Ischemic stroke - all ages

December 22, 2012

  • Ischemic stroke - all ages
  • Manifestation
  • Treatment
  • Prevention

 ischemic stroke
 A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain stops. In ischemic stroke, blood supply to the brain is blocked by a clot or thrombus fat. This type of stroke is the most common.

 Ischemic stroke - all ages

What is an ischemic stroke

In ischemic stroke parts of the brain lacks oxygen and nutrients, because the blood vessels are blocked. At the same time, and damaged brain cells begin to die. There are two ways of ischemic stroke:

  • Arterial thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
 . The blood vessels that supply blood to the brain is formed clot (thrombus) that blocks the vessel.
  • Cerebral embolism. Blood clot (emboli) is formed in any part of the body, it goes to the brain and blocks the flow of blood thereto.

The brain controls all activities of the body, including movement, speech, visual perception and emotion Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 . Brain damage may adversely affect any of these functions. After ischemic stroke where a man three completely recovers all or most of these functions.

Ischemic stroke occurs mostly to people over the age of 65, but can happen in any other age.

 Ischemic stroke - all ages


Symptoms of ischemic stroke usually occur suddenly in seconds or minutes. Less common symptoms come gradually increases during a period of from several hours to two days.

Reliable way to determine whether a person is subjected to a stroke, a test for rapid diagnosis FAST It involves checking for the three main symptoms of stroke: the weakness of facial muscles, weakness in hands and impaired speech.

Specific symptoms of an ischemic stroke depends on where in the blood supply to the brain is interrupted. For example, if the blocked vessel carrying blood to the brain along the front of the neck, there are the following violations:

  • Blindness in one eye
  • One of the arms or legs of one of the sides of the body will be paralyzed or very weakened
  • Problems in understanding what others say, or the inability to find the right words in a conversation

And if the blocked vessel carrying blood to the brain along the back of the neck, such violations may occur:

  • Double vision
  • Weakness in both sides of the body
  • Dizziness and spatial disorientation

If you notice someone or these symptoms, be sure to call the ambulance.

 Ischemic stroke - all ages


To determine the type of stroke and determine what part of the brain affected, you must go through various surveys. Only after that the doctor can create a treatment plan.

Be sure to measure the blood pressure of the patient; requires an electrocardiogram to assess heart function. Usually also do a blood test - determine the level of cholesterol and sugar. During the survey also revealed blood clots, and conducted medical imaging of the brain by means of computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Later, the patient may be assigned additional inspection to assess the condition of the heart and blood vessels - often it helps to find out the causes of ischemic stroke. For example, an echocardiogram may be used - a diagnostic procedure in which by means of ultrasound in real time monitoring of cardiac function.

 Ischemic stroke - all ages

Complications after ischemic stroke

Some complications of ischemic stroke may be enough to have a light and temporary. At the same time may have more serious complications, causing more stable disorders. Complications after ischemic stroke include:

  • Weakness or paralysis of usually one side of the body
  • The inability to perceive one side of the body (usually the left side)
  • Loss of sensitivity of one side of the body
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Severe fatigue and sleep disturbance Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
  • Problems with speech, reading and writing
  • Vision problems: it may be double vision or partial blindness can occur
  • Impaired memory and concentration
  • It is difficult to control the urge bladder and bowel control (incontinence), constipation
  • Changes in behavior

Problems such as anxiety, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   and convulsions (seizures), in the process of recovery often recede.

Asparkam tachycardia - only with a doctor's permission

September 23, 2012

 asparkam tachycardia
 Asparkam tachycardia can improve, but sometimes one is not enough asparkama. To improve cardiac contractility sometimes prescribed cardiac glycosides, which asparkam blends.

 Asparkam tachycardia - only with a doctor's permission

Reasons for tachycardia and appointment asparkama

Tachycardia - the increase in heart rate (HR) of more than 90 beats per minute. This rate is valid for children from 7 years. In children, the heart rate determined by the rules based on age: the newborn is 120-140 strokes, and heart rate for 5-6 years reduced to 90 beats per minute.

Reasons for tachycardia may be different. It is inflammatory, infectious and allergic or metabolic processes in the heart muscle, heart failure. Depending on what was the cause of tachycardia Reasons for tachycardia: disruption of the heart  Reasons for tachycardia: disruption of the heart
 Is assigned and treatment.

Asparkam in this case is assigned often, but not always. In some cases, such as if, for the treatment of vascular insufficiency sedechno used potassium-sparing diuretics, asparkam not indicated: a high content of potassium in the blood is no less dangerous than the lack of it.

 Asparkam tachycardia - only with a doctor's permission

How does

Asparkam - a combination product which is composed of potassium aspartate (aspartate) and magnesium aspartate. Potassium and magnesium are mainly intracellularly. The main function is to maintain potassium osmotic pressure in the cells. This is due to the formation of so-called sodium-potassium pump, when potassium is inside cells, and sodium outside in the intercellular space. If potassium is insufficient, the osmotic pressure in the cell is reduced, and with it the function of the tissue decreases and which consists of such cells. Most often suffer from lack of potassium especially muscle cells and cardiac muscle.

Magnesium plays a significant role in carbohydrate metabolism in cells, it supplies energy to the cells required for all biological processes, including those for potassium-sodium pump.

Not useless and aspartate - it transports potassium and magnesium to cells, helping them to overcome the barrier of cell membranes.

 Asparkam tachycardia - only with a doctor's permission

Asparkam the treatment of tachycardia with chronic cardiovascular disease

Chronic heart failure is usually formed gradually when the heart muscle loses its contractility. This may occur for various reasons: inflammatory and metabolic processes, rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
 , Myocardial infarction, and so on. After extensive myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure is formed quickly.

Since the cells of different tissues at the same time receives less nutrients and oxygen, the heart muscle begins to contract more often - it is compensatory tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
 . Tachycardia increases gradually, but this is not sufficient to pump the blood, which leads to a gradual rise in venous stasis edemas system and - accumulation of fluid, exudate from the blood vessels into the extracellular space.

In order to increase the strength of heart contractions, appointed special drugs called cardiac glycosides, under their influence the heart begins to contract more strongly and often. For the excretion of excess fluid How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways  How to withdraw excess fluid from the body - all sorts of ways
   and puffiness prescribe diuretics, which together with the liquid can output sodium and potassium, but can - only the sodium (potassium-sparing diuretics).

Potassium in chronic cardiovascular disease cells is vital, therefore, the appointment of cardiac glycosides are appointed and potassium supplements, including asparkam. It allows to reduce the dose of cardiac glycosides and their side effects. The exception is the use of potassium-sparing diuretics - in this case asparkam not apply.

 Asparkam tachycardia - only with a doctor's permission

Asparkam in treating tachycardia amid metabolic and inflammatory processes in heart muscle

Any pathological processes in the heart muscle result in a violation of its contractile capacity or an increase of automatism - increase the speed of the slow diastolic depolarization in the cells of the sinus node, which is the main driver of the heart rhythm. Tachycardia often develops on the background of myocarditis (inflammation of the myocardium) and myocardial (metabolic disorders).

The application in this case, potassium helps to stabilize processes of cardiac automatism and cupping tachycardia. In all these cases asparkam can take pill three or four times a day. Duration of treatment is determined by your doctor.

Asparkam applied at tachycardia, but only on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

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  • asparkam
