Hemorrhoids after delivery: the main thing - prevention

May 21, 2009

  • Hemorrhoids after delivery: the main thing - prevention
  • What are hemorrhoids and how it appears

 Hemorrhoids after delivery
 Hemorrhoids - an inflammation of the veins, and (very similar to varicose veins) located around the rectum. Vienna to form nodules in the area, and the size of hemorrhoids usually varies from size to size raisin grapes. These formations can only cause a slight itching, and can be very painful. Sometimes they cause rectal bleeding, especially during defecation. Sometimes the enlarged veins protrude from the anus.

Hemorrhoids are quite common in women in late pregnancy and after childbirth. Some women develop hemorrhoids for the first time after giving birth; those who have had it before, during pregnancy in a large probability of a relapse will occur. Fortunately, in most cases this violation is fairly easy to handle.

 Hemorrhoids after delivery: the main thing - prevention

What causes hemorrhoids?

Pregnancy and childbirth make a woman prone to hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease  Hemorrhoids - a shameful disease
 And varicose veins Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?  Varicose veins - the operation is inevitable?
   on the legs, and sometimes even on the vulva, for many reasons. Firstly, the greater becomes the child, the uterus has a greater pressure on the veins of the lower part of the body including veins and located around the rectum.

Secondly, the hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 , The development of which increases significantly from the beginning of pregnancy, has a relaxing effect on the venous wall. Generally, this function of progesterone is to relax the muscles to the abdominal cavity more easily stretched under the pressure of the growing uterus and, of course, delivery to be as light as possible. With this progesterone relaxes and venous walls which result in considerably lighter stretched. Furthermore, progesterone can cause more frequent than usual, constipation, since it slows down the digestive tract. It also may eventually lead to the development of hemorrhoids.

The influence of these factors can lead to the fact that postpartum women develop full hemorrhoids. The probability of this increases if the birth was particularly traumatic and / or weight of the child significantly exceeds the average weight of newborns.

 Hemorrhoids after delivery: the main thing - prevention


Usually, hemorrhoids, which developed after birth, pretty soon goes away. However, there are ways in which you can relieve the symptoms.

  • Several times a day, apply to the anus ice cubes wrapped in a soft cloth.
  • Take warm baths if it is allowed by the doctor. (For some time after delivery bath may be contraindicated).
  • Instead of toilet paper, use wet wipes. Some pharmacies can buy wipes for people suffering from hemorrhoids.
  • Ask your doctor to recommend a safe topical anesthetics or candles. On sale there are a lot of non-prescription remedies for hemorrhoids, but the woman in the postpartum period have to consult with your doctor before taking any medication.
  • Try to reduce the pressure on the rectal veins. Try not to sit or stand for a long time. What can be done lying down, lying make - for example, go to breast feed, read or watch TV.

If severe pain can take ibuprofen - it is safe, even if you are breastfeeding. (However, if you are breastfeeding, and / or you have a risk of vaginal or rectal bleeding, do not take aspirin or any other medicines, which include acetylsalicylic acid).

Do not take painkillers in large doses than indicated on the package. If pain persists, consult a specialist.

To speed recovery, you need to avoid constipation. To do this, eat as much fiber (it is a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans), drink plenty of water (8-10 glasses per day). You need regular exercise - at least a brief walk briskly. You may want to ask your doctor to recommend a safe laxatives or supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   with fiber.

  • Feeling the urge to defecate, do not wait. Because of this chair becomes dry and hard.
  • Do Kegel exercises. This will improve blood circulation in the rectal area and strengthen the muscles around the anus, which will greatly reduce the likelihood of recurrence of hemorrhoids. These exercises strengthen and tone the muscles around the vagina and urethra, which helps you recover faster after childbirth.

If these measures prove ineffective, consult a doctor. It should also be done if you have rectal bleeding starts.

Recovery after childbirth - mission

October 19, 2008

 Recovery after childbirth
   Childbirth - it's always physical and mental shock to the woman. The body "laid out" in full and therefore requires recovery. Of course, the most important thing for a woman after rodov- this family climate. But the recovery will be faster and better, if the woman will give yourself a little bit of attention and try to implement the recommendations of doctors.

 Recovery after childbirth - mission

Condition of the body after birth

After birth, a woman's body gradually begins to recover its original shape. It's not as simple as the change affected almost all organs and systems.

At the end of pregnancy in a woman's body is up to 5 liters of extracellular fluid, which contributed to the loosening of the tissues of the birth canal and the promotion of the fetus. All this causes extra strain on the heart and swelling. Internal organs, raised and clenched enlarged uterus should "get over it" deal, take the normal position and restore its function.

Hormonal pregnant woman was largely due to the activities of the placenta after it lowered its removal, actively continues to produce hormones only to ensure the milk.

The uterus after childbirth stretched and enlarged to the extent of her depart postnatal discharge - lochia. The bones and ligaments of the pelvis during childbirth parted and stretched. During childbirth arise damage to the mucous membrane of the birth canal, and sometimes the muscles of the perineum.

To fully restore all the functions required for about two months, but it depends on the initial state of the body and how flowed pregnancy and childbirth.

 Recovery after childbirth - mission

The first three days after birth

This period usually takes place in the hospital, this time better just to lie, as the uterus begins to contract, and internal organs to crack down and fall into place. To the uterus contracts more quickly during the first day on the belly put cold water bottle, then the contraction of the uterus helps frequent nursing baby to the breast. Of particular importance in this period becomes respect for the rules of hygiene (cleaning the processing of wounds, etc.) - is prevention of obstetric complications.

 Recovery after childbirth - mission

From 4th to 14th day

The woman starts to get up and move more slowly. Breast skin begins to adapt to the process of sucking. During this period, you need to teach a child the right to take the breast (to capture not only the nipple but also the surrounding areola, or nipple to appear painful abrasions), and it is better not to wear a bra. It is recommended to regularly take medications that reduce the uterus, as well as, sometimes, sedatives, because after all migrated due to lower stress hormone activity in women can begin depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   (depressed mood).

 Recovery after childbirth - mission

From two weeks to two months

The activity of women is gradually increasing, the kid does not give her to relax, care for them requires time. By the end of this period usually recover function of the whole organism. During this period, yet can not exercise Myths about exercise: do not believe  Myths about exercise: do not believe
 And supercool, it can lead to the development of inflammation in the injured tissues even the birth canal. The baby is fed "on demand" and it contributes to the rapid recovery of hormonal levels.

 Recovery after childbirth - mission

After two months

After two months, it is already possible to think about the restoration of the figure. First of all, think about your diet. Women after childbirth, even if she did not feed the baby food restrictions are contraindicated, so it is easy to eliminate what may contribute to further deposition of fat - fried, fatty, sweet, flour. For the child, by the way, these products are also not helpful. Such restrictions to the food can and must comply with a long time.

Women are also worried about the state of his chest. In order not to stretch the chest, after two weeks, you need to wear thick cotton bra with wide straps that fits the shape of the breast Forms of Breast importantly - immutability  Forms of Breast importantly - immutability
 . To breast gradually took shape normal, breast-feeding women should as far as possible to keep your back straight and do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest (in the breast muscle itself is not). You can do push-ups on the floor, using expanders, dumbbells and so on. The main thing you need to do exercises regularly.

Increased stomach bothers most women. But that's OK, two months after giving birth they can be addressed. And he himself gradually becomes less under the influence of hormones.

 Recovery after childbirth - mission

Exercises for the belly

  A set of exercises:

  • lying on his back, lock the feet, for example, under the couch, put his hands behind his head; move from a prone position to a position tilt forward (ten times);
  • lying on his back, hands behind his head on the floor, legs raised (to 30º) and retained in that position for as long as enough forces, and then slowly fall (ten times);
  • lying on his back, hands behind his head on the floor, legs write great figures or letters;
  • sitting cross-legged put his hands behind his head and his whole body to rotate in different directions (ten times in each direction).

But the most important thing after birth - a regular long walks with the child in the fresh air - they activate the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 Restore the immune system and all body functions.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • postpartum period
