Lymph nodes in children: inflammation - a signal of a focus of infection in the body

November 22 2012

 inflammation of the lymph nodes of children
 Very often the child inflamed lymph nodes in the presence of infection in the upper respiratory tract. This chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, sinusitis and so on. Treat with only swollen lymph nodes Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection  Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection
   useless - until diagnosed and treated site of infection, lymphadenitis will recur.

 Lymph nodes in children: inflammation - a signal of a focus of infection in the body

How is the lymphatic system of the child

The lymphatic system of the child is formed gradually, as the body gradually increases the amount of the child's lymph nodes. That is why a small child is almost always vulnerable to infection. Only five or six years of his lymph nodes acquire the ability to destroy them falls in the infection, due to which the child begins to hurt less and it is very noticeable in the older groups of kindergarten. However, at this age children often develop purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes - the lymphatic system yet still imperfect.

The number of nodes increases to about ten years, and in adolescence, their number is reduced, but the functions are improved. The gradual formation of the lymphatic system of the child leads to the fact that for seven years, that is, at the time of enrollment in the first grade, a child's body is already quite successful can fight infection.

 Lymph nodes in children: inflammation - a signal of a focus of infection in the body

Why the child can begin lymphadenitis

In the presence of a child hearth persistent infection (e.g., in the form of chronic tonsillitis) the hearth is constantly maintained flaccid inflammation or infection is simply present. With the blood or lymph infectious agents get into the nearby lymph nodes, whose main task - getting rid of the body from foreign agents. To cope with the task, lymphoid tissue, which consists of immune cells, starts to grow, lymph nodes increase in volume - the so-called reactive inflammation.

If the lymph node is unable to cope with the task to eliminate the infection, then it develops an infectious-inflammatory process with the formation of pus. This lymph node swells, becomes painful and the skin over it is red. This process is called secondary lymphadenitis.

Primary lymphadenitis a child - a rare phenomenon, it usually develops only after injury, when the infection from the injury with blood enters the lymph node.

It is very dangerous at the same time increasing the number of groups of lymph nodes. However, they are generally not inflamed and painful and if then only slightly. This may indicate the presence of a child's blood disorder. Malignant tumors can also give rise to the nearby lymph nodes. Such a reaction of the immune system suggests that the child's body is fighting with cancer and tries to destroy the cancer cells.

 Lymph nodes in children: inflammation - a signal of a focus of infection in the body

How is an inflammation of the lymph nodes in children

About the beginning of lymphadenitis says violation of the general condition of the child, fever, chills, malaise, headache. Simultaneously appear local changes in one or more lymph nodes. A few days before the general violations lymph nodes may be slightly enlarged and painful.

Sometimes such a state can be held for a long time, but if there is the temperature, the more lymph nodes increases and the skin over them could blush. It is not just the increase in reactive and inflammation in the lymph nodes.

 Lymph nodes in children: inflammation - a signal of a focus of infection in the body

What to do if your child has increased lymph nodes?

Just go to the doctor. Independently treat the child can not, especially dangerous in this case the warming process. Already on the basis of examination and questioning parents doctor may suggest the cause of increase in the lymph nodes.

For the diagnosis of the child will be assigned to the general analysis of blood and expert advice in the first place otolaryngologist. After analysis of the first results of the survey can be assigned, and other diagnostic procedures.

 Lymph nodes in children: inflammation - a signal of a focus of infection in the body

How is the child lymphadenitis

Since lymphadenitis in children - almost always secondary disease, primarily detected and treated the site of infection. Very often, these centers are the other organs of the lymphatic system, which are also "collect" the infection - chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils  Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
   and chronic adenoids. The more a child is sick with different upper respiratory infection, the greater grows increasingly inflamed and the tissue of the tonsils and adenoids Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil  Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil
 And then together with them and the tissue surrounding lymph nodes.

If the inflammation is under infiltration, that is, if the abscess has not yet formed, prescribe antibiotics and dry heat (of course, if the child has a high temperature). When lymph node abscess Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   It opened and then carried out the usual treatment of purulent wounds.

The state of the lymph nodes of the child should always pay attention.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • lymph nodes

Motilium for children - a suspension

February 24, 2013

 motilium children
 Children, as well as adults may suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Very often such diseases occur in children of school age, when food becomes irregular, there is significant neuro-psychological load and stress. The correct destination, with all the indications and contraindications, motilium children can greatly facilitate their state.

 Motilium for children - a suspension

Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children

Phenomena such as abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite in children are common, and in most cases are the result of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Often these disorders begin as early as infancy, and then with the growth of the baby gets its further development. They are formed on the background of the age of imperfection secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. These violations can join dysbacterioses intestine, which entail a decrease in immunity.

Violations of the motor (motor) function most often seen in children in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the decline in motor function of the stomach and slow emptying may eventually lead to the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease (return of food masses flowing from the stomach into the esophagus). And as the food in the stomach mixed with the acidic gastric juice, it will irritate the esophagus, causing the development of inflammation - reflux esophagitis or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Treat GERD difficult as this may be adversely affected esophageal wall. Therefore, you should as soon as possible to identify, examine and treat children with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

 Motilium for children - a suspension

Motilium Application for the treatment of disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract

Recently, for the treatment of functional disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract in children is often used motilium. Active ingredient of this drug is domperidone - peripheral dopamine receptor blocker.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter - a substance with which nerve impulses are transmitted from the stomach into the central nervous system (CNS). Blocking transmission of these pulses results in the suppression of nausea and vomiting. Since dopamine suppress the motor activity of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, its receptor blockers (including motilium) this activity is amplified. Motilium increases gastric motility, increases lower esophageal sphincter tone, stimulates peristalsis of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, reduces the movement of food through the small intestine mass.

Most of the functional disorders of the digestive system in children is associated with motor impairment, therefore the use of Motilium Motilium - help with the vomiting and impaired motor activity of the stomach  Motilium - help with the vomiting and impaired motor activity of the stomach
   not only to relieve the discomfort and pain of the child, but also prevent the development of GERD.

A feature of this formulation is that it is practically misses in the brain, that is, does not overcome the blood-brain barrier, and hence very rarely causes adverse effects on the central nervous system. These side effects may manifest as drowsiness, fatigue, weakness, anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Headaches, dizziness, convulsive twitching of facial muscles and so on.

 Motilium for children - a suspension

How to take

Motilium is available in three dosage forms: tablets, coated tablets for oral, lingual lozenge in the mouth and a suspension for oral administration. The first two dosage forms used to treat older children and adolescents, and the suspension may be used to treat children of all ages as well as adults.

Motilium Take a half hour before eating, tablets for oral washed down with water. Lingual tablet placed on the tongue and kept there until the tablet disintegrates, then swallow with saliva (water does not wash down). The suspension was taken previously thoroughly shaking the vial in accordance with the age dosage, calculated by weight of the child, are dosed by means of a syringe supplied with the slurry.

 Motilium for children - a suspension

Contraindications for the purpose Motilium children

Motilium should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its components, intestinal obstruction, suspected gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation (tampering) of the wall of the stomach or intestines, taking certain medications (eg, ketoconazole), as well as higher blood pituitary hormone prolactin Prolactin - effect on the body is not fully known  Prolactin - effect on the body is not fully known

Motilium can be administered to children only by a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • motilium
