Hair extensions - and still uncomfortable to sleep

February 15, 2013

  • Hair extensions - and still uncomfortable to sleep
  • Methods
  • Training and care

 hair extension
 Many women admit that they are not just dreaming of long, thick hair, and men do not hide the fact that they like beauty with luxurious hair. However, most women hair is naturally not too thick, and they grow not everyone has the patience. In addition, thin hair to grow is hardly makes sense. Therefore, hair extensions so popular - and not just in Hollywood today to increase the hair can be in many beauty salons in various cities.

 Hair extensions - and still uncomfortable to sleep

Facts about hair extensions

  • With hair extensions you can not only increase the length of the hair, but also give them extra volume.
  • Even if the length of your hair only 8 cm, you can increase hair - though, as they are quite short, the possibility of the transformation will be a little limited.
  • Strands for capacity can weave with natural hair, secured with glue or, if you need a lush head of hair just for one night, to attach pins.
  • The process of hair extensions normally goes completely painless.

 Hair extensions - and still uncomfortable to sleep

How much does hair extensions

The bad news: hair extensions - very expensive pleasure. Depending on which strand extension and which method is used, the procedure can cost from several hundred to several thousand dollars. This does not include additional procedures to maintain the result required every 6-8 weeks. In addition, you have to spend time - four to six hours to get hair, attracting admiring glances.

Before the procedure, a specialist capacity must explain to you how to remove the artificial strands like to care for them, and what harm they can do to your own hair.

 Hair extensions - and still uncomfortable to sleep

What you need to know about hair extensions

Hair extensions can both make you irresistible, and force you to get round all the reflective surfaces. Therefore, before the capacity to do, talk to your master. Be sure to ask the following questions:

  • What made the strands used to build? (Natural hair is usually more expensive than synthetic analogues).
  • Which method is best suited build my hair?

The most commonly used to build artificial hair - mainly because of their relatively low cost. Modern artificial strands have a very high quality look and feel very similar to the real thing. Often, however, they are slightly less durable, in addition, it is counter-hot styling.

The first thing to be avoided, it is too heavy overhead locks - they may damage your own hair. In general, the more healthy and long your hair is, the more severe the overhead locks you can afford.

In addition, the possible need to avoid build-up methods, which require too frequent return visits to the beauty salon and very careful care. For modern hair extensions care is a snap.

  • If you use natural strands, then they should be treated as your own hair, only slightly more cautious.
  • Special comb to comb the hair for overhead (usually such a comb can be purchased in beauty salons, where they make extensions).
  • It is recommended to wash your hair extensions mild shampoo and cool water that they are less tangled - it also reduces the likelihood of accidental damage them. For this reason, it makes sense to use air conditioning.
  • Before bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   Make a ponytail or braid hair in a braid, so they do not mess up.

Foot massage: relaxation and health improvement

June 8, 2013

  • Foot massage: relaxation and health improvement
  • Stops

 foot massage
 Many of us take our health body for granted and little thought about what load it has to carry every day - at least as long as there are any health problems. Very often people ignore your feet - they are small problems, occasionally appearing pain may remain long without attention. At the same time every day, many spend long hours on their feet or, conversely, sit for hours - and then, and more can lead to foot problems. Regular foot massage can prevent these problems: it improves blood circulation, relaxes the ligaments, helps relieve fatigue and ease the pain.

  • First, apply a massage oil or lotion to the whole foot - to the hip joint. It performs strong stroking motion upwards to the heart.
  • To massage the thighs and calves use simple kneading motion. If you have varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
 Before doing foot massage, is to consult a doctor. The pressure on the veins of varicose can aggravate symptoms.
  • If you have cellulite, you will be very useful for intensive massage thighs. Even without the use of special anti-cellulite cream it helps to change the structure of adipose tissue and make cellulite less noticeable.
  • Be careful when massaging the legs in the knee joint. It is best to fit light circular motion. Avoid heavy pressure on the knee joint.
  • Foot massage should be done regularly, at least - four times a week.
  • End the massage with gentle pumping movements.

 Foot massage: relaxation and health improvement

How to make a Swedish massage feet

Swedish massage today - the most common type of massage (not for nothing that it is called a classic). It is perfectly relieves muscle tension, and improve overall impact. Foot massage is indispensable not only for those who are actively involved in sports, but also for all those that really cares about their health.

  • Begin to massage when your partner is lying on the couch, face up. Put on a little foot massage oil (if it stood in a cool room, preheat it in the hands), and at the same time begin to knead the muscles.
  • Follow the massage movements not only with his hands - everything your body needs to set the direction of movement: it will save energy and reduce the load on the spine. Slightly bend your knees, bend over the couch so that you obtain more traffic intensive not only due to muscle strength, but also because of the weight of your body.
  • Grasp the foot of the partner hands so that fingers squeezed on the sides of the calf muscle. Thumbs This will be over Berdova bone; they must touch the skin very easily, since the pressure on the bone causes discomfort. Tight squeeze his hands around the leg and without weakening the pressure, move your hands to the side of the knee. Perform 10-12 such movements in a row.
  • Massage the upper thigh intense strokes. Movements should only be directed upward toward the heart. To increase the pressure, put one hand to another, and much faster way to her thigh. Then vigorously knead the thigh with both hands.
  • Ask your partner to roll over on his stomach, and again start with stroking the legs. Thoroughly knead the calf muscle and hamstring. Then massage your feet intensive circular motion. Finish the massage slow strokes.

 Foot massage: relaxation and health improvement

How to make a foot massage for the woman he loves

If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, then one way to a woman's heart may well run through the legs. In the end, do not penetrate, at least, a deep sympathy for the man who massages your feet, it is difficult. Of course, a woman can also do a massage to his beloved - he can become a universal gift, in a very real sense to make their own hands.

  • Cook Thai foot bath. Pour into a bowl of warm water, and squeeze the juice of half a lime to. As long as one foot in the water, rub the soles of the feet the other leg of the second half of lime. The information contained in it contributes to acid toxins, and the warm water softens the skin and helps to relax.
  • Wipe clean with a soft towel feet.
  • Gently rotate her feet in a clockwise and counterclockwise. Then also rotate, in turn, each finger on his feet. Give each finger at least 20-30 seconds.
  • Apply foot lotion or cream fat, and begin to massage one foot. Spend your thumbs back and forth on the soles of the feet. Gradually increase pressure.
  • Circular movements massage pad foot.
  • Interlace your fingers and grasp the foot so that all the fingers except the large, lay on top of the foot. Squeeze leg hands and spend a thumbs up and down the arch of the foot.
  • Put your fingers in the channels between the metatarsal bones (long bones of the foot, which lead to the toes), and gently slide them up and down.
  • In the same way the other foot massage. Massage each foot, pay about 5-10 minutes.
