Hypertensive crisis: how to protect themselves from the consequences of

March 31, 2011

  • Hypertensive crisis: how to protect themselves from the consequences of
  • Varieties of hypertensive crisis

 hypertensive crisis
 Hypertensive crisis - a general term for the state when the blood pressure is very high, so that can damage internal organs. It is considered a high systolic pressure (the top number) greater than 180 and diastolic (bottom number) - above 120.

 Hypertensive crisis: how to protect themselves from the consequences of

Uncomplicated hypertensive crisis

Uncomplicated hypertensive crisis - a condition in which blood pressure rises significantly, but there is no threat of damage to internal organs. The pressure may be reduced within several hours by means of preparations for reducing the pressure.

 Hypertensive crisis: how to protect themselves from the consequences of

Complicated hypertensive crisis

Complicated hypertensive crisis - a condition where the blood pressure is so high that it can be damaged internal organs. Blood pressure is an urgent need to reduce in order to prevent irreversible organ damage. This is done in a hospital after an emergency admission.

Symptoms of organ damage associated with hypertensive crisis, may be as follows:

Changes in consciousness (confusion)

  • Bleeding in the brain (stroke)
  • Heart failure
  • Chest pain
  • The liquid in the lung
  • Heart attack
  • Aneurysm
  • Eclampsia (during pregnancy)

Complicated hypertensive crisis - a rare condition. It occurs when a patient with hypertension is not treated, it does not take medication for pressure normalization or accidentally takes medication that increases blood pressure. Also cause of complications of hypertensive crisis may be a failure of the heart or kidneys.

 Hypertensive crisis: how to protect themselves from the consequences of

Symptoms of a hypertensive crisis

  • Headache, blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • The attack
  • Increasing pain in the chest Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
  • Increasing shortness of breath
  • Edema (fluid accumulates in the tissues)

 Hypertensive crisis: how to protect themselves from the consequences of

Diagnosis of hypertensive crisis

To diagnose a hypertensive crisis, the doctor will ask a few questions about the history of the disease. The doctor will need to know what medications (including herbal medicines and supplements) to accept patients.

It should be screened for damage to internal organs and blood pressure measurement. Also, you may need urine and blood samples.

 Hypertensive crisis: how to protect themselves from the consequences of

How is it treated hypertensive crisis and related damage?

The most important thing in the case of complicated hypertensive crisis - to reduce the pressure as soon as possible to prevent damage to organs. This is done by administering medication intravenously to reduce the pressure. If organs were damaged, treatment depends on the body.

Qudesan q10 - natural coenzyme

August 6th, 2013

 kudesan q10
 Qudesan q10 - is a drug created by the domestic pharmaceutical company ZAO AKVION. Qudesan distinguishing feature is that the natural fat-soluble coenzyme q10 it contains a water soluble form. This is very important because the fat-soluble drugs should be taken with fatty foods, but this is not always useful.

 Qudesan q10 - natural coenzyme

Qudesan - drug based on a natural substance

Qudesan q10 is composed of natural active substance coenzyme q10. Coenzyme q10 was discovered in 1957 by Professor Crane (USA). In 1958, Wolf and Folkers (laboratory of the pharmaceutical company Merck) have published the chemical structure of the substance. Coenzyme q10 Further studies have shown that it has an extremely positive effect on the cells of the whole organism with a variety of diseases. Thus, recently published data on the regression of breast cancer with prolonged use of large doses of coenzyme q10. Pure Coenzyme q10 was first obtained in 1974 from the same time the use of this drug has been steadily increasing.

All medicinal products containing coenzyme q10 in fat-soluble form, which is not very convenient - this drug should be taken with a fatty meal, and it is not useful for all patients. The Russian pharmaceutical company AKVION first released drug, which includes a water-soluble coenzyme q10 and called him kudesanom Qudesan - restore the energy potential of the cells of the whole organism  Qudesan - restore the energy potential of the cells of the whole organism

 Qudesan q10 - natural coenzyme

Coenzyme q10 - its function in the human body

Coenzyme q10 is a biologically active substance, which is a part of enzymes, are actively involved in carbohydrate metabolism. That is, it is a coenzyme, but it is called a coenzyme, which is the same. Usually performed as a coenzyme vitamins. But vitamins - are substances that enter the body through food, or generated during digestion again their nutrients. A coenzyme q10 is synthesized directly in the cells of the human body.

Coenzyme q10 is a part of enzymes (enzymes), can greatly increase the oxidation-reduction reaction, which is formed as a result of the energy in the form of ATP. In addition, coenzyme q10 has a strong antioxidant effect, ie it inhibits the action of toxic free radicals produced in large quantities in the redox reactions.

But the problem is that the cells of the organism is not always a sufficient amount of the synthesized substance. Moreover, the amount in the blood has decreased after human growth ends, that is approximately twenty years. In various acute and chronic diseases, intoxications, stress, high physical and neuropsychiatric coenzyme q10 load amount is also reduced. It was found that elevated levels of coenzyme q10 contributes to the rapid improvement of the patient's condition.

 Qudesan q10 - natural coenzyme

Which diseases apply kudesan

Qudesan often used in complex therapy of cordial disease. Cardiac muscle work without stopping, and therefore its cells require large amounts of energy. If insufficient energy is reduced force of contraction of the heart, which means that the cells of all organs and tissues (including to the heart muscle itself) with an inadequate supply of nutrients and oxygen. Refill as Qudesan, can significantly improve the condition of patients suffering from coronary artery disease serdtsa¸ hypertension, myocarditis, rheumatic heart disease and so on.

The second highest rate of application Qudesan are diseases of the nervous system Diseases of the nervous system - the basic classification  Diseases of the nervous system - the basic classification
 : Cerebrovascular accident, encephalopathy of different origins, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease.

Furthermore, kudesan used in the complex treatment of diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 Allergic disorders (including asthma), chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience  Chronic fatigue - if life is not a pleasant experience
   and so on. Recently kudesan successfully used in immunocompromised cancer (eg, breast cancer). Widespread use kudesan found in pediatric practice. It is used to treat children suffering from encephalopathy (including perinatal, that is, occurring during pregnancy or within a month after birth), bronchial asthma, chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, and so on.

 Qudesan q10 - natural coenzyme

It can kudesan give any side effects?

They are virtually none. In rare cases, the intake of this drug are nausea and diarrhea. Sometimes there are also allergic reactions. In most cases kudesan well tolerated.

Because of contraindications to its use is only known hypersensitivity to the drug the patient. However, some patients can not take kudesan due to the fact that it is unknown exactly how it will affect them (clinical trials of the drug on this group of patients have not been conducted). It pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under one year.

Galina Romanenko

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  • kudesan
