult: it is due to the fact that the blood circulation in the source of infection is relatively weak, the nails grow slowly, improvement becomes noticeably not once, and not all patients have the patience for long enough to carry out all the doctor's instructions
. However, modern antifungal medication gives good results - provided that treatment is carried out properly
. When white superficial onychomycosis, especially in the early stages of the disease, it is often sufficient preparations for external use
. They prescribed when the infection hit less than half the surface of the nail, and if the patient is contraindicated antifungal drugs for oral administration
. The most commonly used drugs such as amorolfine, ciclopirox, sodium pyrithione, ketoconazole (a part of the ointment Nizoral) and terbinafine (Lamisil ointment active substance)
Features antifungal agents for external application are limited, because they can not penetrate deeply enough into the nail plate. Therefore, even a superficial onychomycosis using them is not always possible to cure. A more efficient and usually rapid acceptance is the antifungal agents in the tablets in combination with ointments. Currently, new drugs, such as terbinafine and itraconazole are increasingly used in place of older drugs such as griseofulvin. The course of treatment usually lasts for three months. The above drugs are relatively safe, although, as with any medication, they have a number of contraindications (especially heart failure
Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
and liver disease), and may cause certain side effects (e.g., nausea and abdominal pain). Before the course of treatment patients do a blood test - this allows you to make sure that they do not have any liver dysfunction.