Motilium and grudnichok - a real help when intestinal colic and regurgitation

February 24, 2013

 motilium grudnichok
 All parents who have been "school" care for the child up to a year, know that the problems of the gastrointestinal tract are found in almost all babies. They can manifest regurgitation, bloating, and clicks, alternating constipation and diarrhea, and so on.

 Motilium and grudnichok - a real help when intestinal colic and regurgitation

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children under one year

Most of the problems of the gastrointestinal tract in infants are associated with functional immaturity of the digestive system, that is, with the imperfection of the motor and secretory functions, which are combined with dysbiosis first months of life (child's intestine is populated by microorganisms, many of which are not useful). Dysbacteriosis inhibits maturation of the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   child, since most of immune cells produced in the lymphoid tissue of the intestine.

All of these functional disorders often lead to the appearance of the child vomiting, intestinal colic attacks (spasms of smooth muscles of the intestine on a background of flatulence - the baby cries of pain), alternating constipation and diarrhea.

Frequent habitual regurgitation, lag in physical development should be an occasion to examine the child and the timely detection of congenital disorders of the digestive system. But in most cases of regurgitation are functional disorders. However, they also need to be treated differently with age on the background of such functional disorders may be formed gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This disease is associated with long-term irritation of the stomach acidic stomach contents flowing back into it when the esophagus. Irritation gradually leads to chronic inflammation, which is difficult to cure.

Intestinal colic occurs in some children after each feeding - it increases the motor activity of the intestine against the backdrop of increased gas (flatulence). Of great importance is slow maturation of enzyme systems - with a lack of digestive enzymes occurs improper digestion to produce large amounts of gases. Finally, there is the imperfection and nervous regulation of the intestine.

Functional disorders of the digestive system in infants should be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician.

 Motilium and grudnichok - a real help when intestinal colic and regurgitation

How to treat regurgitation and vomiting of intestinal colic in children under one year

Since frequent vomiting and intestinal clicks related to the violation of motor activity of smooth muscles of the digestive organs, to treat them can be used motilium - a drug that helps to activate the motility of the digestive system. Children under one year motilium administered as a suspension.

Active ingredient motilium Motilium - help with the vomiting and impaired motor activity of the stomach  Motilium - help with the vomiting and impaired motor activity of the stomach
   It is domperidone, which belongs to a group of drugs - dopamine receptor antagonists. Dopamine - a neurotransmitter (a substance which is transmitted via nerve stimulation), which suppresses motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Motilium getting blocked dopamine on specific receptors, suppressing, thus its effect. It increases the tone and activates the motility of the digestive system. Most importantly, one hundred and activates the tone lower esophageal sphincter that prevents regurgitation.

Motilium primarily stimulates gastric motility, but in young children, and it applies to the intestines - derived timely stool and gases, decreases the risk of intestinal colic.

 Motilium and grudnichok - a real help when intestinal colic and regurgitation


It is important to apply for the treatment of regurgitation motilium and intestinal colic only on prescription, since only a doctor can determine if a child contraindications for such treatment.

Do not use this Motilium pi suspected bowel obstruction Ileus - the reasons may be different  Ileus - the reasons may be different
 , Perforation of the bowel wall, bleeding from the stomach or intestine. This drug can not be given in the event that the child has signs of hypersensitivity to it, such as allergic rashes on the body The rash on the body: the conclusions only after consultation with a doctor  The rash on the body: the conclusions only after consultation with a doctor

 Motilium and grudnichok - a real help when intestinal colic and regurgitation

Efficacy and safety of the treatment of infants motilium

Motilium is the safest drug belonging to the group of dopamine receptor antagonists. It hardly enters the central nervous system and, therefore, does not cause its associated complications characteristic of other drugs in this group, for example Cerucalum.

Motilium is widely used for the treatment of functional disorders of the digestive system in children under one year. But before it is necessary to exclude the use of heavy organic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Make it can only be a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • motilium

Jodomarin for children - used to prevent iodine deficiency diseases and conditions

December 2, 2012

 jodomarin children
 Jodomarin - a drug that contains iodine - a mineral necessary for the proper development of the child. Since in our country in most regions revealed a lack of iodine in the environment, and therefore in the plants and animals that are food for human jodomarin often given to children as a prophylactic measure.

 Jodomarin for children - used to prevent iodine deficiency diseases and conditions

What are the symptoms of iodine deficiency in a child

From iodine deficiency child may suffer even in utero, if there was not enough iodine in the body of the mother. This often leads to the birth of mentally retarded children and children with various developmental abnormalities.

For children of preschool and school-age iodine deficiency is manifested by lethargy, apathy, drowsiness, reduced memory and intelligence.

Why is this happening? The fact that iodine is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which have a full effect on the body. Under their influence is carried out all the biochemical processes that make up the metabolism and it can not affect the status of all organs and body systems.

A child of the main "target" with a lack of iodine (ie thyroid hormone) is the brain. Lethargy, drowsiness and lack of interest in anything else - is the lack of impact of the stimulating effect of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   on the brain.

It is difficult to assess the damage that causes deficiency of iodine students - it is able to reverse the fate of the little man, depriving him of his education, the desire to get an interesting profession and to achieve success in life.

That is why the World Health Organization (WHO), more than twenty years ago, announced that the majority of children in the world suffer from iodine deficiency. This fully applies to our country, where iodine deficiency is detected in most regions.

In this regard, developed scheme of prevention of iodine deficiency in children, which include preventive measures relating to the entire child population of disadvantaged regions of iodine content, but above all such activities should be carried out in high-risk groups.

 Jodomarin for children - used to prevent iodine deficiency diseases and conditions

Which children are at risk of developing iodine deficiency disorders

Risk groups include:

  • babies who are bottle-fed, but do not get enriched with iodine nutritional formula;
  • Children from one to four years do not consume iodized products (almost all children is as iodinated products for this age group have not performed);
  • children of preschool and school-age children who are sick, are lagging behind in the physical and psychological development, poorly in school;
  • children who have close relatives suffering from endemic goiter Endemic goiter - if not enough iodine  Endemic goiter - if not enough iodine
  • Teenagers from 11 to 18 years - at this time the body needs increased amounts of iodine and so can be taken continuously jodomarin;
  • children after treatment of endemic goiter;
  • children living in the contaminated areas; in this case iodine, coming from jodomarin Jodomarin - will fill the deficit of iodine in the body  Jodomarin - will fill the deficit of iodine in the body
 , Prevents the intake in the radioactive iodine.

 Jodomarin for children - used to prevent iodine deficiency diseases and conditions

Appointment jodomarin children prophylactically

If a child under one year receives the chest, and the mother receives a daily 200 micrograms jodomarin, the additional prescribing iodine it is not required.

If a child up to a year is formula-fed, in its ready-to-use nutritional formula must contain at least 100 micrograms of iodine per liter. If the iodine contained in the mixture is less, it is desirable to conduct more preventive jodomarin, while the dosage must appoint a physician.

In order to prevent endemic goiter children under twelve years jodomarin appoint 50-100 mg per day. From 12 to 18 years - 100-200 mg per day. Apply it long courses, for example, a teenager from 11 to 18 years without a break.

 Jodomarin for children - used to prevent iodine deficiency diseases and conditions

In what cases can not be used in children jodomarin

Children are usually few contraindications for the prevention of iodine deficiency disorders. First of all, individual intolerance of components, increased thyroid function The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   (in children is relatively rare, but still occurs), as well as the treatment of various diseases (mostly cancer) with radioactive iodine.

An overdose of the application of preventive doses jodomarin does not happen, does not occur at the same time and yodizma - chronic intoxication iodine.

Jodomarin needs children living in disadvantaged on the content of iodine in the environment of the region. Assigns preventive courses jodomarin doctor. It also determines the duration of his admission. Parents need to know that iodine is one of the most necessary for the proper physical and psychological development of the child minerals.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • jodomarin
