Swimming in cold water - the strengthening of the body

June 29, 2013

 Swimming in cold water
 Swimming in cold water - perhaps the most radical way of tempering. However, to overcome the fear of cold water is that - with time swimming in the cold water will help speed up the metabolism, improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, improve the skin, increase libido and fertility, get rid of sleep problems Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams

For most people, the cold water is at a temperature below 15 C. For more seasoned people - below 10C. Finally, there is a very seasoned people who swim in water colder than 5C. If you think about it, even scary to think you are quite right - to start with such temperatures just not worth it, for the sake of their own health. In order not to harm the health, you need to start with the most important.


Safety measures

Before you first dive into the cold water, it is important to understand some of the dangers inherent in it. Here are some precautions and tips for those that wants to begin to swim in cold water:

  • Lower the degree gradually. If you were not very warm to swim at + 18C, no need to immediately begin to swim at + 10C. Try to float, for example, at 15-16 degrees, get used to this temperature, water is gradually spend more time, and only then lower the temperature again. Houses shower or bath to intensively develop adaptation mechanisms of the body.
  • Hyperventilation is a common reaction to a sharp dip in the cold water. As a rule, a person makes a spontaneous deep breath, and then for 1-3 minutes can not catch his breath - breathe deeply and frequently, thereby reducing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood and increases the pH of the blood.
  • If the body temperature drops by more than 4 degrees, comes hypothermia or hypothermia.
  • Dive into the very cold water can be a real shock to the body. This can be done only for healthy people, who regularly hardened, and have sufficient experience of swimming in cold water.
  • Before you swim in cold water, you need to properly drink water (dehydrated body Hood handle the load). It is also important to have a normal balance of electrolytes - this will help to avoid cramps.
  • Before swimming, avoid alcohol and caffeine - These substances cause dehydration, dull feeling violate thermoregulation and violate a person's ability to adequately assess the environmental conditions and their own capabilities. Ideally, the need for two days before going to swim in cold water to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sweet foods.

A significant burden on the heart, inevitable immersion in cold water, healthy people do not usually cause problems, but it can be dangerous for those who suffer from heart disease or hypertension. So people swim in cold water, and even a cold shower should be taken only with the approval of a physician.


Useful properties of swimming in cold water

  • Stimulation of the parasympathetic system

Cold water stimulates the parasympathetic system, which is responsible for rest and recovery. This stimulation leads to secretion of dopamine and serotonin - a neurotransmitters which are required for maintaining good mood. Their low level is associated with the development of depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 . When immersed in cold water level of dopamine and serotonin is increased and you feel a rush of joy and cheerfulness.

  • Increase libido and fertility

Studies have shown that tempering with cold water Hardening of cold water - it makes the body work  Hardening of cold water - it makes the body work
   It increases the production of testosterone in men and estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   - among women. These hormones are responsible not only for sexual attraction, but also for the work of the reproductive system.

  • Improve skin condition

Swimming in cold water or taking a cold shower helps to exfoliate and cleanse the skin. Because cold water improves microcirculation, systematic hardening helps seize the skin tone and prevent premature aging.

  • Improve the immune system

Thanks to regular and proper hardening people (like steel) becomes stronger - that is, more resistant to disease. Proper tempering means in this case - the gradual. You do not need to bathe in the hole in the thirty-degree frost, if during the many years you have been a lover of hot tubs. Cool, and then - a cold shower in the morning will bring much more benefit. When so used to the water treatment, can think of swimming in cold water. And even if you can not swim in the water of 10 km, the temperature is + 10 ° C, you definitely notice that the disease began to pass your side. And this is - the best achievement.

Article Tags:
  • tempering

Plantar warts - can seriously spoil life

August 19th, 2010

  • Plantar warts - can seriously spoil life
  • Why do I get plantar warts

 plantar warts
 Plantar warts - are benign on the soles of the feet caused by the human papilloma virus, which penetrates the skin through small cuts, scrapes, burns, and so on. Most plantar warts develop on those parts of the feet, which are subjected to the greatest pressure - on the heels and toes. As a rule, they do not pose a serious problem and require no treatment. However, plantar warts can be very painful and, if they are unable to handle household ways, should consult a doctor.

 Plantar warts - can seriously spoil life


  • Small growths, sometimes prominent, sometimes growing inside, on the soles of the feet
  • Soft, thick skin (dry corn) in the place where the wart ingrown
  • Tiny black points on the soles of the feet - visible through the skin thin blood vessels, circulation of which is difficult due to blood clots
  • Discomfort or pain when a person stands or walks

 Plantar warts - can seriously spoil life

Consult a doctor if

  • Plantar warts become painful and / or size, shape or color change
  • Warts persist, multiply and reappear in the same place, despite treatment with home remedies
  • The discomfort that causes plantar warts preventing you lead normal life
  • You have diabetes or nerve damage, foot - in both cases the use of home treatments may be unsafe
  • Your immune system is weakened (this can occur as a result of receiving immunosuppresantov, as well as by HIV HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped  HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped
 , AIDS AIDS - is still very scary  AIDS - is still very scary
   and various disorders associated with the immune system)
  • You are not convinced that the education you on the feet are plantar warts.

 Plantar warts - can seriously spoil life


The cause of plantar warts is an infection caused by the human papillomavirus in the outer layers of the skin. There are more than 100 types of HPV that can infect humans, but only a few of them can cause the appearance of plantar warts. The rest of the viruses cause appearance similar to warts on the skin and the formation of the mucous membranes of other body parts.

 Plantar warts - can seriously spoil life


The immune system of each person reacts differently to the papillomavirus, and not everyone in contact with him, develops an infection. Papillomaviruses that cause plantar warts are not very contagious and is not always transmitted from an infected person to others. Viruses are very fond of damp warm places, so often people catch them in the locker rooms and showers of sports clubs, swimming pools and so on. The probability of infection is especially great if you walk barefoot in places and you are on your feet any damage through which the virus can penetrate the skin. The most common HPV infected children, adolescents and people with weakened immune systems The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?

 Plantar warts - can seriously spoil life


In most cases, the doctor can diagnose plantar warts by visual inspection. If he has doubts as to their origin, it can immediately take a small tissue sample for analysis - as a rule, it is completely painless.

 Plantar warts - can seriously spoil life


Plantar warts are 1-2 years, and if they do not cause severe discomfort, they need not be treated. However, if the plantar warts cause pain or their number increases, it is necessary as soon as possible to begin treatment.

 Plantar warts - can seriously spoil life


The doctor does to the wart, liquid nitrogen, and in a few weeks, she peels off. The procedure for application of liquid nitrogen can be quite painful, in addition, after it is formed on a foot blister, which in a few weeks can cause pain when walking.

Cantharidin - a substance which is prepared from cantharis, can also be used for the treatment of plantar warts. Cantharidin diluted salicylic acid is applied to the wart Warts - germ of cancer?  Warts - germ of cancer?
 And glued on top of the patch. After some time on the site of the wart forms a painful blister. Warts can be removed in a week.
