DTP vaccination - will protect the baby from whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus

June 19, 2014

 DPT vaccination
 DPT vaccination is a part of the national immunization calendar in our country. Vaccination protects against the most dangerous to life and health of the child infections. Due to DTP vaccination in our country is completely eradicated a dangerous infection such as diphtheria, also rare among children pertussis and tetanus.


Formation of immunity to infectious diseases

Normally, in response to a hit in the body of an infectious agent begins to produce special types of proteins - antibodies, which are called antibodies. Antibodies bind to infectious agents, which are foreign to the human body (antigens) and neutralize them. Thus formed immunity to the infection.

In vivo formation of immunity is almost always accompanied by illness, sometimes very serious. In order to avoid this, we developed special products (vaccines), composed of attenuated or killed pathogens. After administration of the vaccine in the body also developed antibodies to HIV, which protect the body from disease.


What is DTP vaccination

DTP - is adsorbed diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine. The vaccine consists of a suspension of killed pertussis rods and purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, x deposited on aluminum hydroxide gel. The vaccine protects your baby from dangerous infections such as diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, which is very dangerous for young children.

DTP vaccine meets the requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO). One its vaccination dose of 0, 5 ml contains not less than 30 IU International (MIE) of diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid MIE 60 and at least 4 international units of protective (Mze) pertussis vaccines.

DTP vaccine is a cell, because it contains killed (inactivated) cells pertussis This pest, pest whooping ...  This pest, pest whooping ...

There are analogues of acellular DPT vaccine. These include vaccines Infanrix (GlaxoSmithKline, UK) and Pentaxim (Sanofi Pasteur, France). The structure also includes a vaccine Pentaxim poliomielina vaccine and Haemophilus influenzae type b. Acellular vaccines are better tolerated by the human body, so include only the basic elements of the bacterial cells necessary for the formation of immunity, with no other biologically active substances that can cause post-vaccination complications.


When and how is introduced DTP

DTP vaccination consists of three injections of the vaccine at intervals of 45 days. The first administration of the vaccine starts at the age of three months. One year after vaccination revaccination with DTP. After that vaccination against pertussis in this country are not doing, and vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus Tetanus - a constant companion of man  Tetanus - a constant companion of man
   continue to conduct diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (Td). In 7 years it held the second revaccination in 14 years - the third. In the future, revaccination should be carried out every 10 years.

DTP vaccine is administered intramuscularly at a dose strictly 0, 5 mL, the recommended injection site - perednenaruzhnoy middle third of the thigh. Before the introduction, make sure that the needle does not penetrate a blood vessel.


This is counter-DTP vaccination

Vaccination DTP can not be done with any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic disease, when expressed by a progressive disorder of the brain of the child, including those accompanied by convulsions.

Contraindications for the next administration of DTP is also a strong reaction, which developed within 48 hours after the previous administration of a vaccine containing pertussis components: increase in body temperature to 40 ° C and above, the syndrome of prolonged unusual crying, cramps and other disorders of the central nervous system.

Absolute contraindication for administration of DTP is an allergic reaction that occurred against the background of the previous administration of the vaccine.


Adverse reactions to the vaccine DTP

Adverse reactions to DTP can be local and general. Local reactions manifest themselves as reddening and induration at the injection site and developed within 48 hours after vaccination. In rare cases, severe local reactions are, when swelling captures two or more joints. But such reactions are themselves in 3-5 days.

Common reactions - fever (from minor to high numbers), irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
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   (insomnia or sleepiness), appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, prolonged crying. In rare cases may cause allergic rash, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, seizures.

DTP vaccination protects the baby from deadly infections.

Galina Romanenko

 DTP vaccination - will protect the baby from whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus

Everything you wanted to know about DTP vaccination

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  • immunizations
