Hypertensive heart disease - a disorder whose main characteristic is the high blood pressure. It can increase as aging - due to the fact that the age of the vessel walls become less flexible. When this occurs, the pressure begins to rise gradually.
Blood pressure indicates a pressure force of blood on the walls of arteries.
Normal blood pressure is considered to be 120/80 mm / rt.s.
Hypertensive heart disease is diagnosed if the person's blood pressure most of the time is 140/90 mm / rt.s or higher.
When blood pressure between 120/80 and 140/90 mm / rt.s. They talk about prehypertension. If you have prehypertension, there is a high risk of developing hypertension.
On the blood pressure can affect many factors, including:
- The amount of salt and water in the body;
- Condition of the kidneys, nervous system and blood vessels;
- The level of various hormones.
High blood pressure increases the likelihood of stroke
Stroke - a serious brain injury
, Heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, and early death.
The risk of hypertensive disease increases the impact of factors such as obesity, frequent exposure to severe stress, increased anxiety
Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
, Alcohol, excess salt in the diet, hypertension family history, diabetes, smoking.
In most cases, however, to establish the exact cause of the development of essential hypertension is not possible.
For most people, hypertensive disease is asymptomatic, and high blood pressure is detected only during a visit to the doctor.
It is because of lack of symptoms, on a background of hypertensive disease in humans can develop heart disease and kidney failure, and he can learn about it only with the appearance of severe symptoms.
In some cases of essential hypertension symptoms such as severe headache, nausea and vomiting, confusion, blurred vision, and / or nosebleeds. When these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention.
When suspected hypertension doctor should measure your blood pressure several times during a certain period of time. Variations in blood pressure readings at different times of the day are normal.
Sometimes it is recommended to measure blood pressure at home. So you can get more reliable data in the first place, because people more relaxed at home, and in the clinic are often under stress, and secondly, because he will be able to measure the pressure more often, the doctor.
Furthermore, assigned examination to detect or exclude heart disease, high cholesterol, and kidney disease.
The main goal of treatment for hypertension is to lower blood pressure, and thus reduce the risk of complications. You and your doctor should establish a goal blood pressure for you.
Sometimes it is possible to control the blood pressure through the following measures:
- A diet rich in fiber, potassium and other nutrients.
- Regular exercise for at least thirty minutes a day.
- Smokers Individuals are advised to quit smoking.
- Limiting consumption of alcohol or a complete rejection of it.
- Limiting the amount of sodium (salt) 1 to 500 mg per day or less.
- Reduction of stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
; advised to avoid employment situation and people that cause particularly severe stress and / or use such practices as meditation
Meditation - treats the body and the spirit
and yoga.
- Maintaining a healthy weight; if necessary, the physician should help the patient find a suitable weight loss program.
In some cases, for the treatment of hypertension drug therapy is needed.
Most often the following preparations:
- Diuretics, or diuretics. They contribute to the conclusion of excess sodium from the body; This reduces stress on the blood vessels and thereby reducing blood pressure.
- Beta-blockers reduce the workload on the heart.
- Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors have a relaxing effect on blood vessels.
- Calcium channel blockers.
With timely and proper treatment, as a rule, able to successfully control blood pressure. However, in some cases, hypertension leads to the following complications:
- Bleeding from the aorta;
- Chronic kidney disease;
- Heart attack or heart failure;
- Violation of the blood supply to the legs;
- Eye problems;
- Stroke.